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2017/12/13 00:05
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  • Weekday

A normal day that is not part of the weekend is called a 'weekday'. A 'weekday' is any day of the week other than Saturday and Sunday. Previously, Saturday used to be called a weekday, but now, it is part of the weekend. So, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are 'weekdays' as long as they are not holidays, whereas Saturday and Sunday are classified as the weekend. So, you may say: I go to work every 'weekday' and have a rest over the weekend. I can't visit you on a 'weekday' because I go to work. I can only visit you either on Saturday or on Sunday.
平日のことを 'weekday'と言います。 'weekday' iは[土曜日](と[日曜日](以外のことです。以前は土曜日もweekdayとされていましたが今はweekendです。 つまり祝日でない限り月曜日、火曜日、水曜日、木曜日、金曜日は 'weekdays'です。そして土曜日と日曜日はweekendです。 このように使います: (英文) I go to work every 'weekday' and have a rest over the weekend. I can't visit you on a 'weekday' because I go to work. I can only visit you either on Saturday or on Sunday. (訳) 平日は毎日出勤して[週末](に休みます。 平日は仕事のため遊びに行けません。土曜日と日曜日にしか遊びに行けません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A weekday

  • Office hours

Normally we say a 'weekday' meaning any of the days Monday to Friday. If you 'keep office hours,' it means that you work nine to five, Monday to Friday. Office hours is defined as: 'the hours during which business is normally conducted, ' and, of course, this may vary from country to country. "An answering service operates outside office hours."
一般的には月曜日から金曜日のことを 'weekday' と言います。 'keep office hours,'は月曜日から金曜日の間に九時[から五時まで](働くということです。Office hoursは[業務時間](のことで、国によります。 (英文) "An answering service operates outside office hours." (訳) 業務時間外は応答サービスが応答します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A weekday

Weekday' is Monday-Friday. If someone works Monday to Friday and is off on weekends, they will say 'I work on weekdays'. A full week consists of 7 days, 5 of those days are weekdays and two of them are the weekend. We still refer to them in this way regardless of whether or not they are holidays. For example, if a holiday falls on a Monday, we will say 'the holiday falls on a weekday'. If you want to be specific about a holiday falling on a certain day of the week, you can call that day a 'holiday', for example 'this Monday is a public holiday/ next week Saturday is a public holiday'
Weekday' は、月曜日から金曜日までです。月曜日から金曜日まで働いて、週末が休みの場合は、'I work on weekdays'.と言います。1週間は7日で、その内5日はweekday平日で、2日はweekend週末です。休日であろうがなかろうが、今でもこのように1週間を表します。 例えば、休日が月曜日にあたるのであれば、 'the holiday falls on a weekday'. と言います。週の特定の日にあたる休日について詳しく言いたい時は、その日を'holiday'と言うことが出来ます。例えば、 'this Monday is a public holiday/ next week Saturday is a public holiday'(今週の月曜日/来週の土曜日は祝日です)
Lesang DMM英語講師
  • week day

  • work day

  • business day

A week day falls during the week, not on a weekend. Typically people work during the week and have weekends off so it is often referred to as a work day. Also referred to as a business day, especially when providing a time frame for services or delivery of something. eg: "Once placing your order your package will arrive within 7 business days." ( 7 business days would be 7 weekdays, not counting the weekends as most businesses are closed during those days)
A week day は週末ではなく平日のことです。 一般的に人々はweek day に働きます。 勤務時間などが具体的にある場合はbusiness dayとも言われています。. 例:(英文) "Once placing your order your package will arrive within 7 business days." ( 7 business days would be 7 weekdays, not counting the weekends as most businesses are closed during those days) (訳) 注文後7 business daysに送ります。 ( 7 business days は7weekdaysと同じ意味です。 週末は多くのビジネスが営業していないため含まれません。)
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • Weekday

日本語の「平日」が英語で「Weekday」といいます。 以下は例文です。 あの店は平日は閉まっている ー That store is closed on weekdays 私は平日の朝はいつもジョギングをする ー I jog every weekday morning 私は平日が仕事です ー I have work on weekdays 私は平日の夜は早く寝ます ー I go to bed early on weekdays 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Week day

  • Workday

By saying workday you would be telling the listener that it is not a weekend or a holiday as you are working.
Kirst English teacher
  • Working day.

  • Week day.

We normally call a week day a working day as most people work the normal 9-5 schedule. If you are waiting for a delivery we say '3 working days' to indicate that weekends and public holidays are not included. If people do not work in the week, they are more likely to just say week day because it does not count as a working day for them.
平日のことを一般的に working dayと言います。'3 working days'は週末と祝日は含まないという意味です。働かない人はweek dayと言うことが多いです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Weekday

  • Normal working day

"Weekday" Is what you would call Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, "Normal working day" Is another way of describing these days
"Weekday" は月曜日、火曜日、水曜日、木曜日、金曜日の事です。 "Normal working day" は平日のことを意味する他の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • weekdays

  • business days

these are often called week days but can also be referred to as business days. for example quite often if somebody says something will be done in 3 business days then it may mean 'friday, monday and tuesday' because the weekend days will not be counted.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Weekday

平日はweekdayといいます。発音はウイークデーです。 週末はweekendです。 皆ほとんど平日で仕事してる Most people work on weekdays Most people work during the week ディズニーランド行きたいけど週末は混みすぎだから平日の方がいい I want to go to Disneyland but its always too busy on the weekend so lets go on a weekday
  • Just a normal day.

  • Weekdays.

  • Another day, another dollar.

"Just a normal day." This can be used for all the days of the week but insinuating that it would be a working day. A: "How was your day?" B: "Just a normal day in the office." A "weekday" covers Monday through to Friday and then we have the weekend. "You can contact me weekdays between the hours of 9-5." "Another day, another dollar." This is quite a nice expression which implies that there is nothing out of the ordinary with your work & it is a working day, typically a "weekday". A: "How was your day?" B: "Just another day, another dollar!"
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • weekday

こんにちは。 「平日」は英語で weekday と言えます。 対して「週末」は英語で weekend です。 【例】 I only work on weekdays. 「私は平日しか働きません」 I don't want to go to Disneyland on the weekend because it's crowded. 「週末は混んでいるからディズニーランドに行きたくない」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Weekday

  • Business days

平日のことは「Weekday」と言います。 例文: - I am not looking forward for the weekday. (平日はあまり楽しみじゃない) 平日、すなわち営業日は「Business days」と言います。 例文: - It will take minimum 3 business days for the order to process. (注文が通るまでに最低平日に三日間かかります) ご利用いただいきありがとうございます。 またの質問をお待ちしております!
  • Weekday

  • Business day

土曜日と日曜日はweekendで月曜日から金曜日までweekdayですね。 「仕事は何日ですか?」「平日です」 What days do you work? (I work on) weekedays. でも、祝日抜きで言いたいとbusiness daysと言います。ビジネスできる日という意味です。銀行やオンラインショッピングなどによく使います。 「新しい本注文して4日間かかるっt書いたけどまで来てない。なんで?」「週末と祝日抜き(business days)で4日って書いてあるよ!一昨日と昨日は週末で今日は海の日だから明日くるじゃない?」 "I ordered a new book and it it would take 4 days, but it hasn't come. Why?" "It says 4 business days! It was just the weekend, and today is Marine Day, so it will probably come tomorrow, don't you think?" ご質問ありがとうございました!
  • Weekday.

A day of the week other than Sunday or Saturday. For example. What do you usually do at the weekend? Well, on Saturday I go shopping and Sunday I relax. Great, and during the week? What is a normal weekday for you? Work, I guess. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Weekday.

  • Day of the week.

  • Working day.

The words above are the right words to describe any usual day of the week that is not a holiday or weekend. Working days are the five days of the week during which people work, on these days offices will open and stay open till late compared to weekends when offices don't open at all or open for a short time. "I don't like having playdates during the week, I have too much homework to do." "The office is only open during working days." "What day of the week is it? It is Monday today."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • weekday

  • workday

「平日」は英語で「weekday」と言います。 「Week」は「週」、「day」は「日」ですね。 Monday to Friday are weekdays. 月曜日から金曜日は平日です。 Are you busy on weekdays? 平日は忙しいですか。 「平日」に仕事をすることが多いですので「workday」ということもあります。 Next Monday is a normal workday. 来週の月曜日は普通の平日です。 Is next Friday a holiday or a workday? 来週の金曜日は祝日ですか。平日ですか。 「週末」は英語で「weekend」と言います。 「End」は「終わり」という意味ですね。 Are you busy next weekend? 来週の週末は忙しいですか。 I often work on the weekends. 週末に仕事をすることが多いです。
  • weekday

  • from Monday to Friday

「平日」はweekdayと言います。 もしこの表現を知らなければ、 from Monday to Fridayと言えば良いですね(^^♪ ちなみに、「週末」はweekendと言います。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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