世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/17 12:48
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  • Have any of you tried this food before?

  • Has anyone ever tasted this food?

When talking about life experience we usually use the present perfect form and may combine that with words such as 'before' or 'ever' which will clearly define the time period you mean. 'Before' would mean, 'the time period preceding now,' and 'ever' means 'at any time in your life.' "Have you ever seen a crocodile?"
人生の中での経験について話すときは、 'before' (以前)や 'ever' (今まで)という言葉を混ぜ、現在完了形を使って表現します。  "Have you ever seen a crocodile?" クロコダイルを今まで見たことがありますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you tried this before?

  • Have you eaten this before?

When we are eating new foods, we often say 'try'. "here try this, it's really good". "Have you tried out the restaurant down the road yet?" So when you are asking if someone has tasted this food before, you say 'try'!
新しい食べ物を食べるとき、tryという言葉をよく使います。 "here try this, it's really good". ほら、これ食べてみて。すごくおいしいよ。 "Have you tried out the restaurant down the road yet?" その道を降りて行ったところのレストラン、もう試してみた? 誰かにある食べ物を食べたことがあるか聞きたいときは、tryを使ってみましょう。  
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • have any of you ever tried this?

  • Blow fish can be poisonous if not cooked correctly...Have any of you ever tried this?

In English..when we say; have you ever " tried this"? We mean... have you "already experienced this before"... EG "I have never tried" Sky-Diving but its on my "bucket list" (a things to do list) When it comes to food it is a very commonly used phrase... You could say its been "tried and tested";-D
英語で、Have you ever tried this?というと、それを今までしたことがあるかという意味になります。  例:  I have never tried Sky-Diving but its on my "bucket list"  スカイダイビングをしたことがないけど、やりたいことリストに入っているよ。 ある食べ物を食べたことがあるか聞きたいときには、triedもしくはtastedを使います。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever experimented with this food before?

  • Have you ever tried this type of Japanese cuisine?

  • Have you eaten this particular food?

In your presentation, when you want to ask your audience if they have ever eaten a certain food, you may ask in the following ways; Have you ever experimented with this food before? experimented with-to try out new things, in this case, a type of food. cuisine-A style or method of cooking. Have you eaten this particular food? Have you had it before?
プレゼンテーション中、あなたが聴衆に、ある食べ物を食べたことがあるか尋ねるとき、以下のように聞けるでしょう; Have you ever experimented with this food before? (この食べ物を食べたことがありますか?) experimented with-新しい物を試すこと。この場合、ある食べ物。 cuisine-調理スタイルや方法。 Have you eaten this particular food? (この食べ物を食べたことがありますか?) Have you had it before? (それを食べたことがありますか?)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Has any of you eaten this Japanese cuisine before?

  • Has any of you tasted this Japanese food before?

The noun 'cuisine' refers to the style of cooking that is characteristic of a particular country or region. 'Cuisine' can also refer to the range of dishes that a particular restaurant serves. For example, Sushi can be referred to as Japanese cuisine, pizza can be referred to as Italian cuisine. If you refer to a particular type of food as originating from Japan and mainly consumed by Japanese people, you may also call it Japanese food. So, you may ask your audience as follows: Has any of you eaten this Japanese cuisine before? or Has any of you tasted this Japanese food before? If anyone in the audience has eaten Sushi before, he/she may respond: 'I have eaten Sushi before. In fact, it's my favorite Japanese cuisine".
名詞「cuisine」は、ある国や地域に独特の料理方法です。 また「Cuisine」は、特別なレストランが提供する料理の領域を意味します。 例えば、すしは日本のcuisineと言えますし、ピザはイタリアのcuisineと言えます。 もし、ある食べ物が日本発祥で、主に日本人によって消費されているならば、Japanese food(日本食)と言えます。 したがって、聴衆に以下のように尋ねることができるでしょう : Has any of you eaten this Japanese cuisine before? または Has any of you tasted this Japanese food before? (この日本の食べ物を食べたことがありますか?) もし、聴衆の誰かがすしを食べたことがあるならば、彼/彼女は以下のように答えるでしょう: I have eaten Sushi before. In fact, it's my favorite Japanese cuisine. (私はすしを食べたことがあります。実は私のお気に入りの日本の食べ物です。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Has anyone in the audience tried this dish before?

I would say anyone in the audience to affirm that people have tried this dish before and I would also say the word "dish" because dish is a specific preparation of food in addition to being a plate.
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Have any of you tried it?

  • Have any of you ever tasted it?

  • Have any of you ever eaten it?

There are numerous ways to ask if someone has tried a certain type of food, they include: have any of you tried have any of you ever tasted have any of you ever eaten has anyone tried has anyone tasted
誰かがある食べ物を食べたことがあるかを尋ねるには、様々な言い方があります。以下のように言えます: have any of you tried have any of you ever tasted have any of you ever eaten has anyone tried has anyone tasted
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
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