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2018/01/14 00:01
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  • Please put prosciutto on top of the pizza, and eat it.

  • You could put prosciutto on top of the pizza, and eat.

生ハムは直訳すると”Raw Ham"ですが、見たことが無いので伝わらないと思います。 なので、イタリア語のProsciuttoを使うと伝わります。もし発音しずらいのであれば、”Please put ham on top of the pizza, and eat it.”でも大丈夫と思います。
Daisuke U 英語講師
  • Please place the prosciutto on the pizza when you eat it

It should be a very gentle message: "Please would you place the prosciutto on your pizza as that is the best way to eat it."
このように言うとすてきなメッセージになると思います。 "Please would you place the prosciutto on your pizza as that is the best way to eat." (一番おいしい食べ方なので、ピザの上に生ハムをのせていただけますでしょうか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Put the Prosciutto on the pizza when you are eating it

  • Put the Prosciutto on the pizza as you eat it

  • Add the Prosciutto to the pizza when/as you eat it

If you want to tell the customer that the Prosciutto should be added to the pizza when you eat it you can use the terms 'Put the Prosciutto' or 'add the Prosciutto' these mean you have to do this yourself 'when you are eating it' or 'as you eat it' are used to explain when this should be done
お客さんに、食べるときに生ハムをピザに載せるよう伝えたいなら、 'Put the Prosciutto'(生ハムを載せる) 'Add the Prosciutto'(生ハムを加える) などの表現が使えます。これは、自分自身でしなければいけないという意味です。 'when you are eating it'(食べるとき)と'as you eat it'(食べるとき)、これらはそれをいつすべきか伝えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • As you eat drizzle some prosciutto on the pizza

  • Add the prosciutto as you eat

*As you eat drizzle some prosciutto on the pizza . Example Sentences: After baking your cake, drizzle chocolate sauce on top. Try adding the cheese as you eat it's very delicious. *Add the prosciutto as you eat . - Instead of saying put you can say add. Example Sentences: You should try adding the cream on top it's yummy. Add extra cheese on top of the chips as you eat.
*As you eat drizzle some prosciutto on the pizza . ピザの上に生ハムをかけて食べてください。 例文: After baking your cake, drizzle chocolate sauce on top. ケーキを焼いた後にチョコレートソースを上からかけましょう。 Try adding the cheese as you eat it's very delicious. 食べる際にチーズを入れてみてください、とてもおいしいですよ。 *Add the prosciutto as you eat . 食べる際に生ハムを追加してください。 putの代わりにaddを使えます。 例文: You should try adding the cream on top it's yummy. クリームを上からかけてみてください。おいしいです。 Add extra cheese on top of the chips as you eat. フライドポテトを食べる際上に追加でチーズをかけてみてください。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Cover the pizza with...

  • When ham comes with a pizza as a side dish...Cover the pizza with ham.

Some pizzerias serve toppings as a side prosciutto in this case;-D When ham comes with a pizza as a side dish...Cover the pizza with ham...then eat it.
あるピザ屋ではサイドメニューとしてトッピングが選べることがあります。この場合だと生ハムになります。 例文: "When ham comes with a pizza as a side dish...Cover the pizza with ham...then eat it." (サイドディッシュとしてハムがピザと出てきたらハムをピザにかぶせて食べます。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Put the prosciutto on the pizza when you eat it.

Native speakers will say like this: “Put the prosciutto on the pizza when you eat it”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Here is the pizza. Please put the prosciutto on the pizza when you eat it. Enjoy! B: Thank you very much!
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Put the prosciutto on the pizza when you eat it” (生ハムをピザに載せて食べてください。) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Here is the pizza. Please put the prosciutto on the pizza when you eat it. Enjoy! (ピザです。生ハムをピザに載せて食べてください。ごゆっくりどうぞ。) B: Thank you very much! (ありがとうございます。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I recommend that you put the prosciutto on your pizza.

  • You can top the pizza with prosciutto and eat it that way.

  • Prosciutto is a topping for your pizza. You should try it.

Sentence One: - This is a polite way to suggest that the person do this. You do not want to sound demanding or rude, so it is best to use the phrase, 'I recommend' or "May I recommend..." Sentence Two: - Once again, this is a polite way of making a suggestion so that you do not sound rude by giving a demand. Also, the verb 'top' simply means to put something on top of the pizza. Sentence Three: - Ingredients we put on pizza are called 'toppings', so this is a polite way of suggesting that the person use it on top of the pizza.
例文1: - これは丁寧な提案です。押し付けるような(失礼な)言い方はしたくないですから、'I recommend'や"May I recommend..."などのフレーズを使うのがベストです。 例文2: - これも押し付けではなく丁寧に提案する言い方です。動詞の'top'は「〔生ハムの〕上に載せる」という意味です。 例文3: - ピザの上に載せる材料のことは'toppings'(トッピング)といいます。ですから、この文は生ハムをピザの上に載せるよう提案する丁寧な言い方です。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • The prosciutto is meant to be put on the pizza when you eat it.

  • Before you eat the pizza make sure you put the prosciutto on top of it.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that they need to put the prosciutto on top of their pizza. In the second sentence you will see the term make sure. This means to make certain that something happens. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、ピザの上に生ハムを載せるよう伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には、"make sure"という表現が使われています。これは「必ず~する」という意味です。この表現は日常会話でよく使われます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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