In Japan, in the not so distant past, a father’s word was the law of the house.
Only a lifetime ago in Japan, a father’s word was final.
In japan = 日本では
A father’s word = 父親が言う言葉、言うこと
Was law in the house = 家庭では法律、
Was final = 絶対だ、直訳は”最後”. ニュアンスは”言ったらもう決まり、もう終わり”
一昔前 = ここは意外と最近までという意味で言いたがるかなと思いますが、一応いくつかのフレーズを紹介します。
昔 = a long time ago
In the not so distant past = そこまで遠くない過去には
Only a lifetime ago = lifetime =人間が生きる期間という意味、一つの人生の時間
Only a lifetime ago = ただ一世代前
In Japan, you used to have to listen to everything your father said.
In the old days, your father's words were gold.
In traditional Japan, you used to have to follow your dad's rules.
You could also say "we" instead of "you."
You can also say, "in the past in Japan," or "in the old days in Japan."
Saying that someone's words are gold is a common expression.