世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/19 22:41
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  • I mostly went around the food stands to try out different things.

  • I was more interested in the different kinds of food stands and shops.

  • I tried a few of the rides but I spent more time sampling the different food that was being sold.

I mostly went around the food stands to try out different things. mostly = for the most part This means you spent the majority of the time visiting the food stands. I was more interested in the different kinds of food stands and shops. This means that you were particularly interested in the food and preferred trying out different kinds of food instead of the rides. I tried a few of the rides but I spent more time sampling the different food that was being sold. This means that even though you tried out some of the rides ,you spent more time trying out and exploring some of the food shops and stands.
“I mostly went around the food stands to try out different things.” (私は、様々な食べ物を試すためにほとんど屋台を回っていました。) mostly= ほとんど こちらは、ほとんどの時間、屋台を訪れていた・回っていたという意味です。 “I was more interested in the different kinds of food stands and shops.” (私は、様々な屋台やお店により興味がありました。) こちらは、特に食べ物に興味があって、 乗り物よりも食べ物を試していたという意味になります。 “I tried a few of the rides but I spent more time sampling the different food that was being sold.” (私は数個の乗り物しか乗らなかったですが、より多くの時間を売られている様々な食べ物を試すのに費やしました。) こちらは、いくつかの乗り物には挑戦したけれど、 それよりも多くの時間に屋台を散策するのに使ったという意味になります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I strolled around, trying the different foods.

  • I walked around tasting all the different foods.

  • As I was walking around, I tried lots of different food.

To express that while at Disneyland you walked around the park and ate different food, you can state "I walked around tasting all the different foods."
ディズニーランドにいる間、パーク内を歩き、色々な食べ物を食べたと表現するなら、 'I walked around tasting all the different foods.' (いろいろな食べ物を食べ歩いた) と言うことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I wandered around and tried different foods.

  • I roamed around and tried an array of foods.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express to your listener that you did not ride any rides but you did try a variety of foods. In the first sentence you will see the word wander and in the second sentence you will see the word roam. Although both of these words have different meanings in these sentences they mean to walk around in a relaxed way. I hope this explanation and these two sentences help you out!
上記2つの例文は、乗り物に乗ってないけど、いろいろな食べ物を食べたことを表現する素晴らしい言い方です。 最初の例文には、wanderという単語あり、2番目の例文にはroamという単語があります。この二つの単語にはいろいろな意味がありますが、これらの例文では、どちらも「のんびり歩き回る」という意味です。 この説明と2つの例文が手助けになることを願います!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I mostly walked around trying the different food

  • I was more interested in the food than the rides

To try something is to give something a go and see if you like it To be interested in something more means you enjoyed that more so the best way to say this is 'I was more interested in the food than the rides'
「try something」は「~を試す」という意味です。 「more interested in A than B」は、BよりもAを楽しんだことを表します。 ですから、ベストな言い方は: 'I was more interested in the food than the rides.' (乗り物よりも食べ物に興味があった)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoyed a variety of different foods from different food stalls.

  • Strolling around I tried different foods to Indulge in.

I would say the main focus of this question is to get across that you enjoyed a "variety of different foods" It is common to try out different foods when there are many food stalls so let us look at a full sentence to express yourself: When I visited Disneyland I didnt go on many rides instead I indulged in the different foods ( or a variety of foods) The sentence specifies that you didnt go on many rides instead you enjoyed the food stalls and the variety of foods that came with it :-D
"A variety of different foods"(色々な食べ物)を楽しんだことを伝えるのがポイントだと思います。 たくさんの出店があると色々な物を食べてみたくなりますよね。では、貴方が伝えたいことを文章で見てみましょう。 "When I visited Disneyland, I didn't go on many rides; instead I indulged in the different foods (or a variety of foods)." (ディズニーランドに行ったとき、アトラクションにはあまり乗らなかった。その代わり、色々な食べ物を楽しんだ。) 上記文章は、アトラクションには殆ど乗らず、ディズニーランドで見つけた色々な食べ物を楽しんだことを表してます。
Fay A DMM英会話講師
  • I just strolled around, trying all the snacks on offer

To stroll = to walk in a relaxed way. You may also mention that you 'soaked up the atmosphere' of the place, which, it seems, is what you were doing.
To stroll = ブラブラ、リラックスして歩く また、次のように言うことも出来ます。 'soak up the atmosphere' これは、その場所の雰囲気に浸る、といった意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When I was at Disneyland, I did not get on any rides but I was walking around eating and shopping

  • I walked eating all different foods at Disneyland instead of getting on the rides

  • I walked eating all different foods at Disneyland

When you want to explain that you were at Dinseyland but only walked around to eat and not get on any rides; then you can say it in the following ways: -When I was at Disneyland, I did not get on any rides but I was walking around eating and shopping -I walked eating all different foods at Disneyland instead of getting on the rides -I walked eating all different foods at Disneyland
ディズニーランドに行ったけど乗り物には乗らず食べ歩きをした、と言いたい時は、次のように表現できます。 【例文】 -When I was at Disneyland, I did not get on any rides but I was walking around eating and shopping [訳]ディズニーランドでは、乗り物には乗らずに食べ歩きとショッピングをしました -I walked eating all different foods at Disneyland instead of getting on the rides [訳]ディズニーランドでは、乗り物には乗らず、色々な食べ物を食べ歩いていました -I walked eating all different foods at Disneyland [訳]ディズニーランドで、いろいろな食べ物を食べ歩きしました
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • eating around

  • walk around eating

1. eating around 「食べてまわる」のようなニュアンスになる英語表現です。 2. walk around eating こちらは「食べながら歩いてまわる」のような意味になります。 どちらも「食べ歩き」に近いニュアンスで使うことができる英語表現です。 ぜひ使ってみてください。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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