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2018/01/17 20:18
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  • Which generation has the best acceptance rate on this test?

合格率 = acceptance rate, pass rate, ratio of successful applicants 世代 = generation
Tim Young 主催
  • Which generation has the best passing rate for the (Name of test)

  • Which age group has the best results for the (Name of test)

"Which generation has the best passing rate for the (Name of the test)" and "Which age group has the best results for the (Name of the test)" both ask the person to explain which group got the best marks. "Age group" is the same as "Generation". "Result" is the same as "Passing rate".
"Which generation has the best passing rate for the~(Name of the test)?"(どの世代の~(テスト名)の合格率が一番高いですか?)"Which age group has the best results for the (Name of the test)"(どの年齢層の~(テスト名)の結果が一番良いですか?) "Age group"(年齢層)="Generation"(世代) "Result"(結果)="Passing rate"(合格率)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Which generation has the best passing rate for this test?

  • What is the passing rate for this test and which generation has had the highest passing rate?

The above are the two ways you can phrase the question. The second one would be the best because it would help get two different answers to the one question. The person would have to tell you the pass mark required for the test and also the generation that has had the best mark/rate historically.
上記の二つでこの質問を表現することが出来ます。 一つの質問に対して二つの違う回答を得ることが出来るので、二つ目の例文の方がいいでしょう。 回答者はそのテストの"the pass mark"合格基準と歴史的に"the best mark/rate"(最高得点)を取得した世代を答えなければいけません。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Who has the best pass rate for the "English" test?

  • Which generation has the best pass rate for the "language" test?

▪ Who has the best pass rate for the "English" test? ▪ Which generation has the best pass rate for the "language" test? Both phrases are good for this situation. Both directly ask "who" have the best past rate for the specific test. You can also ask: What age group has the best past score for the "English" test.
▪ Who has the best pass rate for the "English" test? (誰がその”英語”の試験の一番高い合格率を持っていますか?) ▪ Which generation has the best pass rate for the "language" test? (どの世代がその”言語”の試験の一番高い合格率を持っていますか?) どちらの表現もこの状況に適していると思います。 どちらの表現も率直に "who"(誰/どの世代)がある特定の試験の一番高い合格率を持っているか質問しています。 また、次のように聞くことも出来ます。 What age group has the best past score for the "English" test. (どの年齢層がその”英語”の試験の一番高い合格点を持っていますか?)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Which age group has the highest success rate in this exam?

In terms of statistics we usually break the population down into different age groups depending on the detail required for the research. So any question concerning the differentiation of any pattern concerning various ages would be address in terms of 'age group.' "Which age group is most successful in this exam?"
統計に関して、研究の詳細にもよりますが、 大抵は人口を様々な年齢のグループに分類します。 だから、様々な年齢の考慮のパターンの違いについての質問が "Age group "(年齢グループ)に関してです。 "Which age group is most successful in this exam?" (この実験の中でどの年齢のグループが一番成功ですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which generation had the best pass rate for (test name)?

  • Which generation excelled the most in (test name)?

  • Which generation had the best pass mark(test name)?

*Which generation had the best pass rate for (test name)? You want to know which generation or during which years was a certain subject for example Mathematics had the best pass rate. Pass rate is expressed a percentage. Example Sentences: The best pass rate for Chemistry was 98%. For one to enrol to the Art faculty the passing rate for Art in high school should be at least above 90%. *Which generation excelled the most in (test name)?- To excel means to be very good or proficient in something. Excel is a verb and the adjective is excellent. *Which generation had the best pass mark(test name)? Pass mark can be pass score.
例文 *Which generation had the best pass rate for (test name)? どの世代が(テスト名)の合格率が一番良いですか? どの世代又はどの年代が、例えば数学のような特定の教科の合格率が一番良いかを知りたいと思っています。合格率はパーセントで表します。 例文 The best pass rate for Chemistry was 98%. 化学の一番の合格率は98%だ 芸術学科に入学しようとする人にとって、高校での芸術の合格率は最低でも90%です。 例文 *Which generation excelled the most in (test name)? どの世代が(テスト名)で一番成績が良いですか? excelは、何かが得意又は 堪能だということです。 Excelは動詞でexcellentが形容詞です。 例文 *Which generation had the best pass mark(test name)? Pass mark can be pass score. (テスト名)でどの世代が一番合格点が高いですか?Pass markは合格点です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Which generation do you find has the best passing rate for the (test name)?

Using the phrase "do you find" is a way to ask someone about their specific experiences. "Which" is the best question word because you are asking the person to quantify something. I hope that this helps. :)
"do you find" は相手の経験を尋ねる言い方です。 これは数量についての確認なので、疑問詞には "Which" が使えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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