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2017/12/21 20:43
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  • Ear Muffs

  • It is so cold I am seriously considering buying some Ear Muffs!

In colder climates and/or perhaps during a particularly "severe winter" many people may want to "protect themselves from the cold" by wearing Ear Muffs! Strangely enough, the body temperature is "controlled by the ears" and if our ears stay warm we feel warm...But if our ears get cold...We "feel cold all over" :-)
寒い気候、もしくは特に厳しい冬には、Ear Muffs(耳あて)をつけて寒さから耳を守りたいものです。不思議なことに、体温は耳でコントロールされ、耳が暖かいと、体も暖かく感じますし、逆に耳が冷たいと、体が寒く感じます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Earmuff(s)

Friend: Ohh, it's really cold this time of year. Winter sure is freezing. You: Yes, it is very cold, especially when it snows. Friend: Good thing we have gloves to keep our hands warm. But what do I do with my ears? They're freezing. You: You can wear a hat or you can buy earmuffs. Friends: What are earmuffs? You: They're cover for your ears when it's cold. Let's go buy from the store.
【例文】 友人: Ohh, it's really cold this time of year. Winter sure is freezing.(おー本当にこの時期は寒いよ。冬は寒すぎる) あなた: Yes, it is very cold, especially when it snows.(うん、本当に寒いね。特に雪が降るとき) 友人: Good thing we have gloves to keep our hands warm. But what do I do with my ears? They're freezing.(手を暖かく保つ手袋があってよかったけど、耳はどうしよう?耳がすごく寒い) あなた: You can wear a hat or you can buy earmuffs.(帽子をかぶるか、耳あてを買えばいいよ) 友人: What are earmuffs?(耳あてって何?) あなた: They're cover for your ears when it's cold. Let's go buy from the store.(寒いときに耳をおおうんだよ。お店に買いに行こう)
  • ear muffs

  • I wear ear muffs when its gets cold outside to protect my ears.

"Ear muffs" are soft things that are worn on and around the ear in cold weather to protect your eats from the cold.
"Ear muffs"(耳当て)とは、耳とその周辺を寒さから守るために身につける柔らかい防寒具のことです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Earmuffs

In regions where the winter season can get to be very cold, the ears are the most vulnerable on a person's head because of the orifices on both sides of the head. Wearing 'earmuffs' can prevent the cold from penetrating the ear orifices and keep a person warm. So, a friend might say to you: I am so cold, my whole head is freezing. Your response might be: I suggest that we should buy 'earmuffs', they will keep our heads warm.
冬がとても寒い地域では、耳は頭の横にあるので、頭の部分では最も弱い場所と言われています。 'earmuffs' (耳当て)をつけると、突き刺さるような寒さから耳を守り、暖かくしてくれます。 例: 友達: I am so cold, my whole head is freezing.    すごく寒い。頭全体が凍えているよ。 あなた: I suggest that we should buy 'earmuffs', they will keep our heads warm.    耳当てを買うといいよ。頭全体を暖めてくれるよ。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Earmuffs

If you are wanting to keep your ears warm in the cold weather then you would use 'earmuffs' these are usually woollen or fluffy to make them soft to wear against the ear and are also cushioned These are used as the ears are a delicate part of the body and tend to feel the cold more than anything else on the body
寒い冬に耳を暖かくしたいときは”Earmuffs"(耳当て)を使います。Earmuffsは、ウールなどの柔らかい素材で出来ていて、クッションのような感触があります。 耳当てを使うのは、耳はデリケートで冷たさを感じやすい身体の部位だからです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Earmuffs

Earmuffs are a clothing accessory designed to keep your ears warm during a period of cold weather. They were traditionally made of animal skin - but of course these days, that would be 'politically incorrect' and the material would be based on a man-made version. "It's so cold today, I'm going to wear my earmuffs."
Earmuffs' は耳用の防寒具です。かつては動物の皮で作られていましたが、現在はこれは道徳的に不適切になるでしょうから、人工のもので作られています。 "It's so cold today, I'm going to wear my earmuffs." (今日は寒いから、耳当てをしていきます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Earmuffs

Earmuffs (ee rmuh f s ) are the things that you can see within the picture that are normally used to keep ear's cold during the winter season. Example sentences : - It's snowing outside, I should probably wear my earmuffs so I'm not cold! - Don't forget to bring your earmuffs, it's cold outside!
この写真に写っている、耳用の防寒具は "Earmuffs" といいます。 例文: - It's snowing outside, I should probably wear my earmuffs so I'm not cold!(外は雪が降っている。寒くならないように耳当てをやった方がいいかな) - Don't forget to bring your earmuffs, it's cold outside!(耳当てを持って来るの忘れないようにね。外は寒いから)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Earmuffs

  • I wear earmuffs to keep my ears warm in the winter.

Earmuffs are the things you wear over your ears in the winter/fall to keep your ears warm. They are warm and fuzzy. They are connected and go over your head. They can be worn instead of a hat to keep your ears warm. Examples: I wear earmuffs in the fall when the weather begins to get chilly. Don't forget to wear your earmuffs! It is very cold outside. My grandmother always wore earmuffs so that she wouldn't get sick in the winter. I wear earmuffs instead of a hat because they don't mess up my hair.
”Earmuffs"は、秋・冬に耳を温める、暖かくてフワフワしている「耳あて」のことです。帽子の代わりに耳当てをすることも出来ます。 例分: ◎I wear earmuffs in the fall when the weather begins to get chilly. (秋に寒くなって来ると耳当てをします。) ◎Don't forget to wear your earmuffs! It's very cold outside. (耳当てするのを忘れないでね!外はとても寒いよ。) ◎My grandmother always wore earmuffs so that she wouldn't get sick in the winter. (私の祖母は、冬になると風邪を引かないように、いつも耳当てをしていました。) ◎I wear earmuffs instead of a hat because they don't mess up my hair. (髪の毛がボサボサにならないので、帽子の代わりに耳当てをします。)
Emily L DMM英会話講師
  • Earmuffs

In areas that are very cold people may wear "earmuffs" they are a soft fur like material that covers both ears and are attached to each other by a flexible band. The band can go behind one's head or it can go on top of one's head, depending on your style preference. People may use earmuffs as an alternative to a winter hat to keep your ears warm without messing up your hair. Example Sentence: "I'm going for a walk in Central Park today, but it's chilly outside I'll need my earmuffs."
すごく寒い地域の人は"earmuffs"(耳当て)をすることがあります。"earmuffs"は、耳を覆う部分が毛皮のようになっていて、これが柔軟なバンドでつながれています。 好みによって、バンドが頭の後ろを通るタイプと頭上を通るタイプがあります。 髪が乱れないように、冬用帽子の代わりに"earmuffs"を使う人もいます。 例文: "I'm going for a walk in Central Park today, but it's chilly outside I'll need my earmuffs." (今日セントラルパークに散歩に行くけど、冷えるから耳当てしてかないと)
Leesha DMM英会話講師
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