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約束していた予定が仕事の都合によって行けなくてなった状況です。 相手は友達ですが、申し訳なく思っていることを伝えたいです。
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2017/12/13 21:17
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  • I'm sorry, I won't make it today, something came up.

  • I'm so sorry, I am going to have to bail on today, I have to work.

It is polite to start the bad new with an apology, it makes you seem more sincere. If you want to be vague you can use 'something came up' it politely informs the person that you have to attend to something else it also does not need a follow up excuse. 'Bail' is informal language, we use this when we want to cancel on a plan.
謝罪から始めた方がもっと丁寧に聞こえます。具体的に事情を説明したくない場合は 'something came up' を使うのがオススメです。 'Bail' はカジュアルなフレーズですが予定をキャンセルしたい時に使います。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • So sorry, but I have work commitments today

  • Sorry, but something came up at work and I won't be able to make it

If you have 'commitments' it means that there are 'pressing' matters that you have to attend to - this may be in the form of being responsible for another person, or having to be on duty at a work location. If something 'comes up' it means that something arises during work or even in your free time, which requires your immediate attention
commitments' がある場合は何かの事情によって出席しないといけないことです- これは仕事の場合が多いです。 何かが 'come up'する場合は突然何かの事情によって今やっていることの優先順位を変えないといけないことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am very sorry I wont be able to make it, something has come up at work.

  • I have to work today, I wont make our arrangement. I am sorry, I will make it up to you.

By saying you will make it up to your friend, you are showing that you are sorry in another way other than just saying sorry.
友達に make it up することは「ごめんなさい」と同じ意味です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Im sorry something came up at work so I wont be able to meet up.

  • Sorry but I am still court up at work, I will have to rearrange.

"I'm sorry something came up at work so I won't be able to meet up." This politely apologises to your friend and explains to them that you will not be able to see them that day because you have to stay at work. "Sorry but I am court up at work, I will have to rearrange." This apologises to your friend and asks them if you can make plans to meet another day because you are still busy at work.
"I'm sorry something came up at work so I won't be able to meet up." 職場に留まらなければならないため、あなたはその日に友人に会えないことを丁寧に謝罪する表現です。 "Sorry but I am court up at work, I will have to rearrange." この表現では、友人に謝罪し、あなたがまだ仕事で忙しいので、別の日に会う計画を立てることができるかどうかを尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so sorry, i have to work so can't meet up with you today

  • I'm so sorry i won't make it today, i have to work

  • I'm so sorry i have to work so can't make it

If you are not able to make a meeting then you would say 'I'm so sorry' or 'I'm sorry' this means that you are sorry for not being able to make it It is always nice to explain why you can't make it as well to be polite so you can say 'I have to work' and add 'I won't make it today' to explain that you won't be coming
待ち合わせに行けなくなったのなら、'I'm so sorry'または'I'm sorry'と言えます。行けなくなって申し訳ない気持ちを表します。 なぜ行けないのか理由も伝えると丁寧です。 ですから、 'I have to work'(仕事があります) と伝えて、そこに、 'I won't make it today'(今日は行けません) と加えられます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, but I can't make it this time. Can I take a rain check?

  • Sorry, but can we reschedule? I have to work today.

If you were suppose to meet your friend for something of leisure, then you can say, "I'm sorry, but I can't make it this time. Can I take a rain check?" The phrase 'rain check' is used when you had plans to do something but need to postpone them for a later (but unknown) date. So here, you are asking the person if you can reschedule the meetup. For formal and casual situations, you can say, "Sorry, but can we reschedule? I have to work today." This is a polite way to ask if you can meet another day.
友達と遊ぶ約束をしていたのなら、次のように言えます。 "I'm sorry, but I can't make it this time. Can I take a rain check?"(ごめんなさい、でも今回は行けないんだ。また今度にしてもらってもいいかな) 'rain check'は、予定を延期しないといけないときに使われます。ですからここでは、集会を別の日にできるか尋ねています。 次のフレーズは、フォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使えます。 "Sorry, but can we reschedule? I have to work today."(申し訳ないですが、別の日にできますか。今日は仕事があるんです) これは、会うのを別の日にできるか尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I am so sorry, I have to work and will not be able to make it.

  • I am so sorry, I will not be able to make it because I have to work.

  • I am so sorry, I have to work, so I will not be able to meet up with you.

To show your regret, start with your apology; “I am so sorry.” Then explain clearly why you will have to cancel your plans; “I have to work.”
謝罪で始めて、残念な気持ちを表しましょう:“I am so sorry.”(申し訳ない) それから、なぜ予定をキャンセルしないといけないのか明確に説明します:“I have to work.”(仕事がある)
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
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