The sister of either your mother or father is traditionally called your 'aunt' or 'auntie'.
'Auntie' can also be used to address a friend of your mother and father depending on how close a friend she is.
In some cultures it is normal to address older women as 'auntie' instead of using their actual name.
A 'great-auntie' or 'great-uncle' would be the aunt or uncle of your mother or father.
The terms aunt, aunty, and auntie are all commonly used depending on the region the person is from. The important thing to note is not the spelling, rather the pronunciation. Some pronounce "aunt" as ant, like the small insect. Some people pronounce it like "ont". The pronunciation varies depending on the dialect of certain regions.
The two sentences you see above are commonly used to refer to our father's sister, mother's sister, or our uncle's wife. In the second sentence you will see the word auntie, which is an informal way to refer to our aunt. The first sentence is appropriate for formal settings while the second sentence is appropriate for informal settings.
The term aunt/auntie is used to refer to your father's/mother's sister
Sometimes you refer to a friend of the family as auntie as well out of politeness
Your father's/mother's aunt is known as your great aunt/auntie
To describe the sister of your father/mother, you would say the word 'aunt'. This is the official title for that person. However, if you want to show that you are close to that person or if you have particular affection for that person, you could call them 'auntie'. This word is often used by children as it is a less formal term.
ますは一般的に使われるのが叔母 = Aunt
My Aunt lives in France. 私の叔母はフランスに住んでいます。
My Aunt = 私の叔母
lives in = に住んでいます
France = フランス
Auntieとして英訳される場合、もう少し愛らしい呼び名になります。子供が使うことがほとんどです。(または甥(nephew)や姪 (neice) が叔母に直接に使う呼び方です)。
My Auntie gave me a Pokemon game for my birthday!
My Auntie = 叔母から
gave me = をもらったよ!
a Pokemon game = ポケモンのゲーム
for my birthday! = 誕生日に
父方の叔母 = father's sister = 父親の妹かお姉さん (paternal aunt) paternal = 父方
母方の叔母 = mother's sister = 母親の妹かお姉さん (maternal aunt) maternal = 母方
叔母は英語で aunt と言います。父親の姉妹だということ表したいなら、My aunt on my father's side(父方の叔母)と言えます。
I have one aunt on my father's side, and one on my mother's side
「叔母」は英語で「aunt」といいます。「aunty/auntie」という少し子供っぽい言い方もあります。父親の姉妹であれば、「aunt on my father’s side」という言い方を使えます。母親の姉妹の場合、「aunt on my mother’s side」という言い方を使えます。
I am going to my aunt’s house today.
Next month is my aunt’s birthday so I am going to buy her a present.
My aunt was taken ill last year and ended up in hospital.
My aunt paid for my dinner on my birthday.
My auntie Anna was a good cook, and always invited me to eat.
saying either "aunt or "aunty" will mean the same thing in this case. "aunty" is just a more casual form of the word "aunt" and will mean the same thing.
The sister of your mother or father is called your 'aunt.' Your aunt can also be the wife of your uncle (completely unrelated to you by genetics).
As a term of endearment, people call their aunt "Auntie", such as Hello, Aunti Marie! It is nice to see you!"
- My auntie lives next door.
- My aunt lives in California.
- My amma is coming over next week.
叔母になった! ー I am an auntie now!
叔母が私たちの家に滞在しています ー My aunt is staying with us
私の叔母の肌が美しいです ー My aunty has beautiful skin
おばさんの名前はスーです ー My auntie’s name is Sue
1.) aunt (叔母) 「叔母」は英語でauntと訳せます。Auntは父母の姉妹のことです。ときどき甥子や姪子は「叔母」を呼ぶ時英語でauntieという呼び方もあります。
I'm going to visit my aunt during winter vacation. (冬休みで叔母さんに訪れます)
Your father's sister is your aunt. Your mother's sister is also your aunt.
My aunt on my father's side is having a party.
My auntie was my best friend growing up!
The sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle.
For example.
Who is that?
My aunt.
My dad's sister.
Oh. Then who is that?
My other aunt.
Your dad has two sisters?
No, my mum's sister.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
My aunt lives in Siatama.
Aunt Karen, over here!
What kind of person is your aunt?