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wellとwell enoughの違いは何ですかって英語でなんて言うの?

Webレッスンで、下記の2つの表現の違いを講師の方に聞きたいです。 I speak English well. I speak English well enough.
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2018/01/25 22:50
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  • I speak English very well.

  • I speak English well enough to have a basic conversation.

*I speak English very well.- This means that you speak English fluently or very good. *I speak English well enough to have a basic conversation.- This means that you know enough English words for you to have a normal conversation with someone.
*I speak English very well. (私は英語がとても上手に話せませす) - これは英語が流暢又はとても上手に話すことが出来るという意味になります。 *I speak English well enough to have a basic conversation. (基本的な会話が出来るのに十分なくらい上手に英語が話せます) - 英語で日常会話が出来るのに十分なくらいの単語や言葉を知っているという意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Well - You have good English skills

  • Well enough - You speak and understand English enough to get by and have conversationg

If you speak English well, it means that you have good language skills and are probably close to being able to understand and express any sentence in English. If you speak English well enough, it implies that you are able to understand what you need to understand, and say what you want to say, in English. The word 'enough' in this context shows that you have surpassed a certain threshold of language skill in order to get by with using the language.
If you speak English well,というのは、英語でほとんどどんな文章も理解でき表現できる言語スキルがあるという意味です。 If you speak English well enough,というのは、英語で理解すべきことを理解でき、言いたいことを言えるという意味です。この文脈での'enough'という単語は、その言語を使っていく上で特定のレベルに達しているということを表しています。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • You speak English well

  • You speak English well enough

If you speak English well then you have very good speaking skills and can hold a conversation or communicate/understand well If you 'speak English well enough' then you understand most of it and can hold a basic conversation but maybe do not understand everything but get by
”You speak English well"は「あなたは英語が上手ですね」ということなので、英語でコミュニケーションをとるのに十分な英語力があるという意味です。 ”You speak English well enough"は、英語でコミュニケーションをとるのに十分な英語力、という意味で、「英語が堪能」ということではありません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please explain the difference between "well" and "well enough"?

This is a formal way to ask your teacher but it is always good to practice formal speech for when you have to ask someone who you don't know. Well= good well enough= good enough, acceptable, passing I hope that this helps! :)
これは先生に尋ねるフォーマルな言い方ですが、知らない人に何かを尋ねるときのためにフォーマルな言い方も練習しておいた方がいいです。 Well= 上手に well enough= かなり上手に お役に立てれば幸いです! :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • 1. What's the difference between 'well' and 'well enough'?

  • 2. Is there a difference between 'well' and 'well enough.'

In the first sentence, the speaker is assuming that there is in fact a difference between these two utterances and seeks more detail and explanation about the difference. The speaker in the second sentence is unsure if there is any difference and asks a more open question: "Is there...?"
最初の文では、話し手が二つの言葉についての違いと またその違いについての詳しい詳細や説明を求めているでしょう。 二番目の文の話し手は、 違いがあるかどうか確信がなくて、 より広い質問をしています。 ”Is there…?” (〜ありますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How is 'well' and 'well enough' different from one another?

  • How do we use these two terms?

  • How are the two terms different in meaning?

If you would like to know the difference between the two terms you can ask by using the sentences above. 'Well enough' tells us that you can get by, it isn't perfect but you have the right amount or level that can help you get by. 'Well' tells us that you are good and have a sufficient amount or level. "I speak English well, I am able to pronounce tricky words." "I speak English well enough for people to understand what I am trying to say."
この二つの語句の違いを確認したいなら、上記の文が使えます。 'Well enough' は「何とかやっていける」「完璧ではないがあるレベルには達している」というニュアンスです。 'Well' は「上手にできる」という意味です。 "I speak English well, I am able to pronounce tricky words."(私は英語が得意です、難しい単語も発音できます) "I speak English well enough for people to understand what I am trying to say."(自分の気持ちを伝えられるくらいの英語力はあります)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • What is the difference between "well"and "well enough"?

  • Is there a difference between "well" and "well enough"?

When you want to ask your teacher what the difference is between well and well enough, then you may ask in the following ways: -What is the difference between "well"and "well enough"? -Is there a difference between "well" and "well enough"? Alternatively, you may explain what you think is the difference between the two and ask them if you're correct in your understanding.
"well"と"well enough"の違いについて先生に確認したいなら、次のように質問できます。 -What is the difference between "well"and "well enough"? ("well"と"well enough"の違いは何ですか) -Is there a difference between "well" and "well enough"? ("well"と"well enough"に違いはありますか) あるいは、この二つの言葉の自分の思う違いを説明して、その解釈(理解)が正しいかどうか尋ねることもできるでしょう。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • When do I say "well" and when do I say "well enough"?

  • I don't know when to say "well" and when to say "well enough"

There are a lot of ways to ask a question like this. These are just two of the ways that it is possible. The most common way of saying it in America is "What is the difference between "well" and "well enough".
このような質問の聞き方はたくさんあります。上記はそのうちの二つです。 アメリカで最も一般的な言い方は、 "What is the difference between 'well' and 'well enough'?" ('well'と'well enough'の違いは何ですか) です。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • Well

  • Well enough

Using well is to describe something good. Ex: -She speaks English well. Using “well enough” would specify that something is “good enough” for something. Ex:- You speak English well enough to study in the US.
“well” は「良いもの」を表します。 例: -She speaks English well.(彼女は英語が上手です) “well enough” は「~するくらい良い」という意味です。 例: -You speak English well enough to study in the US.(あなたはアメリカに留学できるくらい英語がうまい)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
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