The inner side of the hand is called the palm of the hand.
When you put your hands flat onto the table, you put your palms down onto the table. If you twist your hands around so that the knuckles are facing upwards, then the palms face down to the ground.
Sometimes a doctor or optician might ask you to "cover your eye with the pam of your hand".
手のひらは、palm of the handと言います。
医者や眼鏡店が、cover your eye with the pam of your hand.(手のひらで目を隠して下さい)と頼むときがあるかもしれません。
meaning to have someone or something where you want them
"i got this deal in the palm of my hand".
"i held the torch in the palm of my hand".
"I've got them eating out of the palm of my hand".
Meaning you have someone or a situation as you
want it to go.
"I got this deal in the palm of my hand".
"I held the torch in the palm of my hand".
"I've got them eating out of the palm of my hand".
The palm of your hand is the part of your hand in the middle and on the inside. There is a notion that some people can 'read palms', meaning that by looking at the lines on your palms, the person can actually tell your future and fortune! These people are known as 'palm readers'.
The palm of your handは、手の真ん中と内側の部分です。手相を読める人がいると考えられていて、その人は手のひらの線を見れば、あなたの将来や運勢が分かると言われています。この様な人は'palm readers'(手相占い師)として知られています。
Explanation: The palm is the area on the front of your hand below your fingers. The flat of your hand is your palm and fingers
Example sentence: 'She smoothed the bed sheet with the flat of her hand.
The flat of your handは指を含む手のひらのエリアを意味します。
She smoothed the bed sheet with the flat of her hand.
I don't believe the future or past can be seen in the Palm of the hand!
The Palm is supposed to show our "life line" and reveal all kinds of details on our life and loves...(but I am not buying that!)
"I don't believe the future or past can be seen in the Palm of the hand!"
"I don't believe the future or past can be seen in the Palm of the hand!"
手のひらにできたしわを読む占いのことは「palm reading」といいます。
My palms hurt.
I was twelve when I got my first palm reading.
Show me your palm.
“Palm of your hand”のよく使います。手のひら直接英語にしたら”palm of your hand”になります。
もしパワーはある時、皆になんか言って何でもしてくる時は”palm of my hand”使える。
I have them eating out of the palm of my hand
My hand is so itchy