世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/09 08:30
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  • How's Japan going?

  • How's everything over there?

"How's Japan going?" and "How's everything over there" is a casual way of asking about the person in questions experience so far in the place they are visiting or living. It is a broad question and can be expected with a broad answer. Adding "today" to the end of each sentence will narrow the question down to their daily activities and would more often be used if you have been in contact with the person frequently. Similar questions excluding the context of somewhere foreign could be "how's life?" or "how are things?".
"How's Japan going?" (日本はどう?) "How's everything over there" (そちらはどう?) これらはカジュアルな表現である場所の状況はどうか尋ねる表現になります。 これは広範囲にわたる質問なので広範囲にわたる答えが予想されます。 "today"(今日)を文末に付けくわえることによって、質問を彼らの毎日の活動や出会った人などに絞り込むことが出来ます。 外国の場所などを外して、同じような質問があります。 "how's life?"や "how are things?"(最近どう?) 他には: "What is Japan like today?" (今日・現在の日本はどんな感じ?) シンプルに直訳に近いですが、こちらも参考にしてください。
Josh P DMM英会話講師
  • Whats happening in (country name) today?

  • Whats new in (Country name)?

"Whats happening in (country name) today?" This asks the person to tell you what is going on in their country that day. "Whats new in (Country name)?" This asks them to tell you about anything new that may have happened that day on recently.
"Whats happening in (country name) today?" (~の国では今日は何が起こっていますか?) これはその日にその国で何が起こっているのか尋ねる表現です。 "Whats new in (Country name)?" (~の国では何か変わったことが起こってる?) これは何か新しい事や変わったことがその国で起きているのか尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What is happening in your country today?

  • What are the current affairs in your country?

*What is happening in your country today? This means you would like to know if there is anything happening in their country that is specific. *What are the current affairs in your country? Current affairs are stories that either political or social happening in someone's country. For example: " I think I have grown an interest in Japan's current affairs."
*What is happening in your country today? (あなたの国では今日は何が起こっていますか?) これは彼らの国、特定の国で何か起こっているか知りたいという意味になります。 *What are the current affairs in your country? (あなたの国の最近の出来事は何ですか?) Current affairsとは政治的な事又は社会的な事どちらの事でもその国で起こっていることを意味します。 【例】 " I think I have grown an interest in Japan's current affairs." (最近の日本情勢に興味を持っています)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 1. What's the current situation in Germany?

  • 2. What's life in Japan like these days?

1. This question seems a little formal as if the person speaking is a journalist or TV interviewer. This form may be appropriate in a business situation when asking about sales, or how things are going for the company in that country. 2. Here you are asking about 'life' which is a general query and may be answered from an individual perspective. Obviously that question may give rise to varying responses depending on that person's personal impressions nand position.
1. この質問はジャーナリストやテレビのインタビューなどで使われる少しフォーマルな表現です。 この表現はビジネス上の売り上げや、その国の状況を尋ねたりするのにふさわしい表現でしょう。 2.この 'life'(生活)を使って一般的な質問をすると個人的な見方から返事が返ってくるでしょう。 間違いなくこの質問の答えは様々な個人的な立場から色々な返事が返ってくるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What's going on in your country?

  • What's up in your country?

What's up? - this is another way of asking how are things going. This is used very informally, and can even be used as a greeting between friends. What's going on in your country? - the "going on's" is another way to say the "events" or "things that are happening." So this is another way to ask what's happening.
What's up? (どうしてる?) - これはどうしていますかと尋ねる時の一つの表現です。 とてもインフォーマルな表現で友達同士の間で使われます。 What's going on in your country? (あなたの国では何が起こっていますか?) - この "going on's"とは "events"(出来事) や "things that are happening"(起こっている出来事)を言いあらわず時の一つの表現です。 ですので、これは"what's happening"(何が起こっていますか)と聞くときのもう一つの表現です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • How's Japan today?

  • Is there anything new happening in Germany today?

  • What's happening in Italy today?

These are all suitable for asking what a different country is like today if you are asking about events then `How's Japan today?' or What's happening in Japan today? If you know about the country then you could use `is there anything new happening in Japan today?' A common question that the British like to ask is "What's the weather like today?"
三例とも、違う国のその日の様子を尋ねるときに使えます。 出来事について聞くなら、「How's Japan today?」または「What's happening in Japan today?」が使えます。その国について知っているなら、「Is there anything new happening in Japan today?」と聞けます。 イギリス人がよく聞く質問としては「What's the weather like today?(今日の天気はいかがですか?)」。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What is modern Japan like?

  • What is present-day Japan like?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask someone what life is like in their country today. The adjective modern(seen in the first sentence) and the adjective present-day(seen in the second sentence) both mean current or the present time. These are words that can be used in both informal and formal conversations. They would make great additions to your vocabulary!
上記2つの文は、相手の国の現在の様子を尋ねる素晴らしい表現です。 最初の文にはmodern、2番目の文にはpresent-dayが使われています。どちらも「現在の」という意味の形容詞です。これらの語はフォーマルな会話でもインフォーマルな会話でも使うことが出来ます。是非覚えてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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