世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/12 19:03
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  • Four hundred metres of that road is taken out of use during the winter

  • Forty percent of that road is closed down every winter

  • A long stretch of that road is designated out of action every winter

You may talk about the actual length of road, or the percentage of the road affected. The actual precise length of the road may not be critical to the conversation, sllif it is not - or if your cannot recakk such exact statistics, you could just say: "A long stretch of that road is designated out of action every winter"
実際の道路の長さや割合を使ってどのくらい道が影響を受けるか言い表すことが出来ます。 会話の中では正確なの道路の長さは重要ではないでしょう。 または実際の統計を思い出せなかったりする場合、 単に次のように表現することが出来ます。 "A long stretch of that road is designated out of action every winter" (長くに続く道路が毎年冬の間閉鎖されます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • 400 meter of the road gets closed off in winter.

  • Almost half of the road is closed off in winter.

"400 meter of the road gets closed off in winter." This explains to the person that during the winter season 400m of the road gets closed and you cant use it. "Almost half of the road is closed off in winter." This is another way of explaining that some of the road gets closed and cant be used. "almost half" means it's not quite 500m but a bit less.
"400 meter of the road gets closed off in winter." (冬はこの道路の400メートルが通行止めになります) これは冬の期間はこの道の400メートルが通行止めになって使えない、と言う説明です。 "Almost half of the road is closed off in winter." (冬はこの道のほぼ半分が通行止めになります) これはもう一つの表現で道の半分くらいが冬には通行同目になるので使えない、という説明になります。 "almost half"とは絶対500mと言う意味ではなく大体少し短めです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Four Hundred meters of the road is blocked off in the winter.

  • You can not use 400m of the road in winter.

  • You can't use about half of the road in winter.

You could say that about half of the road is closed in the winter months. This way you would be implying to the listener that that conditions of winter are what causes the road to close and it is a big portion of the road that gets affected.
"about half of the road is closed in the winter months" (冬の間は道半分が閉鎖されます) と言う事が出来ます。 この表現を使う事によって冬の状況は大半の道が閉鎖されてしまうくらいの影響がある、と言う事をほのめかすことが出来ます。
Kirst English teacher
  • The winter closes some of the road.

  • You can't use some of the road in the winter.

We say 'the winter closes some of the road' because winter means snow, icy conditions which result in many roads closing. It is more natural to say some, instead of the exact amount of meters. You can say some or almost half. If you say you can't use the road, it is the same as saying the road is closed.
次のように言います。 'the winter closes some of the road' (冬が道路のいくつかの部分を閉鎖する)  冬と言う事は雪、凍結するということなので、結果的に道が閉鎖されてしまう、と言う意味になります。 実際の道の長さを言うよりも"some"(いくらかの)というほうが自然な表現です。 いくらかのか、もしくはほとんど半分と言う事も出来ます。 道が can't use(使えない)という事は、道が閉鎖されていると同じ事です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • 40% is closed in winter

  • On a 1000 meter road... 40% is blocked off and close in winter...

400 mtrs in this case is 40% of the otal road size...So its quick and easy to use Maths explain the scenario;-D "On a 1000 meter road... 40% is blocked off and close in winter..."
400メートルとはこの場合全長の40%となるので、このように言うことができます。  "On a 1000 meter road... 40% is blocked off and close in winter..." 全長1000メートルの道路の40%は、冬の間封鎖されます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • 400 meters of the 1000 meter road closes in winter.

  • About 400 meters of the 1000 meters long road usually closes in winter

When you want to explain that 400 meters of the 1000 meters of the road home usually closes in winter; then you may explain this in the following ways: -400 meters of the 1000 meter road closes in winter. -About 400 meters of the 1000 meters long road usually closes in winter
「家に続く全長1000mの道路のうち400mは冬になると封鎖される」は、次のように言えます。 -400 meters of the 1000 meter road closes in winter(全長1000mの道路のうち400mは冬になると封鎖される) -About 400 meters of the 1000 meters long road usually closes in winter(全長1000mの道路のうち約400mは冬になると封鎖される)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • 400 metres of the 1000 metre road closes in winter

  • In winter 400 metres of the 1000 metre road closes

  • forty percent of that road closes in winter

400 metres out of 1000 metres can also be referred to as forty percent (40%) so as well as saying '400 metres of the 1000 metre road closes in winter' you could say 'forty percent of that roas closes in winter'
400 metres out of 1000 metres'(1000mのうちの400m)は 'forty percent'(40%)と表すこともできます。 ですから、'400 metres of the 1000 metre road closes in winter'(その道は冬になると1000mのうち400mが封鎖される)に加えて、'forty percent of that road closes in winter'(冬になるとその道の40%が封鎖される)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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