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She is growing up fast and healthily. We are really enjoying parenting. この文章は自然ですか? よろしくお願いします。
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2018/01/23 23:53
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  • We are really enjoying parenting. Our baby girl is growing up fast and healthily.

  • What a joy it is to be a parent. Our baby girl is growing up fast and healthily.

  • We really enjoy raising our baby girl. She is growing up fast and healthily.

When you welcome your first child, you become overwhelmed with joy. Then comes the responsibility of parenting, that is, raising the child. Most people find this responsibility really pleasurable and something to be proud of. In fact, most people enjoy parenting. Sometimes, single parents may find parenting to be a daunting task due to lack of resources. So, if you are in the process of parenting, you may say: We are really enjoying parenting. Our baby girl is growing up fast and healthily. or What a joy it is to be a parent. Our baby girl is growing up fast and healthily. or We really enjoy raising our baby girl. She is growing up fast and healthily.
例:We are really enjoying parenting. Our baby girl is growing up fast and healthily. 「私たちは本当に[子育て](を[楽しんでいます](。私達の赤ちゃんは[成長](が早く健やかです。」 例:What a joy it is to be a parent. Our baby girl is growing up fast and healthily. 「親になるということはなんと楽しいか。私達の赤ちゃんは成長が早く健やかです。」 例:We really enjoy raising our baby girl. She is growing up fast and healthily. 「赤ちゃんを育てるのは本当に楽しい。この子は成長が早く健やかです。」 あなたは初めての子供を授かるとき、あなたは喜びで我を忘れるでしょう。 子育ては"parenting"や"raising the child"ということができます。 多くの人は子育ては責任が重く、誇りに思っています。 事実、多くの人が子育てを楽しんでいます。 一人で子育てをしている人は忙しすぎて参ってしまう場合もあります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We enjoy parenting. Our baby girl is healthy and is growing up so fast.

  • It's a joy being a parent! Our baby girl is getting so big and is healthy.

Raising a child is called 'parenting' Oftentimes, parents comment when raising a child and say that 'they grow up so fast'. "We enjoy parenting. Our baby girl is healthy and is growing up so fast." Likewise, we can also say that a baby is 'getting so big', this means they are growing fast and are healthy. "It's a joy being a parent! Our baby girl is getting so big and is healthy." To express that you like something and feel a lot of joy while doing it we say: "What a joy it is (verb)!" or, "It's such a joy (verb)!"
子どもを[育てる](ことは'parenting'と呼ばれます。 親が子育てをしていて、'they grow up so fast'(とても成長が早い)とコメントすることは多くあります。 【例文】 "We enjoy parenting. Our baby girl is healthy and is growing up so fast."(私たちは子育てを[楽しんでいます](。娘は健康でとても早く成長しています) 同様に、赤ちゃんが'getting so big'と言うこともあり、これは早く健康的に成長しているという意味です。 【例文】 "It's a joy being a parent! Our baby girl is getting so big and is healthy."(これは親としての喜びです。私たちの赤ちゃんはとても大きく健康に育っています) 何かが好きでそれをすることに大きな喜びを感じることを表現して、以下のように言うこともできます。 "What a joy it is (動詞)!" または "It's such a joy (動詞)!"
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • We are proud aprents of our healthy, baby girl.

  • I really enjoy raising my daughter. She is just (number) months/years old.

  • I am glad that I get to see my daughter grow up healthy.

Like most doting parents, you are overjoyed that you have a baby to raise. A clear expression of your love is that you enjoy spending time or raising them. You are happy or grateful that they are growing up healthy and ok mentally and physically. As she gets older you will become concerned about other facets of her development such as education, spiritually if that is your faith or even emotionally.
子供に愛を注ぐ大部分の親のように、あなたは子供を育てることを非常に嬉しく感じます。明確な愛情の表現は、時間を費やすこと、または子供を育てることを楽しむことです。子供が健康的に育ち、精神的にも肉体的にも良好な状態であることに親は幸せを感じ、または感謝してます。 子供が成長してくると、教育等の他の発達面が心配になるでしょう。もしくは宗教的なこと(それがあなたの信念なら)や、精神的な面などもです。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • "I love being a mom"

  • "I love parenting"

  • "I really enjoy raising my daughter"

The expression "I love being a mom" is an expression I hear often where I'm from in California. You are basically saying that you love your role as a mother. Of course, if you are a male and enjoy parenting you would say: "I love being a dad" or "I love being a father".
"I love being a mom":母親でいることを楽しんでいます/好きです。 このフレーズは私の出身カリフォルニアではよく聞きます。 母親としての役割が好き、気に入っているという意味です。 もし男性の親で「父親でいることを楽しんでいます/好きです。」と言いたい場合には、 "I love being a dad/a father."と言うと良いでしょう。
Elain DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy being a parent.

  • I am enjoying raising my child.

"I enjoy being a parent." This explains that you like having a child and helping her grow up. "I am enjoying raising my child." This is another way of explaining that you enjoy raising your child.
"I enjoy being a parent." という例文について この文は、あなたが子育てが好きだということを説明しています。 "I am enjoying raising my child."という例文について この文も、上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We are proud to say she is growing up very fast and healthily.

  • We are greatly enjoying watching our children grow.

Both of these expressions can be used to express how happy you are to have children and to be able to watch them grow.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • We love being parents, she is healthy and growing up fast!

  • We really enjoy parenting. Our daughter is healthy and growing up fast!

You can either say that you are parents (noun), or that you are parenting (verb). Daughter is the word for your girl children. You could simply say "she", or say "our daughter".
"Parents" ー名詞として使い”親”を意味します "Parenting"ー動詞で、「~の親となる」という意味です。 "daughter"は娘のことで、"she”ということもできますし、"our daughter”とも言えます。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
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