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2017/02/06 00:16
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  • She is a very practical person.

  • She has a lot of common sense.

  • She is street wise.

One way to describe someone who has a lot of common sense is to say that they are very 'Practical' This means that they know what to do in a difficult situation and can solve problems well. They are able to apply the knowledge that they have to any situation. Another way is to say that someone has a lot of common sense. Common sense is also day to day knowledge. Another term is to say that the person is 'street wise.' That means that in daily situations they know what to do. I hope that helps!
一般常識のある人を表現するには、practical という単語があります。 これは、困難な状況でもなにをすべきか知っていて問題を解決することができるような人のことです。いろんな状況に関する知識があることも意味します。 他には have (has) a lot of common sense ということもできます。 common sense とは日々の日常で必要になる知識のことです。 または、street wise という言い方もあります。これは、日常的な状況でなにをするべきかわかっている人のことです。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • She has (good) common sense.

「common sense」は「常識」という意味なので、 She has (good) common sense 彼女は常識がある人だ。 という意味になります。 ご参考まで^^
  • She is very sensible

  • She has a good head on her shoulders

  • Her judgement is very sound

Common sense means that you have good sense and sound judgement in practical matters like cooking, carpentry, plumbing, managing money and anything else of a practical nature. It means that you are able to make good solid decisions by taking a sensible approach to matters e.g. The phrase common sense can be replaced by: She/he has a good head on his/ her shoulders. She/he is very sensible ‘They would say that that was a good, sensible, common-sense use of their money.’
Common senceとは、料理、大工、配管、お金の管理など、の実用的な事柄において、優れた感覚と健全な判断を持つことを意味します。 それは、あなたが問題に賢明なアプローチをとることによって、確固たる意思決定を下すことができることを意味します。 また、Common senceは次のように置き換えることができます: She/he has a good head on his/ her shoulders. 彼/彼女は肩の上に良い頭があります。 She/he is very sensible 彼女/彼は非常に賢明です ‘They would say that that was a good, sensible, common-sense use of their money.’彼らはそれが、お金について常識的、賢明という意味で言います。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • She has a good head on her shoulders.

「常識のある人」で表す熟語を紹介します: She has a good head on her shoulders. これは「頭が良いこと」という直訳で、「常識がある・実務の才能がある」という意味です。 このような例文ができます: We can depend on her to figure it out. She has a good head on her shoulders. 「解決するには、彼女に頼ることができます。常識のある人です。」
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • He/she is very astute

  • He/she is generally clued up

  • He/she has a good sense of reality

a good sense of reality = sound practical sense astute = having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people clued up = well informed about a particular subject
a good sense of reality=地についた常識のある astute=(状況や人を)正確に評価する能力を示している clued up =(特定の主題について)よく知られている
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • They've got their head screwed on

  • He/she's quite savvy

  • They're pretty streetwise

*They've got their head screwed on* meaning= they know what to do in situations, they have good common sense. * He/she's quite savvy * Meaning= another way of saying they've got good common sense, they're not an idiot when it comes to deals or directions etc. * They're pretty streetwise * Meaning= They know what to do in ordinary street situations, what roads/ areas to avoid = they have good common sense about where to go and where not to go. Another way of saying this "They've got a good head on their shoulders" Meaning = they think in a logical way. A phrase that means the opposite of common sense could be: " They're daft as a brush" Meaning = they do stupid things, they don't have anymore sense than a broom / toilet brush
*They've got their head screwed on* 意味=彼らは状況において何をすべきかを知っている、彼らは良い常識を持っている。 * He/she's quite savvy * 意味=彼らが良い常識を持っていると言っている別の方法は、それは取引や指示などになるとばかげているわけではありません。 * They're pretty streetwise * 意味=彼らは、普通の通りの状況で何をすべきかを知っています。避けるべき道路/地域=どこに行くべきか、どこに行かないのかについての常識があります。 Another way of saying this "They've got a good head on their shoulders" 意味=彼らは論理的に考える。 常識の反対を意味するフレーズは次のようなものです。 " They're daft as a brush" 意味=彼らは愚かなことをする、彼らはもはやほうき/トイレのブラシよりも意味がない
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • rational person

  • a sensible person

A person who has common sense can be referred to as a "rational person", "sensible person", "person with a good head on their shoulders", etc. For example, you can say: -Sandy is my most sensible friend. -Samuel is a rational person. His critical thinking skills are very good. -Andy has a good head on her shoulders.
常識のある人を、"rational person", "sensible person", "person with a good head on their shoulders"などと言います。 -Sandy is my most sensible friend. サンディは、一番良識ある友達です。 -Samuel is a rational person. His critical thinking skills are very good. サミュエルは、常識のある人です。彼の思考はとても素晴らしい。 -Andy has a good head on her shoulders. アンディは常識ある人です。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • She has good common sense.

  • She is a very practical person.

  • She is very sensible.

We can use the term, "common sense," to talk about that someone always makes good decisions or someone who is very, "practical," or, "sensible," in their decision making.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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