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今は今しかないのだから、今という時間を楽しみ、そして大切に生活しよう という英文を作りたいです
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2017/12/20 21:11
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  • Live in the moment

  • Appreciate life as it happens

  • You don't get the same moment twice in life

These are all expressions used to encourage someone to appreciate their life and to treasure little moments as they happen. Live in the Moment This means you should be fully committed to enjoy your life at that specific moment and not worry about what happened in the past. Appreciate life as it happens This also means that whatever happened in the past ,stays in the past and what will happen in the future is not something you should dwell on. You don't get the same moment twice This means that what is important is your life today as you will never get a chance to relive it again.
これらはすべて、[人生](に感謝しよう、また、その瞬間を大切にしようと 誰かを励ますときに使われる表現です。 “live in the moment” ([瞬間を生きる]( これは、人生のある特別な瞬間を楽しむことにつくして 過去の心配ばかりするのをやめるべきだという意味です。 “appreciate life as it happens” (これから起こる人生に[感謝する]( こちらもまた、過去に何が起こっていようと、それは過去に残るのであって、 将来起こることについて、思考するべきである、という意味です。 “You don’t get the same moment twice.” (二回も[同じ瞬間はこない](。) これは、もう二度と今日という日を過ごすことはできないため、 大事なのは今の人生である、という意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Live in the here and now.

  • You can't relive a single moment, be present.

"Live in the here and now. " - Here and now means the present moment. "You can't relive a single moment, be present." - To be preset means to experience a moment to the full.
"Live in the here and now."(今を生きろ。) "Here and now"は「今」という意味です。 "You can't relive a single moment, be present." ([今は二度と再体験できない](のだから今を精一杯生きなさい。) "Be present"は[今を精一杯生きる](という意味です。
Kirst English teacher
  • Lve in the moment

  • Enjoy each day as it comes

There are many expressions you may use to express this meaning - including the rather cliche, 'carpe diem' or 'seize the moment'.
この意味を表す表現はたくさんあります、例えば、決まり文句ですが「carpe diem」や「seize the moment」。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Stop and smell the roses

  • You only live once

  • Carpe diem

"Stop and smell the roses" is an idiom that means to take time out your one's busy life to enjoy the beautiful things in life. "You only live once" or its acronym "YOLO" were commonly used phrase on the internet a few years ago. It means that you should take risks and "live life to the fullest" because you only have one life and it is very short and you don't know when your life will end. "Carpe diem" is a Latin phrase by the Roman poet Horace. It translates as "seize the day". It is widely understood by English speakers to mean " to make the most of the present, and to not worry about the future".
「Stop and smell the roses」は、忙しい人生のなかでも、時間をとって、人生の中の美しい物を楽しもうという意味です。 「You only live once」またはその頭字語「YOLO」は、インターネット上で数年前に良く使われた言い回しです。人生は1回しかなく、とても短く、いつ終わるかわからないので、リスクをとって、人生を最大限生きるべきだという意味です。 「Carpe diem」は、ローマの詩人ホラティアスによるラテン語の句です。「seize the day」と訳されます。英語話者によって、「to make the most of the present, and to not worry about the future(将来のことを心配せず、現在を最大限生きる」と広く理解されています。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • You only live once, so, enjoy like there is no tomorrow.

  • You only live once, so, make merry as never before.

  • You only live once, live for today, because, tomorrow never comes

So, tonight, you are holding a party, and, you are telling everybody that they only live once, so, they must enjoy themselves like there is no tomorrow. Because, if there is a tomorrow, there is no need to enjoy like there is no tomorrow, they can leave some of the enjoyment for tomorrow. However, what you are telling them is that they must enjoy themselves as much as they can, they must live for today because tomorrow never comes. What you are calling tomorrow today will be called 'today' tomorrow. So, you may say: You only live once, so, enjoy like there is no tomorrow. or You only live once, so, make merry as never before. or You only live once, live for today, because, tomorrow never comes
今夜パーティーがあって、集まったみんなに: You only live once, so, enjoy like there is no tomorrow. (人生一度きり、今日が最後の日だと思って楽しみましょう) と伝えます。明日があれば、明日に楽しみをとっておくことができます。明日がないつもりで、できる限り楽しむように伝えています。今日の明日は明日の今日です。 下記のように言えます。 You only live once, so, enjoy like there is no tomorrow. 人生は一度きりです、今日が最後の日だと思って楽しみましょう。 You only live once, so, make merry as never before. 人生は一度きりです、今までにないほど陽気に騒いでください。 You only live once, live for today, because, tomorrow never comes. 人生は一度きりです。明日は来ないので今日のために生きてください。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Live in the now.

  • There's no time like the present.

  • Live your life like there's no tomorrow.

All three phrases have one meaning in the end; focusing all your energy and thoughts into the present and not worrying about the past or the future. They're said to wash away the worries and not dwell on things you can't control like the past and future. The moment is right between your hands, seize it! Usually it is said to friends when you are trying to encourage them. Hope this helps!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Be in the moment

  • Live for the now

Both of these answers explain to someone that you treasure every moment and don't want to waste any time. "Be in the moment" - This is a phrase that you can use in many different situations. For example if you are at a music concert and people are filming with their smartphones, that could annoy you and you could say this phrase, because they are not in the moment, instead they are worrying about filming something. "Live for the now" - This literally means live in the present here and now. Do not worry about the past or the future.
どちらの例も、一瞬一瞬を大事にして時間を無駄にしたくないと説明してます。 Be in the moment - 様々な状況で使えるフレーズです。例えば、コンサートにいる時、スマホで撮影している人がいると、うっとうしいですね。そんな時にこのフレーズが言えます。何故ならば、彼らは撮影することを気にしていて、その瞬間を楽しんでいないからです。 Live for the now - 文字通り今この瞬間を生きるという意味です。過去や未来は気にするな、ということです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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