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2018/01/22 22:08
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  • I cried my eyes out after breaking up with my boyfriend.

I cried my eyes out after breaking up with my boyfriend. 彼と別れてギャン泣きした。 "cry one's eyes out"は想像するとわかりやすいかもしれませんが、 「さんざん泣きじゃくる」というイメージのフレーズです。 「振られた」のニュアンスを強く出したい場合は I cried my eyes out as my boyfriend dumped/ditched me. というともっと伝わるかな。 元気だして!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I was broken-hearted when my boyfriend dumped me

  • I cried a river over my boyfriend.

There are many ways we can express crying a lot in English. 'I was broken-hearted when my boyfriend dumped me' - A way which we can express grief and disappointment from someone we love is to say that we have a broken heart, we are heart broken, or simple broken-hearted. 'I cried a river over my boyfriend.' - We can also use the idiom 'cry someone a river'. This is a way we can express that we are deeply upset and have therefore been crying a lot.
大泣きしたことを言い表す表現は英語には沢山あります。 【例】 'I was broken-hearted when my boyfriend dumped me' (彼に振られて非嘆に暮れた) -愛する人から与えられた、悲しみや落胆などを表現する場合 " a broken heart"(傷ついた心/失意) " heart broken"(傷ついた心/失意) または単に "broken-hearted"と言う事が出来ます。 【例】 'I cried a river over my boyfriend.' (彼をのりきるために川が出来るほど大泣きした) - また'cry someone a river'(川が出来るほど大泣きする)と言うイディオムを使うことも出来ます。 これはとても心を乱したので大泣きしたという意味になります。
Sian DMM英会話講師
  • I was heartbroken

  • I couldn't stop crying

  • I cried for days

To say that you are 'heartbroken' is to feel very sad and upset when you have been hurt or disappointed. We use this because when we care about something or someone, we feel a deep connection within our heart, to the person or thing. Therefore, when we lose it, we feel that our heart hurts and could even break from the pain. For example: "I was heartbroken when we split up" "I felt heartbroken for months after we broke up" "I still feel heartbroken, I don't know how to get over him"
heartbroken'`というのは、傷つけられたり落ち込んでいるときに、とても悲しくてふさぎ込んでいることを言います。 何か、または誰かのことを大切に思うと、その人やものに対して心理的に深い結びつきを感じるため、このように言います。 そのため、それを失うと、心が痛くなり、痛みで請われそうになります。 例文 "I was heartbroken when we split up" 「別れたときに心が張り裂けそうだった。」 "I felt heartbroken for months after we broke up" 「別れた後はしばらく落ち込んでいた。」 "I still feel heartbroken, I don't know how to get over him" 「私はまだ失恋から立ち直っていなくて、どのように彼を忘れたら良いかわからない。」
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I shared some tears because my boyfriend broke up with me.

  • My boyfriend broke up with me and all I could do was cry.

▪ I shared some tears because my boyfriend broke up with me. ▪ My boyfriend broke up with me and all I could do was cry. All the above phrases can be used in this situation. Both sentences explain that you cried because your boyfriend broke up with you.
▪ I shared some tears because my boyfriend broke up with me. (彼に振られて泣きました) ▪ My boyfriend broke up with me and all I could do was cry. (彼に振られて泣くことしかできませんでした) 全ての上記の表現はこのような状況で使うことが出来ます。 どちらの表現も彼に振られて泣いたという事を説明しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I cried so much when my boyfriend broke up with me

  • Tears keep falling from my eyes, my boyfriend dumped me

*I cried so much when my boyfriend broke up with me. - Crying indicates your emotion. An emotion expresses how you are feeling. Another word for cry is weep. Example Sentences: She was crying so much, her boyfriend dumped her. After being told that her application was rejected, she couldn't stop weeping. *Tears keep falling from my eyes, my boyfriend dumped me. - When a person is crying, tears drop from the eyes. Tears are a sign that a person is crying. Example Sentences: When i saw her eyes full of tears, i knew right there that something was wrong. She is so heartbroken tears won't stop coming from her eyes.
*I cried so much when my boyfriend broke up with me. 彼氏に振られてギャン泣きしました。 泣くということは感情を表します。 そして感情は私たちがどう感じているかということです。 泣くという意味の別の単語はweepです。 例文: She was crying so much, her boyfriend dumped her. 彼女は彼氏に振られてギャン泣きしました。 After being told that her application was rejected, she couldn't stop weeping. 応募が受理されなかったと聞いた時、彼女は涙が止まりませんでした。 *Tears keep falling from my eyes, my boyfriend dumped me. 彼氏に振られたとき、私は涙が止まりませんでした。 泣いているとき、目から涙がこぼれます。涙は泣いているというサインです。 例文: When i saw her eyes full of tears, i knew right there that something was wrong. 彼女の目に涙が溢れているのを見て、私はすぐに何かあったのだとわかりました。 She is so heartbroken tears won't stop coming from her eyes. 彼女はとても傷ついていて、目から涙が止まりません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 1. My tears indicate I'm getting over a break up

  • 2. We broke up and I can't get over him/her...blub..blub!

  • 3.I cried a lot when we split up

If you talk about 'a break up' it invariably refers to a romantic relationship. Unless you are gay or lesbian (which seems perfectly acceptable these days in most communities) it will be assumed, if you are a girl, that the breakup is with a boy - and vice versa. Sentences 1 and 2 are in present time talking about an earlier parting. Sentence three describes everything in the past.
もし”break up”(別れる)ことについて話しているのであれば、 いつもそれは、恋愛関係のことを表します。 ゲイやレズビアンであることは、最近では、ほとんどの社会で受け入れられるようになりましたが、基本的には女の子であれば、男の子と別れた、また逆も然り、と推測されます。 文1と2は現在形で前に別れたことについて話していますが、 文3はすべて過去形で話しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Crying like a girl

  • I was caught crying my eyes out

"when my boyfriend chucked me, I cried my eyes out!". or "I was crying like a girl I was so upset". or "I cried so hard when he left!".
例文 "when my boyfriend chucked me, I cried my eyes out!". ボーイフレンドにフラレて、大泣きした。 "I was crying like a girl I was so upset". あまりに動揺していたので女の様に泣いていた。 "I cried so hard when he left!". 彼がいなくなって、大泣きした。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • "I cried so much because my boyfriend dumped me"

  • "I have just been through a break up, my boyfriend dumped me. I have cried a lot"

  • "I couldn't stop crying for days after I was dumped"

If you wanted to explain that you cried a lot because your boyfriend broke up with you, you could say any of the following: "I cried so much because my boyfriend dumped me", "I have just been through a break up, my boyfriend dumped me. I have cried a lot" or "I couldn't stop crying for days after I was dumped".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I cried so much when my boyfriend broke up with me that I thought I would have no more tears left

  • I was devistated when my boyfriend dumped me. All I could do was ball my eyes out

We have all been in a situation where our partner or you yourself, has decided to end the relationship. Sometimes it is for the best and you both agree, but other times it is just one-sided. You want the relationship to continue but your partner is already past this stage and wants to end everything. "Devastated " is another way of saying that you are completely in shock and upset beyond belief. We can use this in a situation like this when we can't believe the relationship is actually over. To "ball one's eyes out" means to keep crying uncontrollably until you feel like your eyes may fall out of your head from so much crying. Not literally of course but it gives the impression
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • to dump someone (v)

  • to break up (v)

  • I am very sad because my girlfriend broke up with me.

When describing the end of a romantic relationship, you can use the verbs: 'to break up (with someone)' or 'to dump someone' -to break up (with someone) This verb describes a romantic partner and you deciding to end your relationship. It has a bit more of a neutral connotation and is very commonly used. EX) My girlfriend and I broke up. I broke up with my girlfriend. -to dump someone This verb means the same as the verb above, but with a more harsh/negative connotation. "To dump' is literally to drop something and it hits the ground with a great force. This could be used if it was a sudden or emotional end to a relationship. EX) Tony dumped Sally and I haven''t seen her leave her house for a week. My girlfriend dumped me yesterday and is now going to Hawaii with another guy.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • I cried so much because my boyfriend broke up with me.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いましたm(__)m I cried so much because my boyfriend broke up with me. 「彼氏が私をふったので、私はとても泣いた」 break up with「~をふる」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I cried a lot because my boyfriend dumped me.

  • I cried a lot because my boyfriend broke up with me.

  • I cried a lot because my boyfriend left me.

As we can see in these three example sentences that we can use the same construction of the sentence and interchangeably use the verbs, "to dump," "to break up," or," to leave," all to express that someone had ended the relationship.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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