[工事中](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/56990/)はunder constructionです。
"I couldn't visit my elementary school because it was under construction."
This building is under construction.
This area will be under construction next week.
工事は基本的に「① Construction」と言います。
質問者様の場合は「The elementary school I used to attend is being taken apart and because of the construction work going on the area was out of bounds.」
工事は英語で work と言います。○○ work という形で使えます。
construction work
demolition work
installation work
My old elementary school is going to be demolished because the building is too old. So, I wasn't able to go in because of the demolition work.
「工事」は英語で construction と言えます。
「工事中」は under construction です。
The building is under construction.
I couldn't visit my school because it was under construction.
「工事」は英語で「construction」といいます。「building work」という言い方も使えます。「工事中」は「under construction」といいます。
My old elementary school is being torn down and because of all the building work I couldn’t enter the grounds.
The building I live in is undergoing construction work at the moment so it’s very noisy.
That building is under construction.
「工事」は英語で construction workです。「工事中」はunder constructionです。改装工事中時には、undergoing repairs も使えます。
The elementary school I attended long ago is being demolished on account of its age and is now closed due to construction work. 「昔通っていた小学校の校舎が、今度老朽化のために壊されることになり、その工事のせいで立ち入り禁止だった。」
「工事」という言葉を英語で伝えると、「construction」という言葉または「construction work」という表現になります。例えば、「The construction site near my house is very noisy.」という文章を使っても良いと考えました。「Construction site」は「建設現場」という意味があって、「near my house」は「私の家に近い」という意味があります。「Noisy」は「うるさい」です。
「工事」の意味は"construction”です。"Construction work"でも大丈夫です。
Because of construction work for the Olympics, you cannot some of Tokyo's popular attractions right now. (オリンピックの準備の工事のため、ただいま一部の東京の有名な観光地が入れません。)
「工事中」の意味は"under construction"です。(この場合では、"work"は不要です。)
The building of my former elementary school will be demolished due to deterioration. Because of the construction work, it's forbidden to enter the building.
former = 元の
elementary school = 小学校
demolish = 壊す; be demolished = 壊される
deterioration = 老朽化
no entry / entry forbidden / forbidden to enter = 立ち入り禁止
The construction continued all day and night, I couldn't sleep because of the noise.
Because of the construction blocking the streets, I was late for work.
The construction will cost thirty thousand yen to repair the damage.
工事 construction
The construction continued all day and night,
I couldn't sleep because of the noise.
Because of the construction blocking the streets,
I was late for work.
The construction will cost thirty thousand yen
to repair the damage.
この場合の工事は英語で 'construction' と言います。
'The elementary school I used to attend is being torn down, so because of the construction I could enter the grounds.'
そして新築の工事のときはそのビルの地を 'building site' と言います。
'I could not enter because the building site is off limits.'