It's so cold, it feels like the whole city is inside a refrigerator.
It feels like we're inside a fridge.
It's so cold, it feels like the whole city is inside a refrigerator.
It feels like we're inside a fridge.
feels like は「〜のように感じる」「〜のようだ」という意味の便利な表現です。
Gee Whiz it's freezing! It's like the whole city is in a freezer.
Gee Whiz is an exclamation, an expression of surprise.
In this case, you are expressing your surprise that it is this cold, in fact, it's freezing.
It's like the whole city is in a freezer.
There is no where to ,hide from the cold.
A freezer is a large container like a refrigerator in which the temperature is kept below freezing point so that you can store food inside it for long periods.
Gee Whiz は驚いた時の感嘆句です。
It’s like the whole city is in a freezer.
freezer は冷蔵庫のようですが凍るような温度に設定されていて、長い期間食べ物を保存することができるようになっています。
The first sentence gives some extra details to make the expression more credible. A walk-in freezer
is a large freezer used by businesses and restaurants to keep their supplies cold. A walk-in freezer
has enough room for several people to fit inside so this would make the expression more believable.
The second expressions gives the idea that there is no way to escape the cold.
It's ice cold. I feel like we're in a refrigerator.
Expression: "ice cold"
This means that it is as cold as ice, below zero temperatures, or very very cold.
It also refers to the ice in a freezer or refrigerator.
Example: This city is ice cold. Its feels like we're in a refrigerator.
Example: I'm ice cold. I feel like I'm stuck in a refrigerator.
Example: My hands are ice cold.
I hope this helps :)
“Ice cold”という表現は氷のように冷たい、氷点下である、またはとても寒いという意味です。
This city is ice cold. Its feels like we're in a refrigerator.
I'm ice cold. I feel like I'm stuck in a refrigerator.
My hands are ice cold.
It's so cold, it feels like the whole city is inside a refrigerator.
It feels like we're trapped in the fridge
Not people can easily understand you when you use the phrase about cold weather and fridge. So, the first one says "it's so cold" in the beginning and make it easier for people to understand. The second is a direct phrase but I think people from most cultures will understand you
この冷蔵庫のフレーズは人によってすぐに伝わらないこともあると思います。ですから、一つ目の例では、分かりやすいよう始めに "it's so cold"(すごく寒い)と伝えています。
It's so cold that I feel like I walked out the front door into the refrigerator.
It feels like an icebox out here!
The expression "it's so cold that" is the way to start implying a comparison. In this case, the comparison would be to the temperature of a refrigerator.
Another term that can be perceived as or helps one relate to the temperature of a refrigerator is "icebox."
"it's so cold that" は比較の表現です。ここでは、冷蔵庫の中の温度と比べています。
"icebox" でも「冷蔵庫の中くらい寒い」を表せます。
The whole city is so cold, its like living in a freezer!
I feel like I live in a fridge
Its so cold, I feel like I live in a freezer.
The whole city is so cold, its like living in a freezer!
~You could also say~
* I'm freezing! Living in this city is like living in a freezer!
*Its so cold, this city feels like a freezer!
*I'm so cold, the city is like a freezer!
I hope that helps! ^ ^
I feel like I live in a fridge(冷蔵庫の中に住んでいるみたい)
It's so cold, I feel like I live in a freezer.(寒くて、冷凍庫の中に住んでいるみたい)
The whole city is so cold, it's like living in a freezer!(街全体が寒くて、冷凍庫の中に住んでいるみたい!)
*I'm freezing! Living in this city is like living in a freezer!(寒すぎる!冷凍庫の中に住んでいるみたい!)
*It's so cold, this city feels like a freezer!(この街は冷凍庫みたいに寒い!)
*I'm so cold, the city is like a freezer!(この街は冷凍庫みたいに寒い!)
I'd swear we are in a freezer the way it is so cold today!
The way it is so cold, I feel like I am in a refrigerator!
It is so cold today, we might as well be in a refrigerator.
When it is very cold outside we can compare it to the cold inside the refrigerator or the freezer.
Some days can get so ridiculously could that we are forced to compare the weather to a freezer.
Use the sentences above to explain that it is so cold that it feels like the inside of a fridge.
Ridiculously: insanely, crazy
Ice hell:a joke. Hell is usually associated with fire, but this time around hell is a frozen place :)
"You would think we woke up in a freezer today, it is surprisingly cold out today!"
"What's the temperature today? It feels like we are in ice hell!"
Ridiculously: ものすごく
Ice hell:冗談。 Hell(地獄) はふつう火と関係がありますが、この場合は凍り付くような場所のことを指します。
"You would think we woke up in a freezer today, it is surprisingly cold out today!"
"What's the temperature today? It feels like we are in ice hell!"
It’s freezing! It’s like the whole town is in the fridge.(すごい寒い!街全体が冷蔵庫に入ってしまったみたい。)
’Freeze’ は、「凍らす」という意味です。冷凍庫の「フリーザー」(freezer) というのもこの’freeze’からきています。‘It’s freezing’ というのは、とても寒い、凍ってしまうほど寒いという時に使うので、この表現も良いかと思います。友達、知り合い、家族などカジュアルな会話をしてる時に使うような表現です。
It’s so cold I feel like we’re in the fridge. (まるで冷蔵庫の中にいるみたいに寒い。)
他のアンカーさんの回答にもありますが、refrigerator (冷蔵庫)を略すとfridge。カジュアルな言い方なので、ビジネスなどのプロフェショナルな場面では、使わない方が良いかもしれません。
In English it seems an ineffective and unnatural simile and better to drop that one.
Well, I suppose you could always sit in the car and turn the heater on. It sounds like a desperate it Siberia? And what happened to the central heating in the buildings? You can just come out with a series of exclamations...what else can you do if you don't have any positive suggestions?