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2016/02/08 07:43
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  • It's been really cloudy lately.

  • Lately, It's been really cloudy.

  • It's been nothing but cloudy lately.

これってよく使うフレーズですね! 「最近」ということばは英語で訳すと「Lately」になります。これは「副詞」という言葉なのでフレーズの前、もしくはフレーズの後ろにつけることができます。 「ずっと」の直訳は「the whole time」または「always」と言う意味ですが、ネイティブはそう言いません。「really」の直訳が「とても」と言う意味になっても、この場合は「ずっと」という意味が伝わります。
  • I haven't been able to see anything but clouds recently

  • I'm starting to miss the blue sky because it's been cloudy the whole time

  • Its been nothing but clouds every day for the past few weeks!!

殆どアーサー・コーチのアドバイスでよく使う自然なフレーズは紹介されていますので、あえて違うパターンを幾つか挙げてみますね。 “haven’t been able to…” という言い方は、「~することができないでいる」と訳します。また、“anything but….” という部分は、 「○○以外は何も」と訳しますので、これらの表現を採用した最初の例文では、「最近は雲以外見ることができないままでいるよ」という文になります。 二個目の例文はまた違った角度からの言い方。“starting to miss”、「そろそろ恋しくなってきた」という「青空は見れていないのさ」というニュアンスを入れたもう一つの表現。 最後は“Nothing but”(~以外は全く無い)という上記の似た表現の“anything” を使った場合より少し強調させた表現、「ここ数週間は毎日雲以外見れていない」という文になりますね。この“past few weeks” を“past few days”(数日)、“past few years”(ここ数年)、また“past few months”(ここ数か月)というふうに変えて他の文に応用して使うこともできますので覚えておくと便利かも。 天気などに関する話題や表現は本当によく使い、下手すると毎日同じことを言わなければならない時があります。そんな時にはなるべく多くの違った言い方や表現を毎回変えて使えばオウムのイメージがつかなくて済みますね~!! 英語がんばってください!!
Hara Ken English teacher
  • It has been cloudy lately.

  • I can't see clear sky lately.

ずっと~です。というニュアンスだと現在完了形を使います。 曇り=cloudy 晴れ=sunny It has been cloudy lately.で最近ずっと曇りです。という意味になります。 最近=lately すっきりとした空を見れない、などという言い方に変えて I can't see clear sky lately.でも伝わりますのでいろんな言い方を考えてみてください!
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • Lately, it has been cloudy.

  • Everyday it is cloudy.

Lately, it has been cloudy. Everyday it is cloudy. it means it is always cloudy
"Lately, it has been cloudy. Everyday it is cloudy. Lately, it has been cloudy. 最近、ずっと曇りです。 Everyday it is cloudy. 毎日曇りです。 常に曇りの天気時に使えます。"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It's been grey skies the past few days.

We use 'grey skies' to describe when it is cloudy weather due to the colour of the clouds. Clear weather is described as 'blues skies' due to the blue colour of the sky.
'grey skies' は、曇り空が灰色のことからこう言います。晴天は、一方で青い空模様からblue skiesと言います。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Overcast

  • Cloudy

  • Inclement weather

When the sky seems dark in the day time, one may consider this as inclement or "bad" weather. This implies that the weather is not sunny and is likely to rain. It may also show that the sky is covered in clouds. When there are a lot of big and dark clouds in the sky.
昼間に空が暗い時、このことをinclement 又は "bad" weatherと言います。晴れてなく、雨が降りそうだということです。 空が雲で覆われているということを表していることもあります。空にたくさん大きなあつく暗い雲があるような時に使います。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • We're having overcast days mostly.

  • The weather has been grey and cloudy lately.

When we say that it is "overcast", we mean that there are only clouds in the sky and that we cannot see the clear, blue sky anymore. If it is also raining, you could just add to the sentence. You would then say "We're having overcast and rainy days mostly." When we describe the weather as being "grey", we are making a reference to the color of the sky when the sky is overcast. Thank you for your question, hope this helps!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • It has been very cloudy recently, not a hint of sun

  • The weather has been very overcast recently

Everybody talks about the weather. It is a good way of starting a conversation. Especially if there has been an abrupt change. In the first sentence "not a hit of sun" means not a trace or a very small piece, that is to say we can't even see a little bit of sun in the sky. "Overcast" is another way of saying "cloudy"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • It has been really cloudy lately.

Stating that it has been really cloudy lately. Means that in recent times the weather has mainly been cloudy. Here is an example of a dialogue: How has the weather been recently? It has been really cloudy lately, I could do with some more sunshine to be honest.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • It's been pretty overcast recently

  • Recently its been cloudy most days

Situations where this word/phrase is used: social, business, formal, informal, discussing the weather. Type of word/phrase: standard language Example of this word/phrase: "We've had some sunny periods recently, but in general, its been cloudy most days."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's been cloudy a lot lately.

  • It's been really cloudy.

こんにちは。 「最近、ずっとくもりです」は下記のような言い方もできます。 ・It's been cloudy a lot lately. 最近ずっと曇りです。 ・It's been really cloudy. 最近とても曇っています。 cloudy は「曇り」という意味の英語表現です。 他には sunny(晴れ)や rainy(雨)などもあります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It's been mostly cloudy, lately.

  • As of late, it's been rather cloudy.

The phrase "as of late" and lately are synonyms. Both mean that it has been cloudy recently. Recently meaning in the last few days or weeks (even months, however not in this case). The adverb "rather" in this context means, to a certain or significant extent or degree. It's been rather cloudy = It's been quiet cloudy.
as of late と lately はだいたい同じ意味です。 どちらを使っても「最近(recently)曇っている」という意味になります。recently は「ここ数日, ここ数週間」という意味です(場合によって「ここ数カ月」を表すこともあります)。 副詞の "rather" はここでは「ある程度, かなり」という意味です。 It's been rather cloudy = It's been quiet cloudy.
Lenae DMM英会話講師
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