世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/10 11:37
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  • You were the star of a brilliant show!

  • It was a great show and you really shone!

Actors or performers who 'stand out' as being highly talented or perfect for the production in terms of ability, are often referred to as 'stars'. The verb 'to shine' also appears frequently in connection with theatrical or musical productions, and films. If someone is 'shining' in any situation, they are doing very well. There is a current popular song at the moment called: 'Shine Bright Like A Diamond.'
俳優さんやパフォーマーに高い才能があり、 作品に完璧な能力を発揮し 'stand out'(際立つ/目立つ)ていたら 、 その人は 'star'(スター)と言えますね。 この 'to shine'(輝く) と言う動詞はよく劇場やミュジーカル、 映画などにつながりがありますね。 どんな状況でも誰かが'shining'(輝いて)いたら、 彼らはとても上手にやっているという事になります。 現在人気の歌がありますね。 'Shine Bright Like A Diamond.' (ダイヤモンドの様に明るく輝く) [ダイヤモンズ、リアーナ]
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You were amazing last week, I really enjoyed it!

  • Your performance was incredible. You were the star of the show.

You can use 'last week' to inform your friend when you saw them. But if they already know then you just use the past tense. Your performance WAS incredible. The use of incredible gives more emphasis to how great they were. If we say someone was the star of the show, it is a nice compliment to again let them know how much you enjoyed their performance and they were by far the best person in the show.
'last week'(先週)を使って友達にいつ見たのか伝えることが出来ます。 でも、友達が既に知っているのならただ単に過去形を使いましょう。 【例】 Your performance WAS incredible. (あなたのパフォーマンスは素晴らしかった) この"incredible"(すごい/素晴らしい)を使う事によって彼らがどんなに素晴らしかったかを強調することが出来ます。 誰かが"the star of the show"とは言い褒め言葉でとても素晴らしいパフォーマンスだったので、とても楽しめたという事を言い表しています。 そして、その人がショーの中で一番輝いていたという事を伝えることが出来ます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • The performance was great! you were great!

  • The performance was amazing, you did a great job!

  • You were amazing last week! I really enjoyed it!

When you want to praise someone for doing something well then you would use words like 'great', 'excellent', 'fantastic' or 'amazing' this would make them feel they did a good job and happy If they did well then you could say 'you did a great job!' By saying 'I really enjoyed it' you are telling them that you had a good time and liked it
人のしたことについて称賛したいときには、 'great' 'excellent' 'fantastic' 'amazing' などの言葉が使えます。その人のしたことが素晴らしかったと伝わり、幸せな気持ちにさせます。 その人のしたことが素晴らしかったのなら、'You did a great job!'(素晴らしかった)と言えます。 'I really enjoyed it'は「すごく楽しかった」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Awesome show buddy, you killed it.

  • The show was really amazing. You yourself had an outstanding performance.

▪ Awesome show buddy, you killed it. Awesome means very impressive. "You killed it" is a casual way of saying that you were the best and did a great performance. ▪ The show was really amazing. You yourself had an outstanding performance. "Amazing" means breathtaking. This sentence indicates that the show was breathtaking and his personal performance was great.
▪ Awesome show buddy, you killed it. かっこいいショーだったよ。決まってたね! Awesome とは、とても感動する、すばらしいという意味です。 "You killed it" その人が一番、すばらしいパフォーマンスをしていたことを表すカジュアルな表現です。 ▪ The show was really amazing. You yourself had an outstanding performance. ものすごくいいショーだったよ。すばらしいパフォーマンスだったよ。 "Amazing" とは、息をのむほどすばらしいという意味です。 これは、そのショーが息をのむほどすばらしかったことを意味します。  
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Last weeks performance was amazing. You stole the show!

Native speakers will say like this: “Last weeks performance was amazing. You stole the show!”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: I really enjoyed last weeks performance, it was amazing! You stole the show! B: Oh wow, thank you so much!
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Last weeks performance was amazing. You stole the show!” (先週のパフォーマンス素晴らしかったです。あなたが人気をさらっていました!) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: I really enjoyed last weeks performance, it was amazing! You stole the show! B: Oh wow, thank you so much! ↓ A: 先週のパフォーマンス素晴らしかったです。あなたが人気をさらっていました! B: ありがとうございます!
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I really enjoyed the performance. You outdid yourself.

*I really enjoyed the performance. You outdid yourself. This means that you had a great time. If someone outdid themselves it means that they out shined themselves. They did very well and you are proud of them. Example: You:I really enjoyed the performance. You outdid yourself. Friend: Thank you very much and thank you for coming.
*I really enjoyed the performance. You outdid yourself. すごくパフォーマンスを楽しんだよ。よくやったね! これは、自分が楽しんだ様子を相手に伝える表現です。   outdidとは、ものすごく輝いていて、うまくいったことを誇りに思うといったニュアンスです。 例:  You:I really enjoyed the performance. You outdid yourself. あなた:パフォーマンスすごく楽しかったよ。よくやったね! Friend: Thank you very much and thank you for coming. 友達:来てくれてありがとう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Your performance was amazing last week!

  • You did an amazing job with your performance last week!

  • Congratulations on doing such a great job during your performance!

There are many ways you can praise your friend for his/her performance: 1) "Your performance was amazing last week!" - This is a simple way to state what was amazing and when. 2) "You did an amazing job with your performance last week!" - This gives high praise to the person by stating how good (amazing) they did. 3) "Congratulations on doing such a great job during your performance!" - Here, you are giving praise by congratulating the person. It states that you either enjoyed the performance or that you think he/she has great skill.
いろいろな言い方で友達のパフォーマンスを褒めることができます。 1) "Your performance was amazing last week!"(先週のパフォーマンスは素晴らしかったです) - これは、いつ、何が素晴らしかったのか伝えるシンプルな言い方です。 2) "You did an amazing job with your performance last week!"(先週のパフォーマンスは本当にすごかったです) - ここでは、どのくらい良くやったかを伝えて、相手を強く称賛しています。 3) "Congratulations on doing such a great job during your performance!"(パフォーマンス大成功だったね、おめでとう) - ここでは、相手を祝うことで称賛しています。この文は、話し手がパフォーマンスを楽しんだ、もしくは、相手の力を買っていることを表します。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • You were better than anyone else!

  • You were so ~ in your last performance!

誰もよりも= ~ than anyone else 一番…よかった= were the best (better) あなた= you 「あなたが一番よかったよ!」と言ったら、"You were the best!" になりますが、「誰もよりも一番あなたがよかったよ!」と言ったら、英語がちょっと変わって "You were better than anyone else!" になります。 他の形容詞や形容動詞を使ったら、同じですね。 「あなたが一番きれいだったよ!」= You were the prettiest! 「誰もよりも一番あなたがきれいだったよ!」= You were prettier than anyone else! 「あなたが一番面白かったよ!」= You were the funniest! 「誰もよりも一番あなたが面白かったよ!」= You were funnier than anyone else! そして、「この前のパフォーマンス上手だったよ~!」は: (あなた)= you この前のパフォーマンス(で)=(in your) last performance 上手= so good/ great/ wonderful/ amazing など だった=were 全文は、"You were so ~ in your last performance!" です。 英語の色んな形容詞から選ぶことができます!いくつかの形容詞を上に書いておきました。全部は上手という意味が入っています。
  • Your performance the other day was really good.

「この前のパフォーマンス上手だったよ〜!」 Your performance the other day was really good. パフォーマンスは英語もそのまま performance と言います。 「この前の」は the other day 「上手だった」はシンプルに「すごくよかった」と意訳をして really good と言うといいと思います。 「誰もよりも一番あなたがよかったよ。」 Among all of the performers, you were the best.
  • You were awesome at the performance!

  • You were amazing!

褒めることばはたくさんありますが、よく北米で聞くのは You were awesome! / You were amazing! です。 I'm proud of you. ほんとすごいと思う! もよく言いますね。 北米の人はいいと思ったものは率直に褒めるので、積極的に褒め言葉は使ってください。相手も喜びます。 その後に理由や自分の感想等を付け加えると素敵です。
  • You performed very well!

  • Your performance was great!

You could use any of the above two exclamations to praise your friend for their well done performance. - Performed (verb) in past tense. - Performance (noun) the act itself in present tense of performing.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • The show was great, and you did amazing!

  • You performed so well, I really enjoyed the show!

These two sentences can both be used and we can actually use many different phrases when talking about this subject. The main goal is to mention something positive about the show like, "the show was great," or, "I enjoyed the show," to show our feelings about the show in general. In addition, you need to talk about your friend in the show by saying things like, "you did amazing," or, "you performed so well."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • You did great in the performance! I enjoyed every minute of it!

Everybody loves to be praised, especially after doing a good show. We love to hear that we did well. Saying that you enjoyed every minute of it makes the person really happy and confident. We can also use words like "great", "amazing" or "flawless". "Flawless" means without any errors. A flaw is a another word for a fault or a weakness. "Your performance was flawless!"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • The performance was incredible!

  • You were great! (when talking about the performance)

When complimenting a friend on their role/performance in an event, you can use 2 sentence formulas: -The performance was ______! In this sentence, you are talking about the performance, but you're friend will take it as a compliment about themselves. The '_______' can be filled by any positive adjective that you choose (i.e incredible, amazing, great, etc). This sentence works best if it is used as an exclamation. -You were ________! This is a more direct compliment to your friend. This needs some context, though. You must already be talking about the performance. Again, the '____' can be filled by any positive adjective that you choose (i.e incredible, amazing, great, etc). This sentence works best if it is used as an exclamation.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • The show last week was great, and your performance was was amazing too!

  • The performance last week was incredible, as was your performance in it too!

If you would like to express to someone that the show was great and that their performance was good too, you can say something like "The show last week was great, and your performance was was amazing too!" or "The performance last week was incredible, as was your performance in it too!.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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