世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/21 07:27
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  • He's on vacation and is with his family in Canada

  • He is in Canada on a holiday with his family.

  • He is on vacation and has gone to visit his family in Canada.

"He's on vacation and is with his family in Canada" and "He is in Canada on a holiday with his family." are good ways to explain that he is on vacation with his family in Canada. He is on vacation and has gone to visit his family in Canada. This means that his had family that lives in Canada and has gone to pay them a visit on his vacation.
“He’s on vacation and is with his family in Canada.” (彼は休暇中で、カナダの家族といます。) “He is in Canada on a holiday with his family.” (彼は家族と休暇中カナダにいます。) これらはカナダで彼が家族と休暇を過ごしていると説明するのに良い方法です。 “He is on vacation and has gone to visit his family in Canada.” (彼は休暇中で、カナダにいる家族を訪れています。) これは、彼の家族がカナダに住んでいて、休暇中に会いに行ったという意味です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • My boyfriend is currently overseas, in Canada, with his family.

"My boyfriend is currently overseas, in Canada, with his family." Overseas is the same as abroad. So it would tell the listener your boyfriend is travelling.
"My boyfriend is currently overseas, in Canada, with his family." (彼氏は今外国のカナダで家族と一緒にいるのよ。) "overseas"は"abroad"と同じ意味です。そのため、上記の文は彼氏が今旅行中であるということを意味しています。
Kirst English teacher
  • On vacation with his family...

  • My boyfriend is not around right now...He is on vacation with his family, in Canada!

It is best to keep answers short and " to the point" when asked a question;-D EG "My boyfriend is not around right now...He is on vacation with his family, in Canada!"
質問をされた時、短く" to the point"(的をえて)答えると一番いいですね;-D 【例】 "My boyfriend is not around right now...He is on vacation with his family, in Canada!" (彼は今いません、彼は家族とバケーションに行っています、カナダに!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • He's visiting family in Canada

  • He's visiting his family in Canada

Visiting family in...' is a complete and common way to explain that somebody has family in a particular place and has taken a vacation to go and see them there.
‘Visiting family in....’ というフレーズは違う場所に住む家族に会うための休暇をとっている、ということが1番伝わりやすく、もっとも一般的な文章でしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • He is on a vacation.

  • He is on a vacation visiting his family.

  • He is visiting his family in Canada.

"He is on a vacation" is a simple way of saying that he is away. It means that he is on a holiday and that he isn't home at the moment. After saying that, you can add where he is, why he is there or how long he will be away for.
"He is on a vacation"(彼は休暇をとっています。) この文章は彼が休暇をとっていて不在であることを一番シンプルに伝えることができるでしょう。 上記の文章を言った後に、どこで休暇をとっているのか、なぜその場所にいるのか、どのくらいの期間不在なのか、を付け加えることができます。
Kackolino DMM英語講師
  • He's on vacation with his family in Canada

  • He's on holiday in Canada with his family

  • He has gone on vacation to viist his family in Canada

To say you have gone somewhere else to relax then we can call this a 'vacation' or 'holiday' if you go somewhere you also say to 'visit' as you are not living/staying there for a long time
どこか別の場所に行ってリラックスすることは、'vacation'(休暇)または 'holiday'(同)と言えます。 'visit' は「〔長期間滞在あるいは住むのではなく〕訪れる」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • He's on vacation right now with his family in Canada.

  • He's traveling abroad with this family in Canada.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that your boyfriend is on vacation with his family in Canada. In the first sentence you will see the term right now. This means at the present moment. This word is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、ボーイフレンドが今休暇でカナダの家族の所にいることを伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文では、"right now" というフレーズが使われています。これは「現在」という意味です。このフレーズは日常会話でよく使われます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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