・There are restrooms on every floor.
・You'll find a bathroom on any floor.
「トイレ」は restroom や bathroom と言えます。
every floor は「全ての階」、any floor だと「どの階でも」です。
You can switch out toilet, bathroom and restroom as they all mean the same thing. Each/every, in this context, indicate that all floors have their own separate restrooms.
*We have restrooms on every floor. -The word "we" implies that you are part of the company and you will be able to assist them fully.
*There are restrooms on every floor.- This is a direction of informing them. You can also go ahead and show them where exactly they are in that floor.
*We have restrooms on every floor. ”
"we" (私達)という言葉は話し手が組織の一員であり、相手を十分にお手伝いすることができるということを暗に意味しています。
*There are restrooms on every floor.”
You will find a bathroom/restroom on every/any floor
If you want to explain that there is a bathroom/restroom on every floor you can say 'every floor', 'any floor' or 'all floors' these all tell the person asking that all floors have a bathroom
All these sentences would be a good way to tell someone that all floors/every floor has a bathroom
In the UK we also use the word 'toilet'
If you want to let a person know about the locations of the restroom in the building, you can say "Every floor has a restroom." However if you want to give a specific location on that floor you can direct them like this: "You can find the restroom at/by/near the...(and the location)."
"Every floor has a restroom."
"You can find the restroom at/by/near the...(and the location)."
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that there is a bathroom or restroom on every floor. In the second sentence you will see the word each. This is a synonym of the word every. This word is used in both formal and informal settings, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
You can use any of these sentences:-
1. Every floor has its own restroom.
2. There is a restroom on each floor.
Both these sentences mean that each floor has a restroom.
1. Every floor has its own restroom.
2. There is a restroom on each floor.