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2017/12/11 16:45
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  • Japanese companies have been very successful in Thailand.

  • Thailand has been the most successful place for Japanese companies to expand.

"Japanese companies have been very successful in Thailand." This explains that the Japanese companies in Thailand have been very successful and grown and expanded. "Thailand has been the most successful place for Japanese companies to expand." This explains that Thailand has been the most successful place for Japanese companies to grow and expand.
"Japanese companies have been very successful in Thailand." タイにある日本企業は非常に成功しており、成長および拡大していることを伝える表現です。 "Thailand has been the most successful place for Japanese companies to expand." タイは日本企業が成長および拡大するのにもっともよい場所だと説明する表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese countries see many varied advantages of expanding into Thailand

  • Thailand is the favoured Asian choice for expansion for Japanese companies right now

There are numerous advantages in choosing Thailand as a location for expansion. In fact, of all the Asian countries, it is the number one country of choice by Japanese companies over recent years. You may quote the statistics if you have this information. You may also state the reasons why Thailand is being selected as a place where business may expand.
タイを事業拡大の拠点に選ぶことは多くの利点があります。 実際に、あらゆるアジアの国々の中で日本企業に近年一番選ばれている国です。 この情報を知っているなら、この統計を引用してもいいですね。 また、何故多くの企業がタイを展開先に選んでいるのか、理由を述べてもいいですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Most Japanese companies have expanded in Thailand.

  • Most Japanese companies have expanded in Thailand.

*Most Japanese companies have expanded in Thailand.- This means that Thailand offers the platform for Japanese companies to grow. *Most Japanese companies have expanded in Thailand.- To thrive means to prosper or to be successful. Therefore this means that Japanese companies are more successful in Thailand.
*Most Japanese companies have expanded in Thailand. (多くの日本企業がタイに進出しています) - これはタイが日本企業が事業を拡大するための基盤を供してる、と言う意味になります。 *Most Japanese companies have expanded in Thailand. (多くの日本企業がタイへ進出しています) - "thrive"とは繁栄する、成功するという意味になります。 ですので、日本企業はタイで成功している、と言う意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • There are more Japanese companies in Thailand than in any other Asian country.

  • The Asian country that has the most Japanese companies moving into it is Thailand.

  • The expanding Japanese business sector has seen its greatest growth in Thailand.

Companies or businesses belong to 'the business sector' of the economy. 'Growth' is another word for 'expansion' 'Moving into' is also another way to describe 'expansion'. The final sentence above is the most business-like way of expressing this thought.
会社は、その経済における 'the business sector'(企業部門)を成します。 'Growth' は 'Expansion'(拡大)の別の言い方です。 同様に、'Moving into' も 'Expansion' の意味を表します。 最後の文が最もビジネスライクな言い方です。
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
  • There's a growing number of Japanese companies that have expanded to Thailand

  • A lot of Japanese companies have expanded their businesses to Thailand

When you want to explain that a lot of Japanese companies have expanded to Thailand; then you may explain this in the following ways: -There's a growing number of Japanese companies that have expanded to Thailand -A lot of Japanese companies have expanded their businesses to Thailand
多くの日本企業がタイに進出していると説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -There's a growing number of Japanese companies that have expanded to Thailand(タイに進出する日本企業が増えている) -A lot of Japanese companies have expanded their businesses to Thailand(多くの日本企業がタイに進出している)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • There has been a growth of Japanese companies expanding into Thailand. This has proven to be very successful for the company.

  • Japanese companies advancing into Thailand proved to be advantageous.

"There has been a growth of Japanese companies expanding into Thailand. This has proven to be very successful for the company." - This statement firstly makes clear the action the company needs to make, expanding into Thailand. It then gives the outcome of this action, being that this action proves to be successful. "Japanese companies advancing into Thailand proved to be advantageous." - This statement proves when Japanese companies make the transition into Thailand, it had the outcome of being successful.
"There has been a growth of Japanese companies expanding into Thailand. This has proven to be very successful for the company."(タイに進出する日本企業が増えています。これがすごく成功しています) →ここでは、まず会社が取るべき行動を明確にしています。これはタイに進出することです。それから、その行動の結果を伝えています。うまくいっているということ。 "Japanese companies advancing into Thailand proves to be advantageous."(タイに進出することは日本企業にプラスに働いています) →これは、タイに進出した日本企業は成功していると伝えています。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
  • The majority of the international growth by Japanese companies is centred in Thailand.

  • Most companies interested in expanding globally choose to operate in Thailand.

  • Thailand hosts the largest number of Japanese companies who have expanded internationally.

There are many ways in which you could explain this, however all will be based on a few key phrases. When referring to Japanese businesses operating outside of Japan, key terms such as "international" and "global" will be used to describe the market they have entered and then key terms such as "growth" or "expansion" to describe the act of increasing business operations. You can mix and match these as you please - "international growth" or "global expansion" or "international expansion". You then want to refer to the business being centred in Thailand. I hope you enjoy the sample sentences provided as a reference point.
これはいろいろな言い方ができますが、基本となるいくつかのキーフレーズがあります。 日本の会社が進出したマーケットについて言う場合、"international" や "global" などのキー単語が使えます。 そして事業を拡大することについて言う場合には、"growth" や "expansion" などのキー単語が使えます。 これらを組み合わせて使うこともできます。 "international growth"(国際的成長) または "global expansion"(世界進出) または "international expansion"(国際的拡大) この後、それがタイに集中していることを伝えます。 例文が参考になれば幸いです。
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
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