世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 12:49
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  • Due to the stress of long working hours in Japan the rate of incidental deaths(karoshi) and suicide are very high.

  • Many people die from stress related issues and suicide because of the long working hours in Japan.

"Due to the stress of long working hours in Japan, the rate of incidental deaths(karoshi) and suicide are very high." This explains that the number of deaths and suicides related to long working hours in Japan is very high. "Many people die from stress-related issues and suicide because of the long working hours in Japan." This explains that a large number of people dies from stress or suicide because of the long working hours.
"Due to the stress of long working hours in Japan, the rate of incidental deaths(karoshi) and suicide are very high." (長時間勤務のストレスによって日本では過労死や自殺の割合が高くなっている) これは長時間勤務に関する死亡や自殺の割合が日本ではとても高い、という説明になります。 "Many people die from stress-related issues and suicide because of the long working hours in Japan." (日本では多くの人が長時間勤務によるストレスによって死亡したり自殺したりしている) これは多くの人々が長時間勤務のストレスなどにより死亡したり自殺したりしている、と言う事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • There are many deaths and suicides in Japan due to people being overworked.

Overworked is a common adjective to describe most peoples job situation. If you have a high demanding job, many people will be overworked and feel exhausted to even think about work. Being overworked can lead to stress and other serious health problems and even suicide.
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, the pressure of long working hours frequently leads to either incidental death (karoshhi) or suicide

if someone continually puts them,selves under pressure in terms of arduous work or extended working hours then eventually, if not within a short time, there will be some negative phytsical side effects from this sitruation. We often talk aout 'the pressure of work' or 'overwork.' Examples of 'incidental' death would be heart attack, stroke or perhaps psychological instability
仕事によるプレッシャーや精神的につらい仕事、超過勤務 などの状況が続くと身体的によくない副作用が起こってきます。 私たちはよく 'the pressure of work'(仕事のプレッシャー)や 'overwork'(働きすぎ)について話をします。 'incidental'(偶発的な)死などの例に "heart attack"(心筋梗塞), "stroke"(脳卒中)やもしかすると"psychological instability"(精神不安定)などがあるかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Many people are over worked in Japan, which sadly often results in karoshi deaths.

Over worked- This tells the listener that people are pushed very hard, either working very long hours or in high stress environments.
Over worked- これはプレッシャーがある環境で、もしくは長い間働いているという意味です。
Kirst English teacher
  • In Japan today, people work excessively long hours which causes burnout-related deaths and suicides.

  • In recent years in Japan, it has been discovered that overwork can cause stress-related deaths and even suicides.

  • Deaths and even suicides due to burnout have become a major issue in Japan these days.

Burnout is physical or mental collapse caused by stress, so this word clearly indicates what results from overwork without needing a lengthy explanation. You can use, "burnout-related" and "stress-related" as adjectives for the deaths and suicides. You can also say that these problems are "due to burnout," showing that it was the cause.
「burnout」は、ストレスによって精神的・肉体的に疲れ果てることをいいます。長々しい説明なしに、過労から生じる結果を示すことができます。 「burnout-related(過労に関連する)」や「stress-related(ストレスに関連する)」は、過労死や過労自殺を表すときに形容詞として使えます。 ほかに「due to burnout(過労が原因で)」も使えます。
Amy H English teacher
  • There have been many deaths and suicides in Japan because people tend to work really long hours.

  • Due to the long working hours in Japan, there have been deaths and suicides in recent years.

When you want to explain that there has been many incidents of deaths and suicides due to people being overworked; you can express it in the following ways: -There have been many deaths and suicides in Japan because people tend to work really long hours. -Due to the long working hours in Japan, there have been deaths and suicides in recent years.
過労死・過労自殺が多いことを説明したいなら、以下のように言えます。 例文 -There have been many deaths and suicides in Japan because people tend to work really long hours. (日本では長時間労働が原因で、最近過労死や過労自殺が多いです) -Due to the long working hours in Japan, there have been deaths and suicides in recent years. (日本では長時間労働が原因で、最近過労死や過労自殺が多いです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Suicide and Karoshi has been linked to stress and overworking in Japan.

  • Stress and overworking in Japan have been found as the main contributors to karoshi and suicide.

"Suicide and Karoshi has been linked to stress and overworking in Japan." "Stress and overworking in Japan have been found as the main contributors to karoshi and suicide." Suicide can be induced by overwork-related stresses or when businessmen are laid off from their jobs. When one is feeling overworked the body can respond in a total meltdown which in most cases is severe illness. However in some extreme cases death can occur.
"Suicide and Karoshi has been linked to stress and overworking in Japan." (自殺と過労死はストレスと過重労働と関係しています) "Stress and overworking in Japan have been found as the main contributors to karoshi and suicide." (ストレスと過重労働は過労死と自殺の主な要因となっています) 過労によるストレスや失業が自殺の原因になることがあります。 過労により体を壊して深刻な病気になることもあります。場合によっては、死に至ることもあります。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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