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2017/12/09 18:50
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  • The bag tipped over now everything has fallen out.

We say tipped over to imply it was an accident and it did it by itself. If it tipped over it has fallen on its side opening the contents and allowing it to fall on the floor/surface. If we are unfortunate for our bags to break resulting in everything falling out, we say "my bag exploded all over the floor".
"tipped over"(ひっくり返る)とは偶然そのもの自体が勝手にひっくり返ったという事をほのめかしています。 "tipped over"したら空いているところから中身が床などへ落ちてしまいますよね。 もし不幸にもバッグが壊れて結果的に中身が全部落ちてしまったら、次のように言います。 "My bag exploded all over the floor" (私のバッグがはじけて中身が床にひろがっちゃった)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I dropped the bag and everything fell out.

  • The bag tipped over and all the goodies fell out of the bag.

▪ I dropped the bag and everything fell out. This indicates that you have dropped the bag by accident and all the contents fell out on the floor. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ▪ The bag tipped over and all the goodies fell out of the bag. This is saying the the bag fell over by itself and everything fell out of the bag. "goodies" is a word for nice things like food etc. Example 1 Friend: what happened here? You: I dropped the bag and everything fell out. Example 2 Friend: Why are all the stuff on the floor? You: The bag tipped over and all the goodies fell out of the bag.
▪ I dropped the bag and everything fell out. (バッグを落として中身が全部飛び出してしまった) これはバッグを偶然落としてしまい、中身が床に飛び出してしまった、と言う事を言い表しています。 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ▪ The bag tipped over and all the goodies fell out of the bag. (バッグがひっくり返って バッグの中身が飛び出してしまった) これはバッグが勝手に落ちてしまって、中身が全て飛び出してしまった、と言う事を言い表しています。 "goodies" とは食べ物などの、いい物と言う意味になります。 【例文1】 Friend: what happened here? (友達:どうしたの?) You: I dropped the bag and everything fell out. (あなた:バッグを落として中身が全部飛び出してしまったの) い 【例文2】 Friend: Why are all the stuff on the floor? (友達:なんで床に全部落ちているの?) You: The bag tipped over and all the goodies fell out of the bag. (あなた:バッグがひっくり返って、中身が全部飛び出してしまったの)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The contents are spilling out of the bag that has fallen on its side

If things are 'spilling out' of something, it indicates that these things should have remained inside their container (the bag) but did not. Obviously things are placed in containers in the hope that they remain inside them! The verb 'spill' also relates to the proverb: "No point in crying over spilled milk." which expresses regret about something that has already happened or cannot be changed: "Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk."
spilling out' とは、この場合、かばんの中に入っているべきものが、中に入っておらず出ている状態のことを意味します。 明らかに、物がその入れ物の中に入っていてもらいたいものです。 'spill' という動詞は、ことわざにも関係しています。  "No point in crying over spilled milk." これは、起こってしまったこと、変えることができないことに対して後悔するということです。  "Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk." 間違いをおかしてしまったけれど、牛乳がこぼれたくらいで泣くことないよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The bag fell over so everything has fallow out.

  • Everything fell out because the bag fell over.

"The bag fell over so everything has fallow out." This explains that the bag fell over so everything fell out. "Everything fell out because the bag fell over." This is another way of explaining that the content fell out because the bag fell over.
"The bag fell over so everything has fallow out."という例文について この文は、カバンが落ちたので中身が全部落ちたということを説明しています。 "Everything fell out because the bag fell over."という例文について この文は、上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The bag fell on its side and its contents spilled

  • The bag fell on its side and everything in it is coming out of it.

When you want to explain that a bad was open and fell on its side and its contents spilled, then you may say it in the following ways: -The bag fell on its side and its contents spilled -The bag fell on its side and everything in it is coming out of it.
かばんが倒れて中の物が出てしまったことは、次のように説明できます。 -The bag fell on its side and its contents spilled (かばんが倒れて、中の物が出てしまいました) -The bag fell on its side and everything in it is coming out of it. (かばんが倒れて、中の物が出てしまっています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Everything is falling out the bag as it's fallen on its side

  • Everything is coming out the bag as it has fell over

  • Everything has come out the bag as it has fallen over

When something falls on its side we can also say 'fell over' and 'fallen over' If things are coming out of the bag we can also say they are 'falling out'
物が倒れることは、'fallen on its side' の他に 'fell over' や 'fallen over' でも表せます。 かばんから物が出てしまっていることは、'coming out' の他に 'falling out' でも表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Everything fell out of the bag

  • All the contents fell out of the bag

Both of these sentences mean the same thing, that the bag fell on its side and the objects inside the bag came out. The first one is perhaps slightly less formal. To be grammatically correct, you would only use this sentence if every item inside the bag came out. But, in reality in England, if the majority of items fell out we would still say "Everything fell out of the bag.".
どちらの文も同じ意味です、かばんが倒れて中身が出ていると伝えています。 一つ目の例の方が少しインフォーマルかもしれません。 文法を厳格に守れば、この文は、かばんの中にある物が全て外に出たときにしか使えませんが、実際は、イングランドでは、大半の物が外に出れば "Everything fell out of the bag."(全部かばんの外に出た)と言います。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
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