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アメリカでは おうちの中に入るとき、土足で入りますよね。
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2018/02/26 13:37
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  • Walking with your shoes on

  • Not walking barefoot

  • Shod

Shod is an old word which is rarely used in this context these days, was used more to describe horses who had been "shod" i.e. wearing horshoes.
Shod は現在この意味ではあまり使われることのない古い言葉です。 蹄鉄を付けている馬を指して使われる言葉でした。 例文: wearing horshoes. (蹄鉄をつけている)
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • walk with shoes on.

If you are walking without shoes we say "you are walking barefooted." Barefoot is another term to mean "without shoes". There is also another phrase "to walk in my shoes". This means that a person can understand someone's situation if they experience exactly what you went through.
靴を履かないで歩いている場合、"you are walking barefooted." と言います。 Barefootとは靴を履いていない状態を表す別の言葉です。 "to walk in my shoes"という別のフレーズもあります。 これは相手と同じような経験をすれば、その人の状況を理解できるという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • footwear

  • He had footwear on when he came to the door I asked him to remove his shoes!

Footwear is the general term used to describe shoes in their many styles... When we go without we are " walking bare footed". When we dress up we must of course have shoes and socks to go outside... "He had footwear on when he came to the door I asked him to remove his shoes!"
Footwear とは「靴」という意味で、様々なタイプの靴に使うことができます。 靴を履かないときは " walking bare footed"(裸足で歩くこと)です。ドレスアップするときはもちろん外出するために靴と靴下を身につけます。 "He had footwear on when he came to the door I asked him to remove his shoes!" 彼はドアに来た時靴を履いていたので靴を脱ぐように頼みました!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Walking with shoes on.

  • Wearing footwear.

If one is not wearing "footwear" you are walking barefoot. When you leave your house to go outside, you are walking with shoes on or you are wearing footwear. Such as shoes, boots, high heels, wellies etc...
もし "footwear" を履いていないなら、それは "barefoot"(はだし)です。 家の外に出ると、"walking with shoes on"(靴を履いて歩く)または "wearing footwear"(履物を履く)します。 "footwear" は靴、ブーツ、ハイヒール、ウェリントン・ブーツなどをいいます。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • walk with shoes on

  • Not walking barefoot

you would simply say to 'walk with shoes on' this explains what you mean barefoot means you don't have shoes on - so your feet are bare or have nothing on them
シンプルに 'walk with shoes on'(靴を履いて歩く)と言えます。これであなたの言いたいことが説明できます。 "barefoot" は、靴を履いていないことをいいます。'foot'(足)が 'bare'(裸の)ということ。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • walk with your shoes on

  • using your shoes to walk

you would usually walk with shoes, sandals, heels etc. to 'use' something is to adopt something with often benefits of the particular thing ex "I use an oven to cook" "you would often wear shoes when you walk"
歩くときにはたいてい、靴(shoes)、サンダル(sandals)、ハイヒール(heels)などを履きます。 'use' は、よい効果を期待して何かを採用することをいいます。 例: "I use an oven to cook"(料理にはオーブンを使います) "you would often wear shoes when you walk"(歩くときには靴を履くことが多いです)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Wearing shoes

  • Wearing trainers

  • Wearing flip flops

When you walk with shoes on, you can describe that by using one of the above suggestions. Since people in modern society invariably wear shoes, it is most common to state what kind of footwear someone is wearing. The general name for 'things worn on feet' is 'footwear.' 'John was wearing brown, leather sandals.' 'John had no footwear.'
靴を履かずに歩くことは、上記の表現で表すことができます。 現代の人は必ず靴を履くので、普通は何の履物を履くのかを言います。足に履くものを表す一般語は 'footwear'(履物)です。 'John was wearing brown, leather sandals.'(ジョンは茶色い革のサンダルを履いていました) 'John had no footwear.'(ジョンは履物を何も履いていませんでした)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wearing shoes

  • Have shoes on

  • footwear

Walking with shoes on your feet is the opposite of walking barefooted. Footwear is what we dress our feet with for comfort and travel.
Walking with shoes on your feet' は 'Walking barefooted'(はだしで歩く)の反対です。 'Footwear' は歩くときに足に身につけるものをいいます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • walking with your shoes on

  • not barefoot

If we say you are walking "barefoot" we mean that you are walking around with no shoes or socks on your feet. The opposite is "walking around with shoes on".
"walking barefoot" は靴や靴下をはかず「はだしで歩く」という意味です。その反対は "walking around with shoes on"(靴を履いて歩き回る)です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Walk with shoes on.

  • Wearing shoes.

To walk with shoes on means to be wearing shoes.
To walk with shoes' は「土足で歩く」という意味です。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • walk indoors with shoes on

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いましたm(__)m walk indoors with shoes on 「室内で靴を履いたまま歩く」 American people walk indoors with shoes on. 「アメリカ人は靴を履いたまま室内を歩く」 Don't walk indoors with your shoes on. 「靴を履いたまま室内を歩くな」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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