世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/03 20:25
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  • The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool, in 1960

  • The Beatles formed in Liverpool in 1960

  • The Beatles broke up in 1970

The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool, in 1960 →ビートルズは1960年イギリス・リバプールで結成されたロックバンド The Beatles formed in Liverpool in 1960 →ビートルズは1960年にリバプールで結成された The Beatles broke up in 1970 →ビートルズは1970年に解散した ビートルズの紹介文をググってみました。 関係代名詞を使った文は思いつきませんでした、ごめんなさい。 参考になるといいです ありがとうございました。
  • The Beatles were a very famous Liverpudlian rock band.

  • The Beatles became very popular around the world.

A very popular band in their time (1960's) and still till this day, renowned worldwide for their music, The Beatles became a prestigious part of the music industry. 'prestigious' meaning they became inspiring and admired by many.
1960年代から現在に至るまで多くの人に愛されてきたバンドです。ビートルズは音楽界で 'prestigious' な存在となりました。 'prestigious' =「多くの人が尊敬する」の意味。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The Beatles was an English group which dominated 60s music

  • The Beatles, which was a group formed in Liverpool, came to be a world-wide phenomenon

Relative pronouns are used when referring to a grouping of something, or an individual person or thing, when you wish to combine some additional information. Some people say that relative pronouns join two sentences together. Example: The moon is far away. It is difficult to get to. "The moon, which is difficult to get to, is far away."
関係代名詞は何か、誰かをまとめていうとき、 またなにか追加情報をまとめるときに使われます。 ふたつの文をまとめることができます。 例 "The moon is far away. It is difficult to get to." (月はとても遠いです。月へ行くことは難しいです。) 【関係代名詞を使うと】 "The moon, which is difficult to get to, is far away." (月へ行くことは難しくて、遠いです。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The Beatles is a highly popular rock band in Britan, American and all around the world.

  • The Beatles played their music in local clubs in Liverpool, for about three years until they were discovered.

  • The Beatles were the first to start the British Invasion in 1964.

The Beatles were a rock band that is still renowned and popular to this day. With a mixture of different song genres, they were instantly recognized whomever heard them, whatever the language barrier.
Amanda D DMM英会話講師
  • The Beatles are an English Rock band.

  • The Beatles are a well known British Rock Band.

"The Beatles are an English Rock band." This explains that they are a rock band and that their music is in English. "The Beatles are a well known British Rock Band." This explains that they are a very famous British band that many people know about.
例文 "The Beatles are an English Rock band." ビートルズはイギリスのロックバンドです。 彼らがロックバンドで音楽はイギリスだと説明しています。 例文 "The Beatles are a well known British Rock Band." ビートルズはよく知られたイギリスのロックバンドです 彼らが、とても有名な多くの人が知っているイギリスのロックバンドだと説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The Beatles,who were formed in Liverpool,were famous the world over

  • The Beatles,who sold millions of records,were an English group from Liverpool

Relative(adjective)pronouns introduce additional information. They are not necessary to the sentence and can be removed. Example one ‘who were formed in Liverpool’ just tells you where they are from. Example two ‘who sold millions of records’ gives some information about their career
関係代名詞は、情報を付け足します。 関係代名詞は、文中に必ずしも必要でははなく、削除できます。 例文1のwho were formed in Liverpoolは、どこ出身なのか言っているので、are from Liverpoolと言えます。 例文2のwho sold millions of recordsは、彼らのキャリアについての情報で、数百万枚のレコードを売ったという意味です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • The Beatles are an English rock band that was formed in LIverpool

  • The Beatles was an English rock bank that dominated the music industry in the 60s

Most people know who the Beatles are as they were a very famous English rock bank which was formed in Liverpool in the 1960s and they had alot of hits/songs and were very popular To dominate something means to take over and have alot of control os something
ビートルズのことはほとんどの人が知っています。 ビートルズとは1960年代にイギリスのリバプールで結成された有名なロックバンドです。たくさんのヒット曲を持ち、とても人気がありました。 'To dominate something' は「~を支配する」の意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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