世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/20 02:33
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  • Please contact the airline directly for any changes you wish to make.

  • Please contact your travel agent if you wish to make any further changes.

Please contact the airline directly for any changes you wish to make. This means that you are referring them to the airline with which they have made flight bookings with.You may also give them a specific contact number ,call center number or website to use inorder to make changes, Please contact your travel agent if you wish to make any further changes. This is a good way to refer them to a travel agency or agent if they have indicated that the initial ticket was booked through a travel agency.
“Please contact the airline directly for any changes you wish to make.” (変更したい点については、航空会社に直接連絡をとってください。) こちらは、フライトの予約をしたと思われる航空会社のことについて言及しています。 具体的な連絡先や、コールセンターの電話番号やウェブサイトを教えてあげても良いかと思います。 “Please contact your travel agent if you wish to make any further changes.” (何か変更点等ありましたら、旅行代理店に連絡して下さい。) こちらは、相手がチケットを予約する際に旅行代理店を使用していた場合に使える良い表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please contact the agency you bought the ticket from.

  • Please contact the company you bought the ticket from.

"Please contact the agency you bought the ticket from." This explains t the person that they need to get in touch with the company they bought the ticket from. "Please contact the company you bought the ticket from." This is another way of telling the person that they need to talk to the place where they got the ticket from.
“Please contact the agency you bought the ticket from.” (チケットを買った代理店に連絡してください。) これは、チケットを買った会社と連絡をとる必要があることを説明しています。 “Please contact the company you bought the ticket from.” (チケットを買った会社に連絡してください。) これはチケットを買った場所で話す必要があると説明している方法です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Place of Purchase

  • Ticket Agency

example: "Where did you reserve your ticket?" or "From which ticket agency did you buy your ticket?" or "Where did you purchase your ticket?"
"Where did you reserve your ticket?" どこでチケットを予約しましたか?  "From which ticket agency did you buy your ticket?"  どこのチケット会社からチケットを買いましたか? "Where did you purchase your ticket?" どこでチケットを購入しましたか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Please contact the seller where you made your original purchase

Begin by saying 'please' as you are speaking to a customer, therefore your tone is best to remain polite. Then ask them to contact the 'seller'. This is the person or company that sold them the ticket. 'Original purchase' is a common phrase describing the place where you bought something from. It refers to the place (in person at the location, or online) where money was exchanged for the goods to then be received. For example, you buy something at a large online retailer like Amazon, eBay, AliExpress and it has a fault. You contact them to explain this and they reply asking you to contact the seller first to resolve the issue, as they are firstly responsible for providing you with the original purchase.
まず初めに'please'と言うところから始めてください。お客様との会話になるので、丁寧に話すことが最良です。 それから、'seller'に連絡するようにお願いをしてみてください。'seller'は、彼らにチケットを売った人や会社のことです。 'Original purchase'というのは、商品の購入元のことを指す一般的なフレーズです。商品を買うのにお金を払う場所(直接のやり取りであれば場所、またはオンライン上でなど)のことを指します。 例えば、あなたが何かの商品をアマゾン、イーベイ、アリエクスプレスのような大型オンライン小売店で買い、商品に欠陥があったとします。あなたは彼らにこのことを説明して、彼らは問題を解決するためにはまず'seller'に連絡をしてくださいと言うでしょう。なぜなら、元々の購入に関しては'seller'が初めに責任を負っているからです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Please contact the company where you bought the ticket

Explanation:- When you wish to refer someone to another person/company, you can say: "Please contact....." Sample sentence:- "Please contact the police if you see anything suspicious."
解説:誰かを人や会社に紹介する場合、"Please contact....."と言えるでしょう。 例文: "Please contact the police if you see anything suspicious." (何か不審なものを見たら、警察に連絡してください。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Kindly contact the agency that sold you your ticket.

  • Please get in touch with the agency that you bought your ticket from.

  • For more information please contact the company you bought the ticket from.

If there is an issue with your ticket you should contact the agency that sold your ticket to you for precise assistance. They will be able to assist you in solving any issues you might have. Precise: accurate "I am not able to help with that sir, please contact the agency that sold this ticket to you for assistance."
チケットに何か問題があるなら、チケットを販売した代理店に連絡した方がいいです。 そちらの方が正確です。 Precise: 正確な "I am not able to help with that sir, please contact the agency that sold this ticket to you for assistance." (それは私には対処できません。チケットを販売した代理店に連絡してください)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Please contact the agency from you bought the ticket for a ticket change

  • Please get in touch with the agent from which you bought the ticket

When you want to inform a customer to contact the agency they bought the ticket from for a ticket change; then you may express this in the following ways: -Please contact the agency from you bought the ticket for a ticket change -Please get in touch with the agent from which you bought the ticket
チケットの変更についてはチケットを購入した代理店に連絡をして欲しいとお客さんに伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Please contact the agency from you bought the ticket for a ticket change(チケットの変更についてはチケットを購入した代理店にご連絡ください) -Please get in touch with the agent from which you bought the ticket(チケットを購入した代理店にご連絡ください)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please contact the agency where you bought your ticket from

  • Please contact your place of purchase

"Please contact the agency where you bought your ticket from" This sentence is taken from the context when wanting information on ticket information or even getting a refund, to contact is the same as to get in touch with someone, to contact is a more formal and politer way of phrasing this sentence. "Place of purchase" is the term used when referring to a shop or the location where you had purchased/bought the product.
"Please contact the agency where you bought your ticket from"(チケットを購入した代理店にご連絡ください) これは、チケットについて問い合わせたり、あるいは払い戻しを受ける文脈です。'to contact' を使うと、よりフォーマルで丁寧な言い方になります。 "place of purchase" は、その商品を購入したお店や場所を指します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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