we don't (really) distinguish between them in Japanese
there's no distinction between them in Japanese
いい例を提供しましたね。確かに英語母語話者の感覚では corridor と hallway が概念的に似ていますが、全く違うもののように捉えます。こういう時、we don't distinguish between them in Japanese か、視点の変わった there is no distinction between them in Japanese がもっとも自然な言い方です。
There is only one word in Japanese.
There is only one word for it in Japanese.
「区別する」は to make a distinction か to be different になりますが、こういう場面にはそれより、There is only one word for it in Japanese. の方が自然です。
例文:There is only one word for hallway in Japanese.
make no distinction=違いを作らない=違いがない
It makes no distinction between corridor and hallway in Japanese.
You can simply call it "Rouka".