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2017/12/11 00:10
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  • It's bad to eat this late but I'm so hungry.

We don't necessarily need to say "I'll get fat" because most people know that eating late at night can result in gaining weight. So by saying it's bad to eat this late, we are just stating that we know the consequence without actually saying the words. When we use 'but' it indicates that we are thinking about forgetting about the consequence and just doing it anyway.
夜中に何かを食べると体重が増えることは 誰もが知っている事なので、 "I'll get fat"(太る)と言う必要はありません。 ですので"it's bad to eat this late"(こんな遅くに食べることはよくない) と言う事によって、 その結果どうなるかと言う事をわざわざ言葉にして言わずに表現しています。 この"but"(でも)を使って食べてしまった結果、 どうなるかをちょっとだけ忘れてただ食べてしまう、 と言う意味で使います。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I am starving! But I know I should not eat at night, it makes me gain weight!

  • I get so hungry at night , I want to eat... But I know it piles on the weight!

We are said to "put weight on" more easily by eating during the night. Our metabolism slows down in the evening and it is recommended by health care professionals... that we do not eat after 9 pm! However... Some of us "lack the will-power" and that is when our significant other can step in and help "put us back on the right rack" (idiom
夜食べると太りやすいと言われます 夜は代謝が落ちるので、医療の専門家は9時以降は食べないほうがいいと言いますね ただ...意志が弱い人もいます。そんな時大切な人がサポートしてくれるといいですね
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I know it's bad to eat late at night and I'll get fat,, but I'm starving!

  • I want to stay thin and eating at night may make me fat - but do you fancy a curry?

Yes, there are many temptations at night and one of them, especially if you have been drinking, is food! Alcohol makes us hungry and at the end of an evening of celebrations and fun, it is quite common for party revellers to suddenly feel famished. Of course, eating at night is said to be unhealthy and fattening as the body's digestive system slows down during sleep. It all depends how strong your self control is!
はい、夜中には多くの誘惑がありますね。 特に飲んだ後など、食べ物は魅力的です! アルコールはお腹を空かせます。 夜の終わりにお祝いをして楽しんだ後、 どんちゃん騒ぎした人は餓死しそうな気分になるのはよくあることです。 もちろん、夜に食べることは不健康で寝ている時は "digestive system"(消化器官)がゆっくりになるので、太ると言われます。 これは、"self control"(自制心)をどれだけ強く持つかによりますね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am so hungry and I would like to eat something even though it's night time. However, I am afraid eating this late at night will make me fat.

Some people feel hungry in the middle of the night and would like to eat something . The stomach may be rumbling due to hunger. However, eating late at night may definitely make someone fat. The reason is that the food that is eaten at that time does not get converted into energy which is then utilized through activity. Instead, it is channeled into various parts of the body in the form of fat, thereby increasing somebody's weight. So, you should really be wary of eating late at night. You may say to your significant other: I am so hungry and I would like to eat something even though it's night time. However, I am afraid eating this late at night will make me fat.
人によっては夜中にお腹が空いてしまう事があります。空腹でお腹が鳴ってしまうかもしれません。しかし夜に食べると太ってしまうこともあります。 その理由としては、食べたものがエネルギーに変わる事なく脂肪として体じゅうに蓄えられてしまい、結果として太ってしまうのです。 なので、夜に食べる時は気をつけなくてはいけません。 人にその状況を伝えたい場合は回答例のように表現することができます。 I am so hungry and I would like to eat something even though it's night time. However, I am afraid eating this late at night will make me fat.(お腹がとても空いて夜なのに何か食べたい。でもこんなに遅い時間に食べると太るのではないか心配だ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It's too late to eat but I have the munchies!

  • I really want to eat but I think I'll gain weight because it's too late.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you are hungry but you are afraid you will gain weight because it is night time. In the first sentence you will see the word munchies. This means to have a strong craving for food. This word is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、「お腹がすいたけど夜遅いので食べるとたぶん太ってしまう」と伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には、"munchies" という単語が使われています。これは「空腹感」という意味です。この単語は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm really hungry but eating this late isn't good for you.

  • I want to eat but eating this late will just make me gain weight.

"I'm really hungry but eating this late isn't good for you." This explains to the person that it is late at night but you are hungry and want to eat but eating at that time is bad for your health. "I want to eat but eating this late will just make me gain weight.." This is another way of explaining that you are hungry and want to eat but you don't want to because eating that late at night will cause you to put on weight.
"I'm really hungry but eating this late isn't good for you." 夜遅いけれどお腹が空いて食べたいけれど、その時間に食べると健康に悪いことを伝える表現です。 "I want to eat but eating this late will just make me gain weight.." こちらも、空腹で食べたいけれど夜遅くに食べると体重が増えるので食べたくないことを表した別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm hungry and want to have something to eat but if I do I will get fat as it's night time

  • I'm starving but I'm worried I will get fat if I eat as it's night time

  • I know it's too late to eat as I'll get fat but I'm famished

If you are really hungry you can use the terms 'so hungry', 'famished' or 'starving' theseall mean the same thing Some people believe that going to bed on a full stomach or once you've eaten makes you put on weight
ものすごくお腹がすいているなら、'so hungry' 'famished' 'starving' などの表現が使えます。これらは全て同じ意味(=すごくお腹すいた)です。 満腹の状態、もしくは食べてすぐに寝ると太ると考えている人もいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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