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マラソン大会に出た後、疲労のせいか足がすっごく痛かったです。 このような「足が痛い」症状を英語で言いたいです。
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2018/02/26 20:26
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  • My feet hurt.

  • My feet are killing me.

You can simply explain the pain in your feet by saying "My feet hurt" or "my feet are so sore". "My feet are killing me." This is a phrase commonly used in English to explain that something is very sore in this case it is your feet.
"My feet hurt" ([足](が[痛い](又は"my feet are so sore"(足が本当に痛い)と言って足の痛みをシンプルに説明することが出来ます。 hurt / hurts は「痛い」「痛む」という意味になります。 例文 "My feet are killing me." 足が痛い 痛いところがある時、この場合は足が痛いことを説明するためにイギリスで一般的に使われる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • My feet hurt

  • My feet are worn out

  • My feet are falling off!

The first example here is the most accurate, the second is slightly colloquial and the third very much so.
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • My feet are sore.

  • My feet are in serious pain.

▪ My feet are sore. Sore means that is painful. So that is saying that your feet are in pain. ▪ My feet are in serious pain. This is saying that your feet are hurting very, very much.
例文 ▪ My feet are sore. 足が痛い Soreは痛いということです。 ですから足が痛いと言っています。 例文 ▪ My feet are in serious pain. 足がかなり痛い。 足が本当に痛いと言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My feet are killing me!

  • My feet ache!

"My feet are killing me" is a very common and popular phrase to use when your feet hurt, especially after you have been using them for a long prolonged period of time. It does not mean that the pain is literally going to kill you, but just that they really hurt and you need to rest them.
"My feet are killing me" (足が痛い)は特に長期間に渡って使った後で足が痛い時に使うとても一般的で良く使われる表現です。 痛みが文字通り私を殺そうとしているという意味ではなく、足が本当に痛いので、休憩をする必要があるということです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • My feet are killing me!

  • My feet are throbbing!

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that your feet hurt after running a marathon. In the first sentence you will see an expression. When we say something is killing us we mean that something really hurts. So for example if you have a headache you can say "This headache is killing me" . I hope these two sentences and this explanation helps you out!
上の2文はマラソンに参加した後に足を痛めたことを表すのにとても良い方法です。 1文目には”my feet are killing me”(死にそうなほど足が痛いです)という表現があります。このような表現はどこかが激しく痛む時に用います。 したがって例えば頭が痛い時には”This headache is killing me.” (頭がとても痛いです)と言うことができます。これら2文とこの表現がご参考になりますように。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • feet hurt

  • my feet are killing me

example "I ran so far, when i stopped my feet were killing me". or "my feet are really tired". or "my legs are worn out, I've run so far".
例文 "I ran so far, when i stopped my feet were killing me". ここまで走ってきた。止まった時は足が痛かった "My feet are really tired". 足が本当に疲れた "my legs are worn out, I've run so far". ここまで走ってきて、足がクタクタだ
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • My feet are aching.

  • My feet hurt.

  • My feet are in pain.

There are several words that can be used to describe this. Ache is the most common type of pain that you would get after exercise as it is related to using muscles for a prolonged period of time. Hurt or in pain are more general terms to describe physical discomfort.
これを言い表すために使うことができる言葉はいくつかあります。 "Ache"は運動後に感じる最も一般的な痛みの種類です。これは筋肉を長時間使うことに関係しているからです。 "Hurt"または"in pain"は身体的な不快感を表すためのより一般的な用語です。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • My feet hurt.

  • My feet are sore.

  • My feet are in pain.

We can use all three of these examples to explain to someone that are feet are tired or, "in pain," after doing a long run or walk. We can use the verb, "to hurt," to express that they are in pain or we can say that our feet, "are sore," to mean the same.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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