世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/06 09:01
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  • I wasn't sure what his intentions were

  • I struggled to read him

Intentions' are what a person wants or intends to do - their true wishes. People can have good or bad intentions. If it is difficult to tell what somebody is feeling or whether or not someone is being honest, you can add that you are 'struggling to read' them.
Intentions' とは~する意思、腹づもりと言う意味になります。 本当に何かを望む気持ちと言う事になります。 人々は良い、悪い "intentions"(~したい気持ち)を持っています。 他の人がどのような気持ちなのか、正直な気持ちで話をしているのか理解するのは難しいですよね。 'struggling to read' と言う表現を付け加えることが出来ます。 (必死で読み取ろうとしている)
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't sure if he was serious when he ws speaking with me

  • His facial expression did not match the words he ws saying

  • His messsage and body language was, in part, both contradictory and unclear

In romantic relationships, emotions may be concealed, displayed or subject to change. Jealousy and mistrust may be aspects which arise and when dealing with all these possibilities, if two people have had a committed and mutual connection, then they will feel strongly and possibly be emotional or over-emotional when discussing this subject together. the word 'serious' is often used when talking about relationships as it shows a person's intent and committment to the relationship. So, people are considered to be either 'serious' about buildinmg a relationship, or 'not serious' because they are just having fun and do not want any commitment.
恋愛関係の場合、気持ちを隠したり見せたり、又はころころ変わってしまう事があります。 "Jealousy or mistrust"(嫉妬や不信感)の見方からこれらの可能性が浮かび上がってきます。 もし二人が献身的に互いにつながり合っていたら、彼らは強くお互いの事を思っているのでこれらの事を話し合うことが出来るでしょう。 この 'serious' (真剣)とは真剣な付き合いをしている時の関係などに使います。 ですので、関係を気付き上げていくことに 'serious'(真剣) か、もしくはただ楽しんでいるだけで責任を負いたくない場合 'not serious' (真剣じゃない)のどちらかですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He/she was hard to read.

When we say someone is hard to read, we mean that we cannot read their emotions or facial expressions. It would typically describe someone who does not express themselves well or are very good at keeping a poker face (blank expression). If you are trying to determine how a person feels about something, if they are hard to read you would have to bluntly ask them their opinion.
誰かの事が"hard to read"と言う事は、表情や感情が読めないという意味になります。 これはあまり表情に感情を表さない人や "poker face"(無表情な人)の事を表現するときに使う典型的な言い方です。 誰かがどんなふうに思っているのか判断しようとするのであれば、率直的に彼らの意見を聞くしかないでしょう。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I could not be sure if his feelings were inline with what he was saying or not.

  • I was not sure if he was being honest about what he was saying.

"I could not be sure if his feelings were in line with what he was saying or not." This is one way of explaining that you could not be sure if he was telling the truth. "I was not sure if he was being honest about what he was saying." This also explains that you cant be sure if he was saying exactly how he felt when he was speaking to you.
"I could not be sure if his feelings were in line with what he was saying or not." (彼が言っていることが彼の気持ちなのかどうかわからなかった) これは彼が本当の事を言っているのかどうか確かじゃない、と言う事を説明しています。 "I was not sure if he was being honest about what he was saying." (彼が正直に本当の事を言っているのか分からなかった) これもまた、彼が本当の気持ちを話しているかどうかわからなかった、という説明になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't sure what he was really thinking

  • He was so hard to read

If you are not clear what someone is thinking then you would say you were not sure 'I wasn't sure' there is a term we use 'hard to read' meanng you can't tell what someone is thinkng/feeling from their expressions and body language
誰かの考えていることがよく分からないなら、'I wasn't sure'(よく分からなかった)と言えます。 英語には、'hard to read' という表現があります。これは、表情や身ぶりからその人の考えていることが読み取れないことをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't sure is he was being real.

  • I didn't trust what he was saying.

"Being real" is a common phrase we use in English. It would only be used in informal settings. It simply means being 'truthful' or acting in a way that is 'real' opposed to 'fake'. The other sentence "I didn't trust what he was saying" is saying that you do not believe the words he was saying. If you are unsure, you could swap "I didn't trust" with "I'm not sure if I trust".
"being real" は英語でよく使われるフレーズです。これはインフォーマルな場面でのみ使われます。「正直である」あるいは「行動が 'fake'(偽物)でなく 'real'(本物)」という意味です。 もう一つの文 "I didn't trust what he was saying" は「彼の言っていることを信じなかった」という意味です。 はっきり分からないなら、"I didn't trust" を "I'm not sure if I trust" に置き換えることができます。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know where I stand with him.

  • I could not read him.

  • I could not get a handle on the situation.

I don't know where I stand with him. This means that you are unsure of his feelings towards you. I could not read him. This means that you were unable to easily understand what he was thinking or feeling. I could not get a handle on the situation. This means that you were unable to fully understand the situation. This phrase can be used when referring to both personal or business situations.
I don't know where I stand with him.(彼とどう付き合っていいかわからない) これは、自分に対するその人の気持ちが分からないという意味です。 ---- I could not read him.(彼の気持ちが分からなかった) これは、その人の考えていること、感じていることがよく分からなかったという意味です。 ---- I could not get a handle on the situation.(状況を把握できなかった) これは、状況を把握できなかったという意味です。このフレーズは私的な状況について言う場合にもビジネスの状況について言う場合にも使えます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • His motive was unclear.

  • I had no idea what he was thinking.

  • I couldn't figure out if he was being serious.

If you want to explain that someone's words are not matching their emotions, you can say: "His motive was unclear." "I had no idea what he was thinking." "I couldn't figure out if he was being serious."
言葉と感情が一致しないことは次のように表せます。 "His motive was unclear."(動機は不明だった) "I had no idea what he was thinking."(彼が何を考えているのか分からなかった) "I couldn't figure out if he was being serious."(彼が本気で言っているのかどうか分からなかった)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • At that time, I didn't know what he was really thinking.

ポイントは「彼の本心」の言い表し方だと思うのですが、これは1つには、 what he was really thinking「彼が本当に考えていたこと」 と表現できると思います。 これは、間接疑問文のwhatですね(*^_^*) At that time, I didn't know what he was really thinking. 「その時、彼が本当に何を考えているのか分からなかった」 例) Nobody knows what she's really thinking. 「彼女の本心(=「彼女が本当に何を考えているか」)は誰にも分からない」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I was unsure of what he really felt since his facial expressions were off.

  • His facial expressions didn't match his speech.

'Facial expressions' is a term used to describe the way one's face appears when experiencing a certain mood. When someone's facial expression looks different from the tone, or expression in their voice when speaking, we can say the following: I was unsure of what he really felt since his facial expressions were off. or His facial expressions didn't match his speech. The term 'to be off' means to not seem correct.
Anders DMM英会話講師
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