世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/10 11:03
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  • Do I look like I'm having fun?

  • Do I seem like I'm having fun?

Look like/seem like : 〜のように見える どちらも、「私楽しそうにしてる(見える)?」という意味になります。
  • Does it look like I'm having fun?

  • Does it look like I'm having fun to you?

Does it seem like I'm having fun? Does it look like I'm enjoying myself? If someone asks if they look like they are having fun, it is usually said in a sarcastic tone indicating that the person is really not having fun. If they were really having fun no one would have to ask. Also, people say sarcastically "Am I having fun or what?" If you are genuinely having a great time, you should not say in question form.
例文 Does it seem like I'm having fun? (楽しんでいるように見える?) Does it look like I'm enjoying myself? (楽しんでいるように見える?) 自分が楽しんでいるように見えるか尋ねる場合、普通は皮肉として、全く楽しんでいないことを表します。本当に楽しんでいるのであれば、尋ねる必要はありません。 また、皮肉を込めて"Am I having fun or what?"と言うこともあります。 本当に楽しんでいるのであれば、疑問文で尋ねるはずはありません。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Do I seem to be enjoying myself?

  • Am I having fun - or what!

If you are not enjoying yourself but are taking part in an activity, you may ask: "Do I seem to be enjoying myself?" The answer to that would probably be something like: "No, you look miserable!" The fact is , when people are enjoying themselves there is no point in asking someone if it looks like you are enjoying yourself as it should be obvious - unless you have a mask over your face. If you are enjoying yourself and you want to share that you are having great fun, you may say: "Am I having fun - or what!"
あなたが何かの活動に参加しているけど、楽しんでいない時は、次のように質問することが出来ます。 【例】 "Do I seem to be enjoying myself?" (私楽しんでいるように見える?) この質問に次のような答えが返ってくるかもしれません。 "No, you look miserable!" (いいえ、あなたはさえない顔をして見えます) 事実、人々が楽しんでいる時に,楽しいふりをしている以外は、楽しいかどうか質問するはには何の意味もありません。 あなたがとても楽しんでいてその気持ちを共有したかったら、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例】 "Am I having fun - or what!" (私は楽しんでいるかな、そうでなければ何?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Does it look like i'm having fun?

  • Does it look like i'm having fun to you?

  • Do i look like i'm having fun?

If something looks like it also means to seem like Usually if you are enjoying something someone could tell from your actions and facial expressions like smiling or looking happy You would not normally ask if you look like your having fun it would be obvious unless you were not enjoying something and you were being sarcastic (cheeky)
「looks like」は「seem like(~のように見える)」という意味でもあります。 たいてい、何かを楽しんでいれば、他の人はその人の振る舞いや笑顔から、察しがつきます。 楽しんでいるよう見えるかどうかとは普通聞きません。楽しんでいない時に皮肉として聞くことはあります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Does it look like I'm having fun?

  • Do you think I'm having fun?

  • Does it look like I'm enjoying myself?

If you want to ask someone if it looks like you're having fun, you can say: "Does it look like I'm having fun?" "Do you think I'm having fun?" "Does it look like I'm enjoying myself?"
「楽しんでいるように見える?」は、次のように言えます。 "Does it look like I'm having fun?" "Do you think I'm having fun?" "Does it look like I'm enjoying myself?" (楽しんでいるように見える?)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Does it look like I'm enjoying myself

Enjoying means getting pleasure from what your doing. Example - Tom enjoys playing football. So to ask something if you look like your having fun then you could say "Does it look like I'm enjoying myself".
"Enjoying" は「楽しむ」という意味です。 例: Tom enjoys playing football.(トムはサッカーをするのが趣味です) ですから、「楽しんでいるように見える?」は "Does it look like i'm enjoying myself?" と言えます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Does it look like I'm enjoying myself?

We would say this in a situation where we really are not having fun in what we are doing. For example, a really tough exercise regime. Your friend might ask you, ”Are you having fun?" You would reply with, "Does it look like I'm having fun?" "Does it look like I'm enjoying myself?" You would say it in a sarcastic tone with a not so friendly facial expressions.
やっていることがそれほど楽しくない状況でこう言うことができます。 例えば、非常に厳しい運動療法です。 友達は以下のように尋ねるかもしれません。 Are you having fun? 楽しいですか? そうするとあなたは以下のように答えるかもしれません。 Does it look like I'm having fun? (楽しそうにみえる?) または Does it look like I'm enjoying myself? (楽しんでいるようにみえる? ) フレンドリーな表情ではなく、皮肉な口調でいうかもしれません。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Does it look like I am having fun to you?

  • Do you think I'm having fun?

When you are trying to ask someone if they think you are having fun while doing something, then you can say it in the following ways: -Does it look like I am having fun to you? -Do you think I'm having fun? -It looks like I'm having fun, right?
何かをしている時、自分が楽しんでいると思うか誰かに尋ねたい時は、以下のフレーズが使えます: Does it look like I am having fun to you? (私、楽しそうに見えますか?) Do you think I'm having fun? (私が楽しんでいると思いますか) It looks like I'm having fun, right? (私、楽しそうに見えるでしょ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do I look like I'm having fun?

  • Does it seem like I'm having fun to you?

  • Does it look like I'm having fun to you?

The three sentences you see above are great ways to ask someone if they think that you are having fun. In the third sentence you will see the phrase look like. This phrase means appear or seem. This is a phrase that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上の3文は、自分が楽しいんでいるように見えるか尋ねるどうか相手に尋ねる言い方です。 3文目で「look like」という言い回しがあります。これは「~のように見える」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われる表現で、あなたの語彙力に大きなプラスとなるでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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