「あのさあ、アメリカには暖房機能付きのエアコンは無いって(事)知ってる?」 You know what・・・、 Do you know what there's no any the heat function on the air conditioner in USA? で可? ちょっと珍しい事を聞いて、会話をはずませられる便利な表現だと思います^^
Did you know that in America (in the USA), air conditioners don't have a heating function?
Did you know that there's no heating function on American air conditioners?
「アメリカに暖房機能付きのエアコンは無いって知ってる」= Did you know that in America (in the USA), air conditioners don't have a heating function? / Did you know that there's no heating function on American air conditioners?
「あのさあ・・」= By the way... / So, listen to this... / Right, listen to this... / Guess what?!