Heaven is an imaginary place in the sky. In some religions it is where the god or gods live. It is the opposite of Hell, which in religion and literature, is the home sof the Devil. It is sometimes said that good people go to Heaven when they die - and bad people go to Hell. The expression, "Go to Hell!" is sometimes used when one person is unhappy with or angry at another person. It is only used in extreme xases of disagreement.
Heaven は空にある想像上の場所です。宗教では神様がいる場所だと言われています。Heaven は宗教上では悪魔とかがいると言われている Hell の反対です。良い行いをした人は天国へ行って悪い行いをした人は地獄へ行くと言われています。 "Go to Hell!"というフレーズは誰かに本気で怒っている時などに使います。
天国は英語で heaven と言います。天国の反対(地獄)は hell と言います。○○ heaven(○○の天国)という表現もあります。
It is said that God is in heaven
sweets heaven
Please note that religious context is to be taken into account.
Heaven - As it is most commonly referred to is within many religions. You can you use this in many ways. As in if a child asks what has happened to their pet; "Where has chip gone?" followed by "Chip is in heaven now". Alternatively you can use it as an adjective, as in; "This chocolate cake is heaven!"
The Pearly Gates - Biblical. Before entering heaven one must pass through 'The Pearly Gates' or 'Saint James' Gate' (also known as the Guinness factory, because Guinness tastes heavenly). As in, "He's nearing the pearly gates, I don't think he will make it".
City of God - Also known as 'Rio de Janeiro' with the statue of 'Christ the Redeemer'. As in; "We will all end up in the city of God" or "I'm going to the City of God for my vacation".
- 最も一般的な呼び名で、多くの宗教に存在します。いろいろな場面で使えます。
"Where has chip gone?"
続いて "Chip is in heaven now"
"This chocolate cake is heaven!"
The Pearly Gates(天国の門)
- 聖書ですね。人は、'The Pearly Gates'または'Saint James' Gate'("the Guinness factory"ともいいます。"Guinness"は"heavenly"(おいしい)な味わいなので)を通らなければ天国(heaven)に行けません。
"He's nearing the pearly gates, I don't think he will make it"
City of God(シティ・オブ・ゴッド)
- 'Rio de Janeiro'(リオデジャネイロ)としても知られていますね。'Christ the Redeemer'(コルコバードのキリスト像)がありますね。
"We will all end up in the city of God"
"I'm going to the City of God for my vacation".
In English, heaven is the opposite of hell. To some people, hell and heaven are specific places whilst, to others, they are less tangible. Hell could indicate a physical place of torment or a mental state of torment. and misery Whereas, heaven is idyllic and can be thought of as a place of paradise or a state of ecstasy.
「天国」は英語で heaven と言えます。
Did Daddy go to heaven?
What is heaven?
"Hell" is often believed to be a firey place below the earth that bad peoples go to once they have died. They are believed to suffer for eternity.
"Heaven" is believed to be a lace in the sky above the earth where God lives with his angels. Some people believe that if you are a good person you go to heaven once you die.
"Paradise" is believed to be a beautiful peaceful place where everything is perfect. Some people describe beautiful holiday resorts as Paradice other believe that God will turn the earth into a paradise garden where people will live forever.
"Go to Hell" or "oh Hell" Are saying people often use to express anger and hate at a person or thing.
The opposite of hell is "heaven" and sometimes heaven is "paradise".
For example, you can say:
-Many religious people believe that when a person dies they go to heaven. Heaven is usually described as the best paradise.
"hell"(地獄)の反対語は "heaven"(天国)です。時々、"paradise" とも言います。
-Many religious people believe that when a person dies they go to heaven. Heaven is usually described as the best paradise.
Heaven is a place in the sky that religious people believe they can go to when they die/pass away
The opposite to heaven is hell.
Religious people believe god is in heaven
Do you believe in heaven?
War is hell.
個人的には「heaven」と聞くと「Johnny Angel」を思い出します。すごくいい曲です。
→「Drew a picture of heaven」
→「Drew a picture of paradise」
→「Heaven and hell」
→「Paradise and hell」