世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/27 09:40
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  • It's dangerous, so don't do that.

dangerous = 危ない that = そんなこと don't do = しちゃダメ It's ~, so ~. (〜だから〜。)と言うフレーズは、お子様と一緒だと良く使うかもしれませんね。例えば、 It's cold, so don't forget to wear your jacket. (寒いから、コート着るの忘れないでね。) It's good for you, so please eat it. (体にいいんだから、食べてね。) 我が家には、2歳児がいるので、「危ないからそんなことしちゃダメ。」と言うフレーズも使いますよ。ちなみに、とても小さな子供に「これは、しちゃダメ。」と言いたい時は、That's a no-no. と言うこともできます。no-noとは、「いけない・してはいけないこと」のことを意味します。 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
Yuko Sakai サンフランシスコ在住ピアノ&英語講師、税理士、ユーチューバー、ブロガー
  • Don't do that, it is dangerous

  • Don't do that you are going to get hurt.

"Don't do that, it is dangerous." This explains to the child that they must stop doing what they are doing because it is dangerous. "Don't do that you are going to get hurt." This is another way of explaining to the child that they should not do it because it is dangerous so they will get hurt.
例文 "Don't do that, it is dangerous." そんなことをしてはダメ、危ないでしょう 危ないので今やっていることを止めなければいけないと子供に説明しています。 例文 "Don't do that you are going to get hurt." ケガをする前にそんなことをするのを止めなさい 危ないのでケガをするからそのことをすべきではないと子供に説明する別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Stop doing that, it's dangerous.

  • Don't do that you might harm yourself.

  • Don't play with that object it's harmful.

*Stop doing that, it's dangerous.- Children can at times play with things that are dangerous unknowingly and the naughty ones knows but still goes ahead. Unknowingly means to do something/say something without prior knowledge. Naughty child is a child who behaves in a badly manner. *Don't do that you might harm yourself.-To harm means to hurt. A: Ted won't be coming to school today, he harmed himself while playing with his friends. B: Oh I'm sorry about that. Thanks for informing me. *Don't play with that object it's harmful. - Harmful means dangerous. Opposite of harmful is harmless.
例文 *Stop doing that, it's dangerous. そんなことをするのを止めて、危ないから 子供は知らずに危険な物で遊ぶことがあり、naughty(わんぱく)な子は分かっていてもそのまま続けます。 Unknowingly は、知らないことを言ったり、したりするということです。naughty(わんぱく)な子供とは、行儀の悪い子供です。 例文 *Don't do that you might harm yourself. そんなことをしてはダメよ、ケガをするよ harmはケガをするということです。 A: Ted won't be coming to school today, he harmed himself while playing with his friends. テッドは今日は学校に来ない、友達と遊んでいてケガをした B: Oh I'm sorry about that. Thanks for informing me. まぁ、お気の毒に。知らせてくれてありがとう *Don't play with that object it's harmful. それで遊ばないで、危ないから Harmfulは危険だということです。harmfulの反対はharmlessです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

Such an expression is completely archaic. It goes back to the TV show "Lost in Space" when the robot warned the young Will Robinson of danger. In reality, the expression is used, not to express actual danger, but to indicate something that should be merely avoided as if it was a danger. It's more of an American pop culture expression.
この表現はとても古いものです。 "Lost in Space" というテレビで、ロボットが若いウィルロビンソンに危険を警告するときに使ったセリフです。 実際に、この表現は使われますが、実際の危険を伝えるだけではなく、危険であるかのような避けるべきことも示します。アメリカのポップカルチャーの表現です。
Rickie DMM英会話講師
  • You'll hurt yourself doing that!

Explanation:- To hurt oneself means that you may be damaged either physically or psychologically by something. Sample sentence:- "Be careful with that knife or you'll hurt yourself."
解説:(誰かを)傷つける hurt oneself とはあなたが身体的にまたは精神的に誰かに攻撃されたと意味します。 例文: "Be careful with that knife or you'll hurt yourself." (そのナイフに気をつけないと、怪我するよ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do not do that again, please because it is dangerous.

  • That is dangerous. Don't do it again.

  • You could hurt yourself doing that. Don't do it again.

If your child is doing something dangerous and you want them to stop you can say, "You could hurt yourself. Please, don't do that again." Most young kids don't know the meaning of the word dangerous. So most parents say "hurt yourself". For example: Don't do that. You could hurt yourself. Please be careful. You could hurt yourself. For older children, you could say, "That is dangerous. Don't do it again." You shouldn't do that because it is dangerous.
自分の子どもが何か危険なことをしていて、それを止めさせたいのであれば、例えば: "You could hurt yourself. Please, don't do that again." (けがするよ。もう二度とやらないで) 幼い子の大半は"dangerous"という言葉の意味が分かりません。ですから、"hurt yourself"(怪我をする)と言う親が多いです。 例えば: Don't do that. You could hurt yourself. (そんなことしちゃダメ。けがするよ) Please be careful. You could hurt yourself. (気を付けて。けがするよ) もう少し大きな子には、以下のように言えます: "That is dangerous. Don't do it again." (危ないよ。もうしちゃダメ) You shouldn't do that because it is dangerous. (危ないからそんなことしちゃダメ)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Don't do that because it's dangerous

  • Don't do that as you might hurt yourself

  • Stop that, its a dangerous thing to do

If something is dangerous it can cause harm or injury to someone if done the wrong way so you could either say " don't do that because it's dangerous" or " don't do that as you might hurt yourself" would mean the same thing If you need to stop them quickly you could just say "stop that!, it's a dangerous thing to do" it might stop them quicker
「dangerous」は、危険なこと(間違ったやり方をするとけがなどにつながること)を表します。 次のように言えます: "Don't do that because it's dangerous." 「危ないからそんなことしちゃだめ」 または、 "Don't do that as you might hurt yourself." 「危ないからそんなことしちゃだめ」 どちらも同じ意味です。 素早く止めないといけないときには、例えば: "Stop that! It's a dangerous thing to do." 「やめなさい。危ないじゃないの」 この方が早く止められるかもしれません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Stop doing that! It's dangerous

  • Don't do that because it is dangerous

  • You shouldn't do that again because it's not safe

When you want to tell your child to stop doing something because it is dangerous, they you can say it in the following ways: -Stop doing that! It's dangerous -Don't do that because it is dangerous -You shouldn't do that again because it's not safe
子どもに危ないからやめるように言いたいときは、以下のフレーズが使えます: Stop doing that! It's dangerous.(やめなさい。危ないじゃない。) Don't do that because it is dangerous.(危険だからそんなことしちゃだめ。) You shouldn't do that again because it's not safe.(危ないから、もうしちゃだめだよ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Don't do such dangerous things.

Don't do such dangerous things. 「そんな危ないことをするな」 の意味ですね♪ don'tから始まっているので、この文は命令文の否定ですね。 suchは「そのような」の意味です。 シンプルにこのようにまとめることも出来ますね(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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