I recovered from my injury so I was able to do a lot of training. I had/enjoyed a really productive winter vacation.
「充実した冬休みを過ごせました」= I enjoyed a full/busy/productive winter vacation.
「怪我から復帰して沢山トレーニングが出来て、充実した冬休みを過ごすことが出来た」= I recovered from my injury so I was able to do a lot of training. I had/enjoyed a really productive winter vacation.
「充実した」= full/enriched/busy/productive
Make the most of _____ = 後悔無しで100%尽くし、色々出来た事。 “I made the most of my trip”
質問する時は : “Did you make the most of your trip?” (充実した冬休みを過ごせた?)
Fulfilling = 充実
形容詞なので、fulfilling + 名詞 で使って下さい。 “I had a fulfilling winter break”
例えば: A - “How was your winter break?”
B - “It was great! I recovered from my injury and was able to train a lot and make the most of it.”
(冬休みどうだった?) (すごく良かったよ!怪我から復帰してトレーニングいっぱいやって充実感があった!)