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2017/12/19 04:22
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  • It won't be clean for long

  • It's usually dirty from washing the dog

  • I can't keep it clean for long because his feet always need washing

I know how you feel. I have 3 dogs and I am constantly cleaning my house. My dogs are constantly making my house dirty :( It won't be clean for long - this means even though it is clean right this minute you expect it to get dirty again very soon because of the dog's feet. You could also say - I am continually washing his feet and continually cleaning the bathtub - it is a vicious circle. Hope this helps Jane :)
すごく共感できます。 私も犬を3匹飼っていて、いつも家を掃除しています。 私の犬はしょっちゅう家を汚くするので、、、 “It won’t be clean for long.” (長い間綺麗に保てない。) この表現はこの瞬間は綺麗であったとしても、 犬の汚れた足のせいでまたすぐに汚れるだろうという意味を表しています。 また、 “I am continually washing his feet and continually cleaning the bathtub.” (私は、犬の足をずっと洗っていて、でも浴槽もずっと洗っています。) これは負の循環を表現しています。 役に立てれば、嬉しいです。 ジェーン: )
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • It gets dirty quickly

  • It normally gets dirty quickly after washing the dogs

"It gets dirty quickly" This explains that it gets dirty fast. "It normally gets dirty quickly after washing the dogs." This explains to the person that it gets dirty fast because you wash the dogs there.
"It gets dirty quickly"(すぐに汚れてしまいます) "It normally gets dirty quickly after washing the dogs."(犬を洗った後だと、いつもすぐに汚れてしまいます)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • It gets dirty rather quickly.

  • It doesn't stay clean for long.

1. It gets dirty rather quickly. - This sentence means that the area gets dirty fast, before long it gets dirty. 2. It doesn't stay clean for long. This sentence means that it may be clean for a short while, but it will not stay clean for a long time.
1. It gets dirty rather quickly. この文では、すぐに汚れてしまうことを意味します。 2. It doesn't stay clean for long. この文では、少しの間だったらきれいを保てるけれど、すぐにまた汚くなることを意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • clogged with grime

  • it will be covered in grime again soon

examples "it'll be dirty again soon". or "it's clogged with grime as soon as i have cleaned it". or "it will soon be dirty again!".
例文 "it'll be dirty again soon". すぐに又汚れるだろう "it's clogged with grime as soon as i have cleaned it". 掃除をしたあとすぐに汚れている "it will soon be dirty again!". 又すぐに汚くなるだろう
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It gets dirty quickly

  • It's not clean for long

it's not clean for long' explains that something does not stay clean for a long time it gets dirty in a short time you can also say 'it gets dirty quickly'
it's not clean for long'(すぐに汚れてしまう)は、それがきれいである期間が短いこと、すぐに汚れてしまうことを表します。 他に、'it gets dirty quickly'(すぐに汚れてしまう)と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It immediately gets dirty again

  • I'm back to square one immediately

Explanation: Immediately = straight away, instantly. If you are 'back to square one' it means you are back at the starting point of something Example sentence: "We built our own house but it was destroyed by an earthquake, so now we're back to square one."
説明: "Immediately" = すぐに、即座に 'back to square one' は、最初の状態に戻ってしまうことを意味します。 例文: "We built our own house but it was destroyed by an earthquake, so now we're back to square one." (私たちは自分の家を建てましたが、地震で壊されてしまい、元に戻ってしまいました。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is always dirty

  • It's constantly dirty

"It is always dirty" 'Always' is implying that something happens all the time. ex. "I'm always hungry when it's lunch time" "It's constantly dirty" 'Constantly' is used when describing, again, something that is always there/happening, ex. "I constantly have to charge my mobile phone everyday".
"It is always dirty"(いつも汚れている) 'Always' は何かが「いつも」起こることを表します。 例: "I'm always hungry when it's lunch time"(昼食の時間になるといつもおなかがすく) "It's constantly dirty"(いつも汚れている) 'Constantly' も同様に、いつもそこにあるものやいつも起こることを表します。 例: "I constantly have to charge my mobile phone everyday".(毎日何度も携帯を充電しないといけない)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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