The term "Magic" applies to doing something by using mysterious powers.
"I can do magic"
"Magic Powers" "I have magic powers" This explains that you can do things with a mysterious force like doing a magic trick by a slide of hand.
"Supernatural Powers"Supperhearos eg superman, spiderman are known to have superpowers.
例文1:I can do magic
"Magic Powers" "I have magic powers"はあなたがマジックのトリックのような[不思議](なことを出来ることを意味します。
"Supernatural Powers"はスーパーマンやスパイダーマンなどの[現実](に起こり得ない力を表します。
Magic" is a word that means that someone has supernatural powers. Magic is a term often used when something is accomplished that is considered extraordinary! When someone does something in an outstanding way, people will often say, "Wow! That's magic!" Magic tricks are also very common. Magicians and children often use amazing magic tricks to impress people. A good example sentence would be: Can you show me that magic trick?
誰かが信じられないようなすごいことを成し遂げた場合、"Wow! That's magic!" ということはよくあります。
Can you show me that magic trick?
Do you believe in magic?
She’s a witch. She can do magic.
I don’t believe that magic exists.
Witches and wizards possess special powers. Such individuals are skilled in wizardry or witchery. Skils which normal people do not have are known as 'magical powers' or simply, 'magic'.
"John's wizardry is very impressive - he lifted my car off the ground with one finger!"
Witches(魔女) や wizards(魔法使い)は、特別な力を持っています。この人たちは、 wizardry、 witchery(魔法)に長けています。
普通の人が持たない能力を、'magical powers' や 'magic'と言います。
"John's wizardry is very impressive - he lifted my car off the ground with one finger!"
Magic associated with having supernatural powers, meaning the power or ability to perform acts beyond human capability. This can also be done through mysterious tricks known by magicians (someone who practices magic). Magic is a well known concept and has been around for centuries. It plays a big role in the story lines of many movies and books, including children's books and films.
Example sentences-
1. I feel that she has been doing magic lately, her hair has grown way too fast!
2. I will teach you all you need to know about prestidigitation, you will be the best wizard out of your whole class in no time!
3. What form of witchery is this? He asked her in terror.
1. I feel that she has been doing magic lately, her hair has grown way too fast!
2. I will teach you all you need to know about prestidigitation, you will be the best wizard out of your whole class in no time!
3. What form of witchery is this? He asked her in terror.
Special powers can either be described or referred to by a general term. For example, one could refer to the flying witch or the super fast wizard. Alternatively, you could classify all such special abilities by using the term superpowers. Magic is commonly used in the context of witches and wizards as being some kind of force that emanates from them and allows them to do abnormal things. For example: He put a magical spell on me.
Special powersは、一般的な言葉として使われます。例えば、飛んでいる魔女や、すごく速い魔法使いのことを表します。また、そのような能力を総じて superpowers と言えます。Magic は魔女や魔法使いが超人的なことを可能にする力の表現として使われることが多いです。
例えば:He put a magical spell on me.(彼は私に魔法の呪文を使った)
「魔法」という言葉を英語で伝えると、「magic」と「sorcery」または「witchcraft」という言葉を使っても良いと考えました。この三つの言葉は数えられない名詞です。動詞と一緒に使いたい場合に、「do」と「practice」という動詞を使っても良いと考えました。例えば、「Witches practice sorcery」という文章を使っても良いと考えました。「Witches」は「魔女」という意味があります。
Witches and warlocks perform lots of magic on humans.
Some people do not believe in magic until they are turned into a frog.
The witch used magic on the woman and turned her into a fox.
魔法 magic
Witches and warlocks perform lots of magic on humans.
Some people do not believe in magic until they are turned into a frog.
The witch used magic on the woman and turned her into a fox.