世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/11 23:33
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  • When did that restaurant open?

  • How long has that restaurant been open?

  • I haven't noticed that restaurant before, is it new?

Finding out about a new restaurant that has opened the key phrases or words will be: "When", "How long?" For example: "When did that restaurant open?" "How long has that restaurant been open?" or you could say "I haven't noticed that restaurant before, is it new?"
新しいレストランがオープンした情報を得るのにキーとなるフレーズは、"When"「いつ」, "How long?"「どのくらい」です。 例文:  "When did that restaurant open?" あのレストラン、いつオープンしたの? "How long has that restaurant been open?" あのレストラン、いつからあいてるの?  "I haven't noticed that restaurant before, is it new?" あのレストランに気づかなかったよ。新しいの?
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Has this restaurant been around long?

When we ask this, we are casually asking when the restaurant opened. If it hasn't been around for long, then it would have only just opened. If it has been around long then you could be talking years instead of months. You are asking for the time frame. Same as when you ask someone "have you been here long?".
このようなやりとりをする場合、いつレストランがオープンしたのかカジュアルな質問のことが多いです。長い間、そこになかったのならば、オープンしたばかりと言えます。 Have you been here long? ここに長くいるの? という文と同じように、その場所にどれくらいあるのか尋ねることができます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Established...

  • The business was established in 1968 so its been around for over 50 years!

When we start a business...We are said to" Establish it". (We have created it.) It becomes "an Establishment". Every business was established or " started trading" at some point in time... This is exactly "how long it has been Established"
何か事業を始める時"Establish it"(設立する)と言います。 (作り出すという意味です) これは "an Establishment"(設立/創立)になります。 全ての事業は ある時点で"established"(設立される)や " started trading"(商売を始める) ます。 これがまさに "how long it has been Established"(設立されてからどのくらい経ちますか?)となります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Since when has this restaurant been open?

  • When did the restaurant first open?

  • Has this restaurant been around long?

There are many ways to find out if something is new or to find out how long is has been around for. You can ask simple questions such as "When did __ first open?", "How long have you been open for?"and "Do you know how long __ has been around for?"
新しいものなのか、それがいつから存在しているのか、確認する言い方はたくさんあります。 シンプルに以下のように聞けます: "When did __ first open?"(__ はいつオープンしましたか) "How long have you been open for?"(オープンしてどのくらいになりますか) "Do you know how long __ has been around for?"(__ がいつからあるかご存じですか)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Is the restaurant new or has it been open for a while?

  • When did that restaurant first open?

  • How long has the restaurant been in business?

When you want to find out how long a restaurant has existed - that is, when it first opened - then you may ask in the following ways: -Is the restaurant new or has it been open for a while? -When did that restaurant first open? -How long has the restaurant been in business?
レストランがどのくらいの期間そこに存在しているのか、つまりいつオープンしたのかを尋ねる言い方です: -Is the restaurant new or has it been open for a while? そのレストランは新しいの?それともオープンしてしばらくたつの? -When did that restaurant first open? そのレストランはいつオープンしたの? -How long has the restaurant been in business? そのレストランはどのくらいの期間営業しているの?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Has this restaurant been around for a while or did it recently open?

  • Did that restaurant just open or is it older?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask if a particular restaurant is new or old. In the first sentence you will notice the term be around. This word means to exist. In the second sentence you will see the word just. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means recently.
上記二つの例は、特定のレストランについて、新しくできたものなのかどうか尋ねるときに使えます。 一つ目の文には'around'が使われています。これは「存在している」という意味です。 二つ目の文には'just'が使われています。'just'にはいろいろな意味がありますが、この文では「最近」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • How long has the restaurant been in business?

  • When did that restaurant open?

  • Has the restaurant been trading long?

If you were asking your friends, casually, you'd probably simply ask 'How long has the restaurant been open?' But if it were in a business context you might want to use more businesslike language 'In business' means open for business, operating for business 'Trading' means the same in this context You could also use the word 'established' 'When was the restaurant established? It means 'when did the restaurant open for business?'
相手が友達なら、カジュアルに次のように聞けます。 'How long has the restaurant been open?' (そのレストランはオープンしてどのくらいになるの) ビジネスの場面なら、よりビジネスライクな言い方をした方がいいかもしれません。 'in business'は「営業している」という意味です。 'trading'も、この場合同じ意味です。 'established'を使うこともできます。 'When was the restaurant established?' これは、'When did the restaurant open for business?'(そのレストランはいつオープンしたの)という意味です。
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
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