世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/24 19:44
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  • I can take that for you.

  • Would you like me to throw that for you?

When a customer is holding rubbish in their hands and maybe looking for a bin, you can say "I can take that for you", or "would you like me to throw that for you?" We don't need to say rubbish in our phrase if it is obviously unwanted trash.
お客様がごみを手にしてごみ箱を探していたら、"I can take that for you"(私が捨てておきます)あるいは"would you like me to throw that for you?"(捨てておきましょうか?)と言うことができます。 いらないごみであることが明らかであればrubbish(ごみ)と言う必要はありません。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Are you finished with that?

  • Can I throw that away for you?

"Are you finished with that?" asks the customer to tell you if they have finished so you can throw it away. "Can I throw that away for you?" This politely asks the customer if you can throw the item away for them.
"Are you finished with that?"という例文について この文は、お客様に持っているものを使い終わったたか、捨てて良いかどうか聞く文です。 "Can I throw that away for you?" という例文について この文は、上記と同じ意味で、丁寧な聞き方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • May I throw that (trash) away for you?

  • Would you like me to help you take out the trash?

When dealing with customers it's important to be polite. So you might want to say: -May I throw that away for you? -Would you like me to help you with that? (Would you like me to help you take out the trash?) -Would you like me to take your trash?
接客をする時は礼儀正しいすることが重要です。ですから以下のように言いたいと思うかもしれません。 例文 -May I throw that away for you? ゴミを捨てましょうか? -Would you like me to help you with that? (Would you like me to help you take out the trash?) それを片付けましょうか?(ゴミをお取りしましょうか?) -Would you like me to take your trash? ゴミをお取りしましょうか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • May I dispose of that...?

  • Excuse me ...but may I dispose of that rubbish for you?

"Dispose of that rubbish "...Means to put it in a suitable waste basket or in a bin for collection later. Dispose of: Throw away, throw out, cast out, get rid of... One could simply ask... "Excuse me ...but may I dispose of that rubbish for you?"
Dispose of that rubbish...あとでゴミ箱や収集箱に入れることを表します。 Dispose of: Throw away, throw out, cast out, get rid of... 例えば... "Excuse me ...but may I dispose of that rubbish for you?" すみません ...そのごみを捨てましょうか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to throw that away for you?

  • If you would like, I could throw that away for you.

  • Do you want me to throw that away for you?

"Would you..." & "Do you want me to..." are polite expressions that can be used when asking a question in a polite way. "Would you like me to throw that away for you?"
"Would you..." と"Do you want me to..."は丁寧な表現で、何かを尋ねる時に使います。 【例文】 "Would you like me to throw that away for you?" (それをこちらで捨てましょうか?)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to take your trash?

  • I can take your trash for you!

  • I can throw that away for you if you want.

Sometimes we may work in a place that we can talk to the customers. We may see that they have some trash that they would like to have thrown away. We can offer to throw it away for them. A few expressions we could use to talk about this would be: 1) Would you like me to take your trash? 2) I can take your trash for you! 3) I can throw that away for you if you want.
お客と話すことができる場所で働く可能性があります。 彼らが捨てたいゴミを持ってるのを見掛けるかもしれません。彼らの代わりに捨ててあげることが可能です。 これについて、話すために使えるいくつかの表現です。 1) Would you like me to take your trash? ゴミを捨てましょうか? 2) I can take your trash for you! あなたのゴミを捨てます! 3) I can throw that away for you if you want. よろしければ、あなたの代わりにゴミを捨てます。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Shall I get rid of that for you?

To get rid of something - this means, to put something out of sight so that it does not disturb or bother you anymore. It may be destroyed, discarded, disposed of or permanently placed somewhere so that it is out of sight and out of mind. "I got rid of my boyfriend because he was so unreliable."
To get rid of something (取り除く) -これは、邪魔にならないように何かを取り除くことを言います。視界に入らない(気にならない)ように、壊したり、捨てたり、処分したり、どこかに置いておくことです。 【例文】 "I got rid of my boyfriend because he was so unreliable." (信用できなかったので、彼氏を捨ててしまいました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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