世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/16 17:29
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  • I've just been watching movies and reading at home

  • Movie book movie

  • Same old, same old

If life is a bit boring at the moment and you usually watch movies and read books in your free time, then you may reply: "Same old, same old," to mean that it is just the same routine as usual. A quick and funny response may be: "Movie, book, movie." If you think your pastime is quite an ordinary activity and hardly worth mentioning, you can include the word 'just' in your response.
今の生活が少し退屈で、[空いている時間](にいつも映画を観たり読書をしたりしている場合は、"Same old, same old"と答えるかもしれません。これはただいつも通りという意味です。 早くおもしろい返答は、"Movie, book, movie."([映画](、本、映画)かもしれません。 自由時間にまったく普通の活動しかしておらず、話す価値がほとんどないと思われる場合は、返答に'just' という言葉を含めるとよいでしょう。 I've just been watching movies and reading at home ずっと家で映画を見たり本を読んだりしていた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Nowadays, I spend a lot of time reading lots of books because I have a lot of free time.

  • Lately, I spend a lot of time watching many movies.

Nowadays means the same thing as "lately," and "recently." It can also mean "currently," as in "in this current decade/year/age/generation." e.g. 1/ Nowadays, I spend a lot of time watching many movies. e.g. 2/ Nowadays, kids don't read many books, like they did in the past.
Nowadaysは、"lately"や"recently"と同じ意味です。 "in this current decade/year/age/generation"(この10年/今年/現在の年齢/現在の世代)のように、"currently"を意味することもあります。 【例文】 Nowadays, I spend a lot of time watching many movies.([最近](、[映画をたくさん観る](のに時間を費やしている) Nowadays, kids don't read many books, like they did in the past.(最近の子供たちは、以前の子供たちのように本をあまり読まない)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I've been watching movies alot lately

  • Lately i have been watching alot of movies alot of the time

  • Most of my time lately/recently i have been watching movies

If you want to say you have been spending most of your time doing something then you could say 'alot lately', 'alot of the time' or 'most of my time lately/recently' Lately means not a long time ago you could also use the term 'recently' meaning not so long ago as well All these explain how you have spent your time recently/lately
”A lot lately"、”A lot of the time"、”Most of my time lately/recently"は「最近よく」という意味のフレーズです。 ”Lately”は「最近」という意味です。”Recently"は”Lately"の同義語です。上記例文はどれも貴方が最近どのように時間を過ごしていたのかについて説明する文章です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have been spending most of my time watching movies.

"Have been" is used to describe a continued action and is the best way to talk about what you have been doing over the period of time since you last saw that person. I hope that this helps. :)
"Have been"は継続している動作を表す時に使われます、久しぶりに会った人にその間何をしていたのか伝えるのにベストな言い方です。 お役に立てれば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Lately, I've been watching movies at home all the time.

  • All I've been doing lately is watching movies at home.

  • I've been vegging at home lately.

The first two expressions are two ways of expressing that recently all you have been doing is watching movies at home. The final expression is a colloquial way of saying you are just watching tv or movies all the time. Similar to when someone is referred to as a couch potato.
一つ目と二つ目の例文は「最近、家で映画ばかり観ている」ことを表します。 三つ目の例文は、口語でテレビや映画ばかり観ていて「だらけている」という意味です。Couch Potato(テレビばかり観ている人)と同じニュアンスです。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • I have been reading a lot as of late.

  • Recently I've been .....

  • Lately I've ..... a lot.

We use terms like, "as of late", "lately", and "recently" are used to describe a short period of time before now.
"as of late" と "lately" "recently" は、少し前から現在までの間を表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I spend most of my time watching movies

  • All of my free time is spent reading books

  • I haven't been up to much lately except reading books and watching movies

If someone asks you "have you done anything exciting lately?", you could reply "I haven't been up to much lately except reading books and watching movies". Alternatively, if someone asks you "what do you like to get up to in your free time?", you could reply "all of my free time is spent reading books" or "I spend most of my time watching movies".
もし誰かに、 "have you done anything exciting lately?"(最近何か面白いことありましたか) と聞かれたら、次のように答えることができます。 "I haven't been up to much lately except reading books and watching movies"(最近は本を読んだり映画を見たぐらいで、たいしたことはしていません) また、誰かに、 "What do you like to get up to in your free time?"(暇な時には何をするのが好きですか) と聞かれたら、次のように答えることができます。 "All of my free time is spent reading books"(暇な時はいつも本を読んでいます) または、 "I spend most of my time watching movies".(時間がある時はたいてい映画を見て過ごします。)
Suzi DMM英語講師
  • Lately I have spent a lot of time watching movies at home.

  • Lately I have spent a lot of time reading books at home.

他のアンカーの方と回答かぶっていますが、おっしゃっている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Lately I have spent a lot of time watching movies at home. 「最近、家で映画を見ることにたくさんの時間を費やしています」 Lately I have spent a lot of time reading books at home. 「最近、家で本を読むことにたくさんの時間を費やしています」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI
  • I've been busy learning English.

  • I have been spending a lot of time reading.

You can replace the activity which I chose with whichever activity you prefer. "I have been busy (doing something)." - I have been been practicing baseball -I have been busy painting. etc. Remember that you don't even need to use "busy". You could simply just say "I have been painting." Secondly, we use the verb "spend" with "time" to express that we have used up the time that we had. For example, "I have been spending time (doing something)."
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
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