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ひざかけをかけていいですか って英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/12/05 06:41
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  • Can I please bring a blanket to the lesson it is very cold.

  • It is very cold in here, would it be okay if I put a blanket over my legs.

"Can I please bring a blanket to the lesson it is very cold. " This asks the teacher if it is okay for you to bring a blanket to the next lesson as the room is very cold. When asking your child's teacher you can ask "Can (child's name) please use a blanket at the next lesson as she gets cold in this room. "It is very cold in here, would it be okay if I put a blanket over my legs." This politely asks the teacher if it is okay with him/her if you place a blanket over your lege during the lesson as the room is very cold. When addressing the child's teacher you can say "It is very cold in here, would it be okay if (child's name) put a blanket over his/her legs.
"Can I please bring a blanket to the lesson it is very cold. " (寒かったらクラスにブランケットを持ってきてもいいですか?) これは教室が寒いので次のレッスンにブランケットを持ってきてもいいか尋ねる表現です。 お子さんの先生に、次のように質問することが出来ます。 "Can (child's name) please use a blanket at the next lesson as she gets cold in this room. (教室が寒かったら、次のレッスンに ○○はブランケットを使ってもいいですか?) "It is very cold in here, would it be okay if I a blanket over my legs." (ここはとても寒いので、ブランケットを膝にかけてもいいですか?) これは丁寧な表現で、教室が寒いのでひざ掛けをかけてもいいですか、と言う質問になります。 次のようにお子さんの先生に尋ねることが出来ます。 "It is very cold in here, would it be okay if (child's name) put a blanket over his/her legs. (教室がとても寒いので○○はひざ掛けをかけてもいいですか?)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Is it OK if I wrap myself and my child in a lap blanker as it's very cold here?

  • 2. My child is cold and I'm just going to wrap him up in a lap blanket

  • 3. I am cold and I'm just going to wrap my legs in a lap blanket

1. Isn it OK if...? We use this constuction when we wish to ask for permission, or check with the listener first, before we do something. 2. If you and your child are both cold, then the wrapping of the blanket or blankets will be for both of you. However, in this example sentence, you are only talking about a blanket for your child. 3. In this sentence you are cold and you want to remedy that situation.
1.何かをお願いしたい時に"Isn it OK if...?"この構文を使ってまず最初に相手の許可や確認を得てから尋ねます。 2.あなたとあなたの子供の両方が寒くて、ひざ掛けをかけたいのはあなた方二人ですが、この例文はお子さんの事だけを話しています。 3.この表現はあなたは寒いのでこの状況をどうにかしたい、と言う意味になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind if we/I use a blanket during the lesson? As it is quite cold

You would not need to specify that it is a lap blanket, because there are not specific blankets for different body parts.
膝以外のためのblanketはないため具体的に lap blanketという必要はありません。
Kirst English teacher
  • Do you mind if I grab a blanket, it's really cold today.

We say do you mind to be polite. We often know that what we are asking will be okay but we do it out of respect and politeness. We say 'grab' something because it is natural and casual and means we won't take too long in getting something. "Can you grab me a drink". "Just grab the change off the table".
丁寧にするために"Do you mind"と言います。(~しても大丈夫ですか?) 私たちは時々、大丈夫だとは思うけど、 相手への気持ちを配慮し礼儀からこの質問をします。 何かを'grab'(つかむ)とは、自然でカジュアルな表現なので、 何かを取ってくるのに時間はかかりません、と言う意味で使います。 【例】 "Can you grab me a drink". (飲み物買ってきてくれない?) "Just grab the change off the table". (とにかくテーブルからお釣りをつかみ取りなさい)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if I use a blanket on my lap? I am a little cold.

"Is it okay if..." this first part of the sentence is asking for permission from the teacher. In England, we wouldn't really use the phrase "lap blanket", we would just say "put a blanket on my lap". This question is okay on its own, but you could add "I am a little cold" if you wanted to.
文の初めの "Is it okay if..."(...してもいいですか)は、先生の許可を求めています。 イングランドではあまり "lap blanket" というフレーズは使われません。単に "put a blanket on my lap"(膝に毛布を掛ける)と言います。この質問だけでもいいですが、"I am a little cold"(少し寒いです)を加えることもできます。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Is it OK to put a blanket over his/her legs?

★ポイント:この状況では、「ダメです」という答えが返ってくる可能性はとても低い(^^;ので、許可を得るというよりも、確認をとるという感じの聞き方が良いと思います。 →Is it OK to put a blanket over his/her legs? 英語職人☺
  • Can I use a lap blanket? it's a bit cold

  • Could I bring a lap blanket as it's a bit cold today

To bring something means to have something with you to use to use something means to do something with an object (blanket) for a reason (because it's cold)
To bring something' は「~を持って来る」という意味です。 'To use something' は、ある理由(=寒い)で物(=毛布)を使って何かをすることをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if I use a lap blanket? It's quite cold in here.

  • Can you give me a second to get a blanket? It's getting cold in here.

If you want to ask your English teacher if you can put on a lap blanket, you can say: "Is it okay if I use a lap blanket? It's quite cold in here." "Can you give me a second to get a blanket? It's getting cold in here."
膝掛けをかけてもいいか英語の先生に確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Is it okay if I use a lap blanket? It's quite cold in here."(膝掛けをかけてもいいですか、ここちょっと寒いので) "Can you give me a second to get a blanket? It's getting cold in here."(膝掛けをかけてもいいですか、ちょっと寒くなってきました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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