世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/17 16:20
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  • This car park is choc-a-bloc! We'll have to wait for a space.

It often occurs that you drive into a car park and find there are no spaces. So you have to wait for one to appear - or park illegally. Choc a bloc means: crammed full of people or things. Example 1 ‘The car manual is chock-a-block with information’ Example 2 ‘Even now, Skipton's car parks are choc-a-block on a warm summer's day and tourists drive round aimlessly and with increasing frustration.’
駐車場に入ったはいいものの、止めるスペースがないことはよくあることです。ですので、駐車スペースがあくまで待たなくてはいけません。 Choc a bloc とは、人や物でいっぱいのという意味です。 例 1 ‘The car manual is chock-a-block with information’ 車の取り扱い説明書は、ぎっしりと情報が書かれている。 例 2 ‘Even now, Skipton's car parks are choc-a-block on a warm summer's day and tourists drive round aimlessly and with increasing frustration.’ 今でも、スキプトンの駐車場は、暑い夏の日には満杯で、旅行客はイライラをつのらせながらあてもなくぐるぐる運転して回ります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There are no spaces left

  • We have to wait for a parking spot to become free

example "The parking bay is full, we will have to wait for a spot." or "We can't park yet, there are no spaces at the moment." or "We will have to circle, until a space opens up."
"The parking bay is full, we will have to wait for a spot." 駐車場がいっぱいだから、あくまで待っていないといけないんだよ。   "We can't park yet, there are no spaces at the moment." 今空いているところがないから、車を止められないんだ。  "We will have to circle, until a space opens up." 駐車場があくまで、ぐるぐる回っていないといけない。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • The parking lot is full. We have to wait for a vacant parking bay.

  • We have to double-park until an empty parking space comes up.

The noun 'parking lot' means an area where cars and other vehicles can park, especially at shops. The noun 'parking bay' means a space in a parking lot, where one can park one's car. If the 'parking lot' is completely full and there is no empty parking bay, one is forced to either drive off or 'double-park' and wait until an empty parking bay becomes available. 'Double -parking', which is parking next to a car that has already been parked is not allowed. So, you may say: The parking lot is full. We have to wait for a vacant parking bay. or We have to double-park until an empty parking space comes up.
名詞'parking lot'は、特にお店などで、車などの乗り物を停めるところを指します。 名詞'parking bay'は、車一台分の駐車場所を意味します。 parking lotが満車で、parking bayがない場合、その場所を去るか、停まっている車の横に停めて空きがでるまで待つしかありません。   'Double -parking'とは、すでにとまっている車の横に停めることで、禁止されています。 The parking lot is full. We have to wait for a vacant parking bay. 駐車場が満車だわ。空くまで待たないといけない。  We have to double-park until an empty parking space comes up. スペースが空くまで、停まっている車の隣で待たないといけない。 のように表現することができます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The parking lot is so full I can't find a place to park. We'll have to wait for someone to leave.

  • Sorry kids, there's no where to park so we have to wait.

  • We have to be patient and wait for a place to park.

The parking lot is so full I can't find a place to park. We'll have to wait for someone to leave. Sorry kids, there's no where to park so we have to wait. We have to be patient and wait for a place to park. There isn't any places to park because the lot is full. But we can park as soon as a spot opens up.
The parking lot is so full I can't find a place to park. We'll have to wait for someone to leave.(駐車場がいっぱいだから止めるところがないんだ。誰かが出るまで待たないといけない) Sorry kids, there's no where to park so we have to wait.(悪いね。止めるところがないから待たないといけない) We have to be patient and wait for a place to park.(辛抱して場所が空くのを待たないといけない) There isn't any places to park because the lot is full. But we can park as soon as a spot opens up.(駐車場がいっぱいだから止めるところがないんだ。でも、場所が空けば止められるよ)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • The car park is full so we have to wait for a space to park

A parking lot in the Uk is also called a 'car park' the term 'car park is full' means there is no spaces to park in the car park so you have to wait to park your car
parking lot'(駐車場)はイギリスでは 'car park' とも言います。 'car park is full' は「駐車場に車を止めるスペースがない」という意味です。ですから、場所が空くまで待たないといけません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The car park is full, we have to wait for a free spot.

  • We have to wait for a free space as the car park is full.

When telling someone that you can't find a space to park, you can either say: -The car park is full, we have to wait for a free spot. or -We have to wait for a free space as the car park is full.
駐車スペースが見つけられないことを誰かに伝えたいときには、 -The car park is full, we have to wait for a free spot.(駐車場がいっぱいだから、場所が空くまで待たないといけない) または、 -We have to wait for a free space as the car park is full.(駐車場がいっぱいだから、場所が空くまで待たないといけない) と言えます。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • It's jam-packed at the moment, we can try again in a little while.

  • There's no parking spaces, maybe later.

Jam packed is a funny expression, but as can be imagined, when jam/jelly is full in a jar, there is literally no space for air even to fit in the jar. By using this expression, we are saying it's filled to capacity right now. "No parking spaces" means there isn't a free space for our car to fit.
"Jam packed" は面白い表現です。当然、瓶にジャム(Jam)がいっぱいに入っていると、空気の入り込む隙間はどこにもありません。この表現を使って、ぎっしり満杯になっていると伝えています。 "No parking spaces" は、車が止められる場所がないという意味です。
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
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