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2017/12/17 14:43
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  • I don't take formal lessons, just mess about at home

  • I don't have a piano tutor but enjoy playing just for my own amusement

As a hobby, piano playing may be a rewarding and creative pastime and of course, there is a phenomenally wide range of ability amongst all the people who take up piano playing, either seriously or as an intermittent player. The traditional way of learning piano is to have regular lessons, practise alone, and then slowly work your way through a series of progressively more difficult exams. Or you can just self-teach and play 'for your own amusement.'
趣味として、ピアノを弾くことはやりがいのあることですし、気晴らしにもなります。もちろん、真剣にする人もいれば、たまに弾く人もいて、その実力の差は幅広いと思います。 ピアノを習う昔ながらの方法は、定期的にレッスンを受ける、一人で練習することで、それから徐々に難しいものへと進んでいくことになるでしょう。または、独学で自分の娯楽のために弾く人もいるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't take lessons; I just play (piano) for fun.

  • I've never taken lessons; I just play (piano) for fun.

  • I've never received formal training; I've only played piano during my free time.

1. "I don't take lessons; I just play (piano) for fun." I think a good, casual reply to this question is: "I don't take lessons, I just play for fun." It is optional if you want to include "piano", but I think it would sound most casual if "piano" was omitted. I think this is a good response because it is brief. 2. "I've never taken lessons; I just play (piano) for fun." *** "I've never taken lessons" is another way of saying "I don't take lessons". 3. "I've never received formal training; I've only played piano during my free time." I think this is a good response if you would like to be more formal. *** "receive formal training" means to take serious lessons or classes. I hope this helps! Good luck!✰✰
1. "I don't take lessons; I just play (piano) for fun." レッスンは受けていません。趣味で弾くだけです。 これは、カジュアルな表現だと思います。pianoという単語をいれてもいいですが、pianoを省いた方がよりカジュアルに聞こえます。短いので使えるフレーズですね。   2. "I've never taken lessons; I just play (piano) for fun." レッスンを受けたことがありません。趣味で弾くだけです。 *** "I've never taken lessons"とは、レッスンを受けたことがないという意味です。 3. "I've never received formal training; I've only played piano during my free time." きちんとしたトレーニングを受けたことはありません。時間があるときに弾きます。 これは、とてもフォーマルな表現です。  *** "receive formal training" とは、本当のレッスンやクラスを受けるという意味です。 お役に立てたら幸いです。
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • I no longer take professional lessons. I just play for fun.

  • I have never had professional lessons. I only play for leisure.

  • I taught myself to play piano.

If you have had lessons in the past, but do not take piano lessons anymore, you can say "I no longer take professional lessons. I just play for fun.". If you have taught yourself piano "from scratch" (that means from the very beginning, without any previous effort or knowledge) you can say "I have never had professional lessons. I only play for leisure." or "I taught myself to play piano.".
以前ピアノのレッスンを受けていて、今はもう受けていない場合は: "I no longer take professional lessons. I just play for fun.". (もうレッスンは受けていません。趣味で弾くだけです) もし初めから独学でピアノを学んだなら: "I have never had professional lessons. I only play for leisure." (レッスンを受けたことはありません、趣味で弾いているだけです) "I taught myself to play piano." (独学でピアノを学びました)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I play piano for fun

  • I don't take piano lessons I just mess around

"I play piano for fun" This sentence is stating that you enjoy playing piano, that you aren't so serious about being a pianist (someone who plays the piano), that you like to have a good time. "I don't take piano lessons I just mess around" To 'mess around' is to state that you have fun, don't care too much about something, you just do it, ex. "Do you want a mess about on the football pitch" (to play football).
"I play piano for fun"(趣味でピアノを弾きます) は、「ピアノを弾くのは好きだけど趣味である、そこまで真剣ではない」と伝えています。 "I don't take piano lessons I just mess around"(ピアノのレッスンは受けていません、ただ遊びで弾くだけです) 'mess around' はあまり深く考えずにただ楽しむことを表します。 例: "Do you want a mess about on the football pitch?" (サッカーでもやりましょうか)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not taking lessons, I just play for fun.

  • No, I am trying to teach myself at home for fun.

"I'm not taking lessons, I just play for fun." This explains to the teacher that you are not taking lessons and you just play at home by yourself for fun. "No, I am trying to teach myself at home for fun." This politely explains to the teacher that you do not take lessons but you are trying to teach yourself how to play it.
"I'm not taking lessons, I just play for fun." レッスンを受けているわけではなく、家で楽しみのために引いていることを先生に伝える表現です。 "No, I am trying to teach myself at home for fun." レッスンは受けていないけれど、自分で学んでいることを先生に説明する丁寧な表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I am not a trained piano player but I play for fun at home.

  • I am not a professional piano player, I play for fun at home.

This is a way of telling someone that even though you do not take professional piano lessons you are still able to play for fun at home. You know about the piano without being trained.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • I don't take lessons. I just play for fun.

  • I don't take piano lessons anymore. Now, I just play for fun.

  • I've never taken piano lessons. I just play for fun.

I don't take piano lessons but I do have a piano at home and I play it for fun. I don't take piano lessons but I play for fun in my free time. I don't take lessons. I just play for fun. - You would say this if you do not take lessons. I don't take piano lessons anymore. Now, I just play for fun. - You would say this if you took piano lessons in he past but now you do not.
I don't take piano lessons but I do have a piano at home and I play it for fun.(ピアノのレッスンは受けていませんが、家にピアノがあって趣味で弾いています) I don't take piano lessons but I play for fun in my free time. (ピアノのレッスンは受けていませんが、趣味で暇な時に弾いています) I don't take lessons. I just play for fun.(ピアノのレッスンは受けていません。ただ趣味で弾いているだけです) = これはレッスンを受けていない場合に使えます。 I don't take piano lessons anymore. Now, I just play for fun.(もうピアノのレッスンは受けていません。今は趣味で弾くだけです) = これは、「昔ピアノのレッスンを受けていたけど今は受けていない場合」に使えます。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I don't take any lessons but I play at home for fun

  • I don't take lessons but I play the piano at home for fun

When you want to explain to a person that you don't take piano lessons but just play at home for fun; you may explain it in the following ways: -I don't take any lessons but I play at home for fun -I don't take lessons but I play the piano at home for fun
「ピアノのレッスンは受けていないけど、趣味として家で弾いている」は次のように言えます。 -I don't take any lessons but I play at home for fun -I don't take lessons but I play the piano at home for fun (レッスンは受けていないけど、趣味として家で弾いています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • She has never taken lessons but likes playing the piano at home.

  • He has never taken lessons but likes playing the piano at home.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) She has never taken lessons but likes playing the piano at home. 「彼女はレッスンを受けたことはありませんが、家でピアノを弾くのが好きです」 あるいは、 お子さんが男の子なら、 He has never taken lessons but likes playing the piano at home. 「彼はレッスンを受けたことはありませんが、家でピアノを弾くのが好きです」 のように言えば良いですね。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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