I don't know who that is / I don't know him (her) / I have never heard of that actor
What movies has he (she) been in? / What movies has he (she) appeared in?
Kamenashi appeared in movies called ~ and ~. He also appeared in Gokusen.
「その人は分からないなぁ」= I don't know who that is / I don't know him (her) / I have never heard of that actor
「どんな映画とかに出てる人?」= What movies has he (she) been in? / What movies has he (she) appeared in?
「亀梨はPとJKっていう映画にも出てるよ。あとはごくせんにも出てたよ」= Kamenashi appeared in movies called ~ and ~. He also appeared in Gokusen.
「出ている・出演する」= appear(ed) in 映画・ドラマの名前 / be in 映画・ドラマの名前
「映画」= movie / film
「俳優」= actor
「女優」= actress
"I don't recognize that name. What other movies have they been in?"
「I don't recognize that name. What other movies have they been in?」という表現を使ってみてください。これは「その名前は分からないなぁ。他にどんな映画に出てたの?」という意味になります。
また、「亀梨は『PとJK』という映画にも出てるよ。あとは『ごくせん』にも出てたよ」は、"Kamenashi was in a movie called 'P and JK'. He's also been in 'Gokusen'."と表現できます。