Are you sure you want the whole world to know about it?
I wouldn't go around telling everybody about it, if I were you.
①Are you sure you want the whole world to know about it?
Are you sure?→本当にいいの?大丈夫なの?
the whole world→世界中。この場合、まるで世界中の人に教えるかのようなイメージ、比ゆ的なフレーズです。
to know about it→それについて知る
②I wouldn't go around telling everybody about it, if I were you.
I wouldn't go around telling everybody→みんなに言い触らさない方がいい
If I were you→もし私があなただったら(If I was youでもOKです)
→Win a large lottery prize
→Hit the jackpot
●People might come after you for your money.