世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/05 00:35
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  • Are you dating anyone?/Are you seeing anyone?

  • Are you interested in anyone?/Is there anyone you like?

「好きな人や付き合ってる人はいるの?」は文脈によって英語ではそれぞれの言い方があります。 Are you dating anyone? (誰かと付き合っていますか?) Are you seeing anyone? (To see someone は少し曖昧なことです。付き合ってる人か彼女の場合でも言います。) Are you interested in anyone?/Is there anyone you like? 好きな人がいますか? Do you have a girlfriend? 彼女がいますか? Are you married? 結婚していますか? When is the last time you had a girlfriend? 最後に付き合った彼女がいつでした? ご参考までに。
  • Are you attached to anyone at the moment?

  • Is there a love interest in your life right now?

  • Are you single or involved with someone?

Explanation: There are a number of euphemisms for having a romantic partner such as: significant other, love interest, an attachment or an involvement. Example sentence: "Henry is an unattached young man from Newcastle."
【説明】 ロマンスの相手に対する湾曲的表現は沢山あります。例えば次のようになります。 【例】 significant other (大切な人) love interest(恋愛対象) an attachment (愛情/愛着) an involvement (抜き差しならない関係) 【例文】 "Henry is an unattached young man from Newcastle." (ヘンリーはニューキャッスル出身の若い独身男性です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a girlfriend or love interest?

  • Are you interested in anyone right now?

To ask someone if they have a girlfriend or current love interest, can be considered quite forward and it could be obvious to the guy that you are interested in them, so if this is what you want, then go for it and ask them example one! If you feel a little bit shy to be so obvious, then you could ask them example two, which is a more subtle, but they still might know that you are interested in them. I am sure they will be happy to hear you asking them any of the above examples :)
誰かに彼女や"love interest"(恋愛対象となる人)がいるかどうか、尋ねるという事は、 明らかにあなたがその人が好きと言う風に受け取られると思います。 それでも、聞いてみたかったら、例文1を使って、聞いてみてください! もし、少し恥ずかしいと思うなら例文2を使ってみてください。 微かですが、相手にあなたが興味があることをわかってもらえます。 これらの例文を聞くと相手が喜ぶこと間違いないですよ :)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Are you single?/ Are you dating anyone?

  • Are you interested in anyone?

  • Is there someone you like at the moment?

If you want to ask someone you have a crush on (fancy) if they have anyone in their life you could simply ask 'Are you single?' or 'Are you dating anyone?' although this can be quite upfront and may come across as quite rude so a nicer way of asking is 'Are you interested in anyone?' or 'Is there someone you like at the moment?'
好きな人に付き合っている人がいるか尋ねたいなら、 'Are you single?'(付き合っている人はいますか) または、 'Are you dating anyone?'(付き合っている人はいますか) と言えます。ただ、これはかなりストレートな言い方なので、場合によっては失礼にとられるかもしれません。 より感じのいい言い方には、 'Are you interested in anyone?'(気になる人はいますか) 'Is there someone you like at the moment?'(今好きな人はいますか) があります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Are you seeing anyone?

  • Are you dating at the moment?

Native speakers will say like this: “Are you free or are you seeing someone? ”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Are you dating at the moment? B: No, I'm free. Why do you ask?
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Are you free or are you seeing someone?” (付き合っている人はいますか) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: Are you dating at the moment?(今付き合っている人はいますか) B: No, I'm free. Why do you ask?(いいえ、いません。どうしてですか)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Are you seeing anyone?

  • Is there a special someone in your life?

The two questions you see provided above are excellent ways to ask a person if they like anyone at the moment. In the second question you will notice the term special someone. We use this to refer to a person that we are in a relationship with, like a spouse or a boyfriend/girlfriend. This term is appropriate for informal settings.
どちらも、今好きな人がいるかどうか人に尋ねる言い方です。 2つ目の質問には special someone という言葉があります。これは、配偶者や彼氏・彼女などを表します。これはカジュアルな場面で使う言葉です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Are you interested in anybody?

  • Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

If you are confident and believe the person is single you could directly ask them if they have a partner, if you are asking more discreetly are you seeing someone would work well.
気になる相手にパートナーがいないことを確信しているのなら、ストレートに聞いてみても良いと思います。 もう少し、さりげなくアプローチする場合、"Are you seeing someone?"(付き合っている人はいる?)と聞いてみるのも良いでしょう。
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
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