Which country are most of your customers from recently?
Where are most of your customers from these days?=最近のお客さんはどこの人が多いの?
Which country are most of your customers from recently?=この頃どの国からのお客さんが多いの?
前者でも伝わるかと思いますが、「どの国」を強調したいのであれば後者を訪ねるとスムーズです。recentlyもthese daysも同じ意味なので覚えやすい方を使いましょう。
From what country are most of your customers from?
Where are most of your customers visiting from?
❶From what country are most of your customers from?
❷Where are most of your customers visiting from?
Are most of your customers from China?
Do you get more Chinese customers or Korean customers?